

Streaming Zombi Child Watch Full Length




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Tomatometer=6,6 / 10 star directed by=Bertrand Bonello 2019 Fantasy runtime=103 M actors=Wislanda Louimat. A criança zombie videos. A criança zombie games. A Criança zombie loan. A criança zombie man. I see Jaeden in the thumbnail. I click. A criança zombie game. A criança zombie youtube. I just watched this movie it was really good. Amazing zombie survival film. You get action with a story. It's my favorite next to the best zombie movie The Horde 🤗.

A criança zombie movie. Watch Online Zombi Watch Zombi movie watch What's Zombi watch online movies24free Zombi hd Online Now Zombi Child. watch online mtv. A criança zombies. A Criança zombie apocalypse. I genuinely cant get spooked by childs play. The doll is just outdated.

I wanted to marry him and he's gone

Nope (farts) not feeling it. A criança zombie full. Adrian c3 a7a zombie boy. Hi loves. thank you so much for watching <3 i can't wait to see you learn the dance! tag me in your dance videos so i can seeeeee hehehe. I LOVE YOU. The movie setting reminds me of a webtoon called “DEAD DAYS”. A Criança zombie garden.

A criança zombie video. A criança zombie 3. A Criança zombies 2. A criança zombie song. A criança zombie 2017. Emmm, I dont know what to think about this. “Emily Craven, please? ” I said to the receptionist while she clicked away on her computer. “Let’s see here…Oh, here we go…Miss Craven is in room 304. I’m showing she hasn’t had a guest since…oh wow…it’s been…” The young, raven haired receptionist looked up at me with hazel eyes. “A long time, right? ” I said, offering a smile. She halfheartedly gave her own and said, “Please sign in here. I’ll have an orderly here in just a moment. ” and passed me a clipboard. I stared at the form on the clipboard, specifically the line reading “Relation to Resident” for a long moment while the receptionist called for an orderly. I still hadn’t quite gotten used to writing with my left hand, and my chicken scratch was barely legible as I filled the information in on the page. I tapped the pen on the “Relation” line a few times before relenting and scribbling the word “son”. I turned in the paperwork, and was told to follow the man in red scrubs. He introduced himself as Zachary, and as he led me through the halls of the nursing home, he rambled about how he found taking care of the elderly to be the most fulfilling thing. Zachary cheerfully greeted each of the gray, wrinkled, slipper-clad seniors that we passed. Some of them returned the love, and some simply went about their zombie-like behavior unaware that they’d been spoken to. “No, no, Mr. Rineer…” He said softly as a little old man tried to board the elevator with us. “Your room is just down the hall, remember? ” Zachary placed a hand on the diminutive man’s shoulders and turned him to face the correct direction. “I’ll come check on you in a few minutes. You better not have been spitting at nurses again! ” The orderly called and chuckled as the silver doors slid closed and he pressed the button labeled “3”. The ride up wasn’t a long one, but I don’t think Zachary took a single breath during it. He went on and on telling me all about Mr. Rineer and how he’s both forgetful and hateful, but awfully mobile for a man in his 90’s. The doors slid back open with a “ding”. “I can take it from here…you probably have your hands full with Mr. Rineer. ” I said as I stepped out of the elevator. “Oh, okay yeah…there’s a phone in the room. If you need anything just dial zero and Shelly will send me right up. ” Zachary called after me. I barely heard him. I was looking at the placards marking the room numbers. 304 was the second one on my right. It, like most of the others, stood open, and there inside I saw the woman who’d carried me in her womb for nine months. The woman that had given up her only child on the day of his birth in hopes of protecting him from his family’s curse. Her small, frail frame faced away from me as she sat at a vanity, running a brush over her long, silver hair. My heart raced as I propped my cane on the wall just outside of the room and rapped my knuckles on her door frame. She jumped a bit before slowly turning to face me, and I felt awful for startling her, and almost teared up when I laid eyes on her face. For the first time in my life, I looked upon my mother, and saw an old woman at the end of her life. Her wrinkled skin contorted as her lips curled into a toothless smile, and her faded blue eyes stared vacantly at me. The room was clinical, white walled, windowless. The small bed was lined with metal rails, and to the side was a clunky machine with blinking green lights flashing. A shiny metal walker complete with tennis ball feet stood beside the woman, and I knew that she needed it much more than I needed my cane. For mobility, anyway. The smell of menthol floated through the small room, adding to the medical feeling I got from the place. “Can we have beans for supper tonight? ” She spoke softly as she continued to brush her thinning white hair. “Miss Craven…I…” I started as I took a few steps toward her. On the vanity I saw a framed photo of a very young brunette holding a familiar looking doll sitting in a familiar red booth. “There’s something I need to tell you. ” I said as I knelt in front of the seated woman. “I hope nothing’s happened to the beans…but do you think the radio will play my favorite song today? ” She muttered, her words seeming distant, even to her. It was clear that she was suffering dementia, and my heart broke. I decided that I didn’t want to confuse her any further. “I’ll see about the radio for you, miss Craven. I just came to tell you that you’re a wonderful person. I’m so sorry for all of the bad things you’ve had to do. ” I said, and stood. “Do you like flowers? ” She asked. “Yeah, yeah I do. I’ll try to come visit again soon, miss Craven. ” I lied. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to bear seeing her like that more than once. I turned and began to walk away when she said something that stopped me in my tracks. “Collins’s. I gave you to the Collins’s. ” She said dreamily. I turned and knelt before her again. “Yeah. That’s right. You know who I am? ” I asked as the tears began to fall from my eyes. She placed a soft, tiny hand on my cheek. “You’re my handsome boy. ” She answered, her eyes widening and beaming, her smile expanding. “My handsome, handsome boy. ” I placed my left hand on hers and pressed it firmly to my cheek. “Yeah! ” I blurted out as I cried. “I never thought I’d meet my mother. ” I sputtered. “We have the same eyes. ” She said, looking into mine. I nodded, trying to compose myself. “I want you to know that I’m thankful for what you did for me, but I need you to know something. Do you remember Slappy’s? ” I asked, still clutching her hand. Her smile faded completely. “Maddox? ” She whispered. “That’s right, Maddox. I know you tried to hide me from him, but he found me. ” She brought her free hand to her mouth and gasped. Fear flooded her soft eyes. “Did he eat you?! ” She asked, horrified, obviously slipping away from lucidity. “N-no, no I made it out…just barely. ” I answered, fighting back the tears that begged to roll down my face again. “That’s so good, honey. ” My mother said, lowering her hand to pat my other, and noticing it was missing. After hesitating a brief second, she placed her palm lightly onto my nub and patted it gently. “I…I came to tell you that I’m going back. I hurt him…I hurt Maddox before…and now…now I know how to kill him. ” I said. She stared at me blankly, and I could tell that she was losing herself. “I just…I came to meet you, just in case things go bad, which they most likely will. I wanted to know you, and for you to know that I truly appreciate the sacrifice you made…” She smiled vacantly. “That’s so good. Can we have beans for dinner? ” I smiled weakly, removed her palm from my cheek, and placed a light kiss on the wrinkled, liver-spotted hand. As I stood, I reached into the deep pocket of my jacket, and pulled from it the ugly, mangy little doll. “Eliza! ” She exclaimed and actually clapped her hands together a few times, a very child-like gesture. I placed the doll on the vanity, and said goodbye. “Bye-bye! ” She returned joyously, and waved. As I exited the room, I grabbed my cane and called the elevator. It dinged after a moment, and the doors slid open. “Hey, Mr. Collins, I was just coming to check on you! ” Zachary the orderly said happily. “How did your visit go? ” “She gets beans for dinner tonight. No exceptions. Can you make sure that happens for me, Zachary? ” I spoke firmly, pulling a hundred from my pocket and offering it to the orderly. “Y-yeah, sure thing. ” He said, cautiously taking the money. He went silent for the remainder of our ride. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I saw the lizard pupil dilate as it looked upon the explosive laden man. The contractions of the floor and quivering of the walls lasted only a second, but it was along enough to convey that Maddox had felt…SOMETHING. “Well…what have we here? Something on your mind, Terry? ” The smooth vocals dripped from every surface as the cords covering them vibrated. “No one is doing ANYTHING until my son walks out of here. After that, you can all go nuts, but Jimmy leaves first. Period. ” Terry said sternly, waving the detonator around giving everyone an eyeful. His eyes were full of resolve. McGrath raised his hands to the middle of his chest, palms facing outward, and took a few steps back. The others followed his lead, Penny dragging her sister, and the Night Surgeon pulling me by the shoulders. “So…that’s it…” Maddox said, saccharin voiced. “Why didn’t you say so? I’m guessing you want the same deal as McGrath, right? Trade places with your son…shame he’ll be stuck with your body, but hey, a meal is a meal. ” Suddenly, Jimmy appeared in the room with us, seemingly confused by his abrupt relocation. “Jimmy! ” Terry yelled kneeling, and the boy rushed to his father. The two finally embraced, albeit with Terry still gripping the detonator tightly. “Daddy, where are we? ” The young child asked, fear in his words. “Buddy, I want you to listen, okay? There’s no time to explain to you why, but soon you’ll be in my body. You’ll be alive again, would you like that? ” Terry said, barely controlling his erratic voice. “Your body? ” The young boy asked, as children do, and broke the embrace. “Where will you be? ” “Its like a trade, buddy. I’ll stay here, and you can leave…have a family if you want. Just live! ” The father said as he ruffled his son’s sandy hair. “Its so important, though, that you don’t take your finger off of this button until you’re outside, okay? Its called insurance. ” Terry said showing the device in his hand to his son. “You’re going to want to hold onto “insurance” until you’re outside, and then you’re going to flip this switch…only when you’re safe though. Then you can take off this vest, and that’s it, you’re done! ” “I can do it! ” Jimmy shouted, no doubt proud that his father had given him such an important task. I saw what Terry was doing by making the challenge clear…he was steering his son’s mind away from the realization that little Jimmy would be walking out of the diner alone, and in an adult body. It was smart. Seeing a father willing to do anything for a son he’d lost too early would have been moving had it not been for the terror that was glaring at the pair with a horrible gleam in it’s monstrous eye. “We just need one more thing. ” Maddox chuckled. The particles of air around me took on a subtle chill as another spirit began to manifest a few feet away. The black, leathery skin was still covered in patchy frost, and small icicles hung from the bill of the trucker’s hat. Judging from the plume of vapor that jutted from the specter’s chapped, parted lips, Ray had been freed from his cage, but not his torment. The ghastly spirit stood in the center of our half-assed semicircle for a second before slowly drawing the big hunting knife from the pouch on his gaunt waist and stiffly began stepping toward Terry and Jimmy. “Daddy! ” Jimmy squealed, clutching his fathers thigh. “What the hell is this?! ” Terry screeched, covering the young boy with his massive arms. “Relax…” Maddox commanded. “If young Jimmy here is going to drive a blade into your heart, I feel it poetic that it should be this one. ” He said as the corpse of Ray reached the two, stopped walking, and extended his near frozen hand presenting the knife. “Wait…What did you say...? ” I heard McGrath mumble, but his words were ignored. “Jimmy, take the knife. ” Maddox crooned, his soft voice almost carried an edge of comfort, but I suspected that it wasn’t for the child’s benefit. “Do it, son. ” Terry commanded, hate dripped from his words as he glared at his son’s killer with a fury I’d never be able to put into words. “I’m going to make every moment of your eternity worse than the last. ” He spat at the frozen phantom, pushing his son toward the sharp blade. Reluctantly, timidly, Jimmy placed his hand on the hilt. The dagger looked huge and menacing in his tiny hand as he held it, rushing back to his father’s embrace. “But-” McGrath croaked. “Quiet! You can wait your turn, Robert. ” Maddox roared. “Cant you see that this is Terry’s moment? Now, Jim-bo, go ahead and stick your daddy right in the heart. ” He chuckled. “Right here. ” Terry said, guiding his son’s small, shaking hand into position, touching the blade lightly to his chest near one of the vest’s straps. “I…cant. Daddy, I don’t want to hurt you! ” Jimmy said painfully. Tears were running down his soft, innocent face. “You wont buddy, you wont hurt me at all. ” Terry smiled gently at the boy, not making any attempt to hide his own tears. “Now do it, son! ” He shouted, and followed it with a scream as the silver blade slowly disappeared into his chest. “Dad? Dad?! ” Jimmy shouted as the man’s blood coated his small hands. Terry glared at the knife’s handle sticking out of his chest before looking up and around, confused. “But…it’s not…” He sputtered before blood began to drip from his lower lip. “Daddy, no! ” Jimmy shouted, quickly pulling the knife from his father and tossing it behind him. The weapon landed just in front of me, where it slowly spun along the living floor. I wasted no time, and as subtly as I could, scooped it up and went to work sawing at the ropes holding my wrists. All eyes were on the scene playing out, so my bold act went unnoticed. “Jim-” Terry grunted, but was unable to finish even his word when Piper dragged her own blade across his throat. Blood rushed from the deadly wound, and she snaked her fingers into Terry’s hand, managing to pull the detonator free while also somehow keeping the plunger pressed in. The very instant that the detonator was secured, Maddox’s thin, slimy tongue shot out of the beak like a dart toward Terry. The organ’s length seemed unending as it flew into the bloody gash under Terry’s chin. It then proceeded to slither inside of the dying man, exiting his mouth before entering one of the nasal openings of his horrified face. The thin, forked tongue then exploded from Terry’s left eye. It had invaded Terry’s skull, and in a horrifying display, the pink tongue grew taught. It began to retract, and Terry fell to his side as he was slowly pulled over. Then, his limp body began to lurch toward the tentacle filled crater, being dragged toward the open gullet of the beak, leaving a trail of blood behind it. “No! NO! ” Jimmy was crying, watching in horror as his father’s body was drawn ever closer to the waiting maw. His cries were cut short, however, when the black, frostbitten hands grabbed him around his small throat. He kicked, but in vain, as he was lifted from behind by the walking corpse. It was terribly reminiscent of how Katie had been killed by the statue. The boy, however, stopped struggling much quicker. Maddox laughed uncontrollably as the boy’s limbs fell limp, and Ray dropped him. Jimmy’s tiny body lay on the ground for a brief moment before he evaporated just as Lydia, his protector, had before. “It…it didn’t work…” I heard McGrath say softly, and watched as he dropped to his knees. Maddox continued laughing as the body it was dragging toward it had reached the jutting tusks surrounding the beak. It seemed that the man’s shoulders were just wide enough for the body to get stuck between two of the crooked bones. No problem for Maddox, though, as the sound of tearing flesh mingled with his manic laughter. I watched in disgust as Terry’s neck stretched, and then tore. His head ripped free from the body he’d been hopeful would be his son’s vessel out of hell, and disappeared into the teeth beyond the inky beak. The rest of the man’s body lay limp, caught on the bones until Maddox decided to return to it’s subterranean domain. The mad cackling continued, as I sawed through the last of my binds. “Maddox! ” A still kneeling Robert McGrath yelled, cutting through the laughter like a knife through butter. “It was all bullshit?! The transfer…All lies, isn't it! ” He bolted to his feet as he hurled accusations at the eldritch horror. “You were never going to let me walk out of here! ” The walls rattled with glee. “But its been a fun century, hasn’t it? ” Maddox spoke coming down from it’s awful laugh. “Here’s to many, many more, Robbie. ” “Take her away. ” Robert hissed at Penny. “We aren’t giving him the satisfaction. ” “No…” Penny muttered softly, long gone to the influence of Maddox. “Now! ” Robert turned and yelled at his companion. “NO! ” She screamed back. “This is MY revenge, Robert. You wont take that away from me! ” “Oh, boohoo, poor me…” Piper chimed in stepping toward the bickering duo. “I don’t get to kill my sister, how sad…” She flipped the switch on the detonator just as Terry had shown Jimmy how to deactivate it, and tossed it aside. “Maybe you should appreciate Rob more…the way he protects you, because sweetie, some of us don’t even get the CHANCE for retribution. ” She pulled her knife and twirled it in front of her before driving it into Ray’s gut and dragging it upward through the phantom’s icy, decayed flesh. He began to fade and she continued. “Maybe you shouldn’t have that option anymore…maybe I should give you something to really whine about…” She finished, holding her blade toward Penny threateningly. “Piper! ” McGrath scolded. “Oh bitch, you’ve been jealous of my relationship with Rob for way too long. ” Penny said plainly, suddenly shifting the revolver from Abby’s temple toward the aggressive girl. Piper looked as if she were going to say something else but never got the opportunity, as the bullet tore through her skull with a loud “BANG”! The hole appeared almost perfectly in the center of Piper’s forehead, and fragments of skull and sinew exploded out the back of her rainbow hair. Her body fell backward like a rag doll and she dissipated as soon as she struck the thick, fleshy roots. Another catty wail came from the wall behind her as the bullet embedded in it. “Penny! ” McGrath shouted, shocked. His eyes further widened when she turned the barrel of her weapon on him. “She dies. Tonight! ” Penny said firmly, her brow furrowing as if to say “stay the fuck out of my way”. McGrath took a single step back, his steely blue eyes looking genuinely hurt as he glared at her. Abby, apparently, saw that as her best opportunity, and with every bit of might she could summon, viciously drove the back of her head into her sister’s pelvis. It was enough force to knock Penny off balance for a moment. The gun went off, though, sending a stray bullet through Robert McGrath’s left shoulder. He let out a scream and clutched the affected area, nearly drowning out the whining sound that Maddox gave off when the new shot landed on the far wall. Abby grabbed her off-balance sister behind both knees, and dragged her to the ground. She rolled herself on top of the screeching girl and fought hard in an attempt to wrestle the gun away. McGrath watched the two rotating women, saw them struggling for control of the pistol, and cast a glance at me before fading away. The wound was clearly not fatal, so I knew that he’d done so of his own volition. Taking Abby’s example to heart, I pulled my hand’s free of their severed binds, and rammed my own skull into the nylon clad groin of my captor. The Surgeon’s grip on my shoulder’s immediately loosened, and I flew to my feet, feeling the jolt of pain  from the bullet wound shoot up my leg. I fought the pain, turned, and socked the bowed, featureless head of the demon with my best right hook. In my left hand, I still held the hunting knife, and I plunged it into the ribcage of the cloth creature. I released the saber, leaving it planted in the Night Surgeon and watched as he stumbled backwards, blood and fluffy cotton both pouring from the wound. He fell to his knees, and I turned when I heard Abby’s call. “Jack! ” She screamed, and I saw that she’d manage to take control of the gun, tossing it in my direction as Penny still wrestled with her. She May have taken the weapon, but her younger sister had taken the dominant position a moment after. Penny straddled Abby’s torso, sitting on her elder sister’s hips, effectively disabling her. There was no way for Abby to get a footing, since she’d been robbed of those things required many years before. The two stilled, glaring at one another, hands grabbing each others’ hair. As I rushed to where the pistol had fallen, I heard Penny scream out. “I HATE you! ” Rage fueled her vitriolic words. I myself winced, eve though her anger was directed at her sister. I fumbled with the cool metal of the revolver, finally grabbing it in earnest, and wasted no time firing a shot into the ceiling above drawing the attention from the two fighters. “We’re leaving. All of us. ” I said, my ears ringing to the point I was nearly deafened. I approached the two women, and pointed the barrel at Penny, our earlier roles reversed. “Get off of her. Right now! ” I said. “No! ” Penny howled dramatically. “Now! ” I screamed back, my lungs pushing every drop of air from within. I pulled back on the hammer of the gun, and gripped it in both hands. “I wasn’t taught shit about how to shoot, but I wont miss this close, Penny. ” I reasoned. “Jack…Please…don’t. ” Abby pleaded for me to spare her sister, her single green, tear filled eye looked at me pathetically. “Get up, Penny! ” I ordered, and the girl’s released one another, Penny reluctantly stood, freeing Abby, and raised her hands in a motion of surrender. It struck me that Abby’s lack of mobility would be a problem, not to mention that I had no idea which direction would lead out of the cave, if any. I wouldn’t know that, but Penny would. “How the hell do we get out of here? ” I asked Penny in a raised voice. “You going to carry her out of here, Jack? Think you can do that while keeping that gun on me? Exit is that way…” She jerked her head in the opposite direction of the squirming mass of tentacles…“But you know we aren’t all leaving alive, don’t you? You’re going to have to either shoot me, or leave her. Or, Jack, you can walk away…leave us both to finish what you interrupted. ” She said smugly. Abby, using an elbow to prop herself up, opened her mouth, but didn’t speak. I think she knew that her sister was right. The second I tried to load her onto my back, Penny would strike. Everyone was silent as I took a moment, trying to make a decision for all involved. I was leaning toward shooting Penny, when the decision was made for me. Maddox, apparently unsatisfied with any of the options, once again extended it’s tongue. It flew toward Abby…whizzing through the air, it was no more than a blur before it wrapped around the floor bound woman’s slim torso. She shrieked and swatted at the thing with the hand not supporting her, only for the slimy tongue to entwine that appendage as well. Her terrified scream as it began to drag her was almost perfectly matched to Penny’s glee. Abby zipped across the wriggling floor as Penny shouted curses and slurs toward her sister, eyes gleaming with joyous insanity. “Jack, Jack please…not like this…please! ” Abby shouted between screams. She flailed her sole free hand around desperate to get a hold on the floor, but was unable to do so as she was pulled closer to the grotesque tusks. It was at those horrid spikes that she managed to get a grip, but it wasn’t the floor that she clutched. She clung to the decapitated body of Terry that was still stuck in those barbed, bony pillars. Her knuckles were white as she grasped with everything she had, and her screaming stopped. She cast her emerald eye on me, and spoke as the tongue pulled at her broken body. “You know what to do! Do it! Please, I’m ready, but I wont be it’s meal. ” She yelled. I did know. She was dying, we both knew that, and we both knew that she wanted it to be on her terms. I summoned everything inside of me, and pointed the gun at what the resolved girl was holding. Terry’s suicide vest. I squeezed the trigger, and the first shot went high, as I was a fair distance away. It struck the back wall and another soft screech from Maddox. I realigned my aim, and before I could pull the trigger the vibrations of the room roared again. “Jack…” Maddox’s voice called. “My Kind are immortal, we have been on this earth since it’s inception, and we will remain long after humanity has drawn it’s last breath. I am a bringer of death, you are merely an ant to me. Scurry away while you can. ” “Eat shit. ” I said, and heard Penny’s banshee scream immediately after. “No! ” She roared, rushing toward her sister. She jumped into the mass of tentacles, and dove toward the helpless Abby with vengeful eyes. “Penny, no! Run! ” Abby screamed, but it was too late. The bullet was leaving it’s chamber. A direct hit. The projectile had made contact with one of the packets of explosives and set off a chain reaction. Flames engulfed the siblings. The power of the detonation both tore free a large hunk of the flesh covered ceiling, rubble falling to the screeching batch of tendrils in the crater, and threw me several feet backward. I apparently wasn’t far enough away from the explosion as I felt the skin of my face tighten whilst my feet were lifted from the ground. My back collided with the floor, and I was ecstatic to feel the muscular roots beneath me writhing in pain. The agony in the screeches emanating from the walls was music to my ears. I wasn’t the only one thrown from the explosion, apparently, as while I lay there, aching and satisfied, a mitten-like hand had snaked itself around my ankle. I lifted my head to see the burning flakes of crimson moss raining down from the ceiling, disappearing into the black smoke puffing out of the crevice in the distance. My immediate concern, however, was the man in the singed nylon suit, clutching my leg. The hunting knife that still jutted out from the Night Surgeon’s ribs apparently was not enough to be fatal. However the bullet I’d pump into his head surely would be. I raised the gun, aimed at the center of the white orb that was the demon’s head, and squeezed the trigger. “Click. ” The revolver answered my call, disappointingly. Rapidly, I reset the hammer and pulled the trigger again, only to be met with another of the taunting “empty” sounds. Painto Presents.

A criança zombie apocalypse. Did anyone else think this sounded like a car commercial. BROOOOOO THAT WAS- OH MY GOSH I DIDN'T EXPECT THAT AT ALL. God bless Elijah Wood ❤️.

A Criança zombie survival. A Criança zombie. A Criança zombie mode. I feel like Invisible Man could have actually gone somewhere if he did fake his own death. not an invisible man killing people that's silly. A criança zombie story. I am wondering why the shed is no bigger than a dog house? Love the twangy guitar licks on the soundtrack. A Criança zombieland. Feeling cute might shit on someone's head later idk. Hey! I just created a zombie kids playlist on YouTube and added your video to it! Having your video on a playlist will increase visibility in the YouTube search I just learned. I also made a kid zombie video and would love to have it on your zombie kid playlist if you decide to create one! Here's mine.

A Criança zombie walk. Part2 A strange thing happened when I tried to deal with the "gift" that my time traveling/dimensional hopping daughter left for me. Maybe the future me was some kind of outdoors chick who could field strip a wild hare. But the current me threw the dead animal in the outside bin. We had to keep going; me, Kenneth and Kai. As my husband and 'new friend' slept, I gathered supplies. There were some suitcases, and packs that I filled with dry goods and other small containers that we could use for water on our journey. I also found some clothes. Although the sundress fit a little too loose, the men's size t-shirt and jeans seemed useable. Our group would look more like tourists and less like three patients who escaped a military hospital. But back to the dead rabbit. I think it's following us. We had to navigate our way south, on foot. Not even knowing if we would be safe. Ken could read in over a dozen languages and even spoke a little German, Russian and French. Of course, that meant Kai, as his clone, could as well. So I left it up to them to read street signs, towns, and other directions. But every once in awhile, out of the corner of my eye, I would see that distinctly bright white creature. It was the size of a wild hare but with the coloring of a pet bunny, like something that a parent would buy for their child from the local Petco. Even in the daylight, it could see it staring me down with its red eyes and crooked glare.  "What are you looking at? " Kai asked as we traversed through a field of dry grass. "Nothing. " "So you weren't looking at the giant ghost-rabbit? " Kai replied as he started to walk faster. "I'm going to scout out ahead. " "What? " I turned to him, just in time to trip on a rock, falling hard on my side. "Ow! fuck! " Ken rushed to my side. All while Kai kept walking. My husband, even with his weak, sick body and nearly blinded eyes, lifted me in his arms. "Are you ok? " I tried to answer but I could only cry. I wasn't in a terrible amount of pain, but the stress combined with pregnancy hormones had driven me to my breaking point.  Kai groaned as he turned around, from twenty feet ahead. "We need to keep moving. " "Going where? " I asked, my voice breaking with tears. "I'm pregnant, my leg hurts, I need to rest! " Mainly, I was God Damn exhausted from walking the entire length of Germany. Kai trudged on, disappearing into the dense shadowy forest. "Well, fuck you! " I screamed. "We'll be just fine without you! " Ken held me against his chest, rocking my body like a crying child. "You need to calm down, Barbie-girl. Kai's an asshole but he had a point, we can't stay in one place for too long. Getting found by the police isn't going to help anything. " I knew he was right, we had no passports, identification or anything. At the very least, I would get separated from my husband. Worst case, the local authorities would run our fingerprints, find out who we are. I would be sent to a mental asylum to die alone, but only after my baby was cut from my body. I had no idea how much time had passed since we left the hospital in Landstuhl. We would walk until we encountered food or water, only then we slept. My belly felt larger, heavier. How far along was I? Would my baby even survive? Ken was attempting to stand. By the position of his hands, I could tell he was going to try to carry me like a bride. Oh, crap. I readied my legs to catch myself since I already knew I was too heavy and he was too sick. "Ah shit, " Ken groaned as he fell to his knees, clenching his chest. "I'm so sorry. " "It's fine. I'm okay to walk, " I said, putting Ken's arm around my shoulder. We would need to share our weight, our pain. Both of us limping, we made our way to a nearby area of dense trees. We were so close to the Switz-Germany boarder. But did that mean anything? Would we be safe? We found a place to sit, where the branches were so dark, it felt like the sun already set. I was grateful for the chance to take a break. But without the light, it was also unbearably cold. "This could not get any worse. " I closed my eyes when suddenly I felt the barrel of a gun pressed against my neck. Silent tears started to flow. I heard the sound of handcuffs, and several men speaking German, French, and English. Something, something, "---American Military----" Something, something, "--Raised reward-----Dead or alive----" I swallowed hard. These people weren't police, they were bounty hunters. "But what about? ---" One man, with a thick German accent, motioned to my stomach. "She is pregnant? " Another man laughed. Something, something, "-----medical experiment-----harvest the little abomination. " A different man put me in handcuffs, and leg cuffs before putting an opaque black plastic bag over my head. It was just loose enough to allow me to breathe, but if I tried to scream I could easily cut off my air supply. I reached my hand, trying to feel where Ken was, but I felt nothing. Was he already dead? Were they going to kill me? My chest heaved as I cried hard, panic-stricken tears. I could hear laughter, more words in a foreign tongue. I tried to make out words, trying to convince myself that they weren't going to kill me. But what I made out was much worse; they wanted to rape me, the 'cute, sexy American whore. ' They would tie Ken to a tree and make him watch. My body tensed, awaiting the inevitable. They were going to touch me, cut me, hurt me. All I could do was pray that it would end quickly.  But no one came. I heard grunts, cursing, crying, screaming. It all ended with a single gunshot. And then the world went silent. I felt hands on my back, working their way down my arms. "Please don't, oh God please don't. My baby, please, don't hurt my baby. " The handcuffs unlocked, followed by the leg cuffs. The first thing I did with my newly freed hands was to tear off the plastic bag. Blinking my eyes, my vision cleared. There was blood, so much blood. Kai was wielding a massive weapon that appeared to be covered in hamburger meat. He hacked at the bodies, which were no longer struggling. The bloody chunks wiggled with the slightest death twitch as they bleed out. By the time he was finished, I could no longer tell how many bodies there had been. Crossing my arms over my chest, I felt sticky. My arms and legs were covered in blood. Choking back vomit, I looked around for Ken. Much to my surprise, it appeared that Kai had freed him first. My husband was gathering weapons and other supplies from the chunks of what used to be bodies.  Ken had so much blood on him, I could only assume he had fought alone side Kai. "You came back, Kai, " I said out loud. Kai dropped his blade. I had not noticed it before, but it looked like nothing more than a large chunk of scrap metal. "You're all I know, all I have. I want to be with you, even if I'm just a third wheel. " Ken patted Kai on the back. "I can't say I'm happy you're here, but you did save my wife and child, and for that, I am forever grateful. " "Well, at least, now we have a vehicle, " Kai said, twirling a set of keys in his hand. "And plenty of meat. " Uh, what? I raised an eyebrow. "Please tell me you're referring to their supplies. " "You wouldn't eat someone who tried to kill you? " Kai asked with a smirk. "Let's get out of here. " I turned to walk towards where Ken was loading up a vehicle. Part of me was glad he could see well enough to strip the corpses of our enemies but he was too visually impaired to drive. Kai leaned in and kissed my cheek. "I'd eat you, Barbie-girl. I think you'd be delicious. " He quit flirting just long enough to gather clothing and identifications. "Here, he tossed me a wallet, shirt, and pants. I wondered why but then I looked at the ID. One of the bounty hunters had been female. of course she hadn't been pregnant, but I could make do with covering my exposed stomach with a jacket. Or whatever was not covered in blood. "Did you find an ID for yourself and Ken? " "Yup, we're all good, " Kai replied confidently. He shook a water bottle, revealing it's nearly empty contents. I watched as Kai took off his blood-stained shirt. He splashed the small amount of water over his face. With the blood wiped from his eyes and cheeks, he looked presentable, even normal. Kai turned his back to me, as he pulled his long hair into a ponytail. My blood ran cold. On his back was a massive rabbit tattoo that had not been there before. He flexed his shoulder, reaching into the vehicle. "Score! " Kai pulled out a clean leather jacket covered in colorful patches. Even I had to admit it looked cool. I looked down at the wallet in my hands. Her name was Anna, she had been an American living in Russia. Ken put his arm around my shoulder, guiding me to the vehicle. "We need to move quickly. " Instead of taking me around the carnage,  we walked a diagonal line straight through the center, allowing me to take in the full extent of what we had done. I closed my eyes, burying my face in Ken's shoulder. When we reached the dark-green, military-style truck. I took a seat in the back and promptly vomited out the door with such force I nearly fell.  Ken had been sitting in the passenger seat so he was able to rush to my side. "You're ok. " he held me close, not even wiping my mouth. "Just rest your head and try to get some sleep. " "Ok. " I tried to look up, to get a glimpse at his face. But Ken sat next to me, pinning my face against his shoulder, so hard I could barely breathe. "Let's roll! " Kai shouted. I heard him slam the driver's side door as we sped off. After a few seconds, Ken released his grip, allowing me to sit up. I turned back to see a massive ball of flames. Oh, Dear God. I gripped my throat, trying to avoid screaming, crying or anything that would make me even more of a burden to my teammates. Ken held my hand. "With any luck, the police will think we're among the bodies. " I forced myself to nod. "Yeah... um... sounds good. " We drove into Switzerland without incident. But according to Kai, our goal was still France. "France is a hub for illegal immigrants, all the people trying to get into the UK. No one will notice us. " His reasoning seemed a little too simplistic but I was in no position to argue. We drove in the direction of Lyon until we found an open pasture, to stop for the night. "I'm going to grab stuff to start a fire, " Kai said, jumping out of the truck. "You and Ken should sleep against the side of the truck. " "To avoid being seen, by anyone on the road, " I replied. "Sounds good. " "There should be some extra clothes in the back if you're cold. " "Kai? " I reached for his hand as he left.  "Yeah? " "Thank you. " Kai only nodded. Ken and I made a bed using two duffle bags filled with leaves and other spare clothing. The final result was surprisingly comfortable. We cuddled close under the light of the moon. It wasn't uncomfortably cold. Wrapped in my husband's arms. I felt a calm soothing sense of peace. Even if someone was to come put a bullet in our heads at least we would be together. I closed my eyes to sleep. After a moment of quiet darkness, I felt a strong warmth, followed by the sound of a crackling fire. "Kai? " A young female chuckled, then sighed. "Why am I not surprised. " "Becca? " I set up, rubbing sleep from my eyes. My daughter was sitting on a rock, looking at me over the light of a campfire. She looked like a teenage version of myself but wearing camo gear. "He's going to force you to eat human flesh. " She blinked her eyes, like a doll, letting them sparkle with innocence as she spoke. "If you can't help me, leave me alone! " I screamed. The fire rippled causing her image to distort. "Oh, I'll help you alright. " I awoke to the spark hitting my arm and Ken coughing in my face. I quickly sat up. The fire was real but Becca as gone. Why was there a fire? I had no time to think about that, as Ken's eyes were glazed over. He couldn't breathe. I turned him on his side, to clear his airway. "Give him the last of the water, " Kai said. He was tending to a small fire while wrapping what appeared to be meat, in pieces of foil. "Is it in the truck? " "Yeah, I'll just use the fire to boil more. " "Thanks, " I said quietly. My eyes were stuck on Kai's project. "So, what are you making? " "Supper. " I retrieved the canteen along with a bowl. I planned to pour out a small amount of water and attempt to get my husband to sip without choking. I worked quickly. As soon as Ken took a few sips, he was able to breathe easier. "What's he cooking? " Kai had placed the foil packet in the fire and it smelled horrible. "Supper, I guess. " "Do you feel like vomiting? " "I think I'll be ok. Can we go chill in the truck in the truck? " the truck bed was made of metal so we would have to move our 'bed' but it seemed safer than sleeping outdoors. "You guys are seriously not eating? " Kai asked. He seemed genuinely disappointed. "Fuck it, more or me. " Somehow I managed to get back to sleep. I was no longer cold. I felt so comfortably warm. As I shifted my weight, my eyes forced themselves open. I noticed my hands were glowing. Rippled of blue energy stroked over my skin like a deep, tender massage with warm oils. I felt so good, I wanted to pull my hands to my chest. But they were stuck in place, around Ken's neck. My body was siphoning energy out of Ken. No, it wasn't me, it was the baby. "Why? " I asked out loud. But I knew why. Becca wanted me to make a move; murder Kai or watch my husband pass away. But there was a third option; I could give him my milk. I couldn't get comfortable on my back, so I laid on my side. I had not worn underwear in a few days, making masturbation easier. There had been many nights when I 'took matters into my own hands' if only to be able to sleep. So I knew for a fact that when I climaxed, the liquid that expelled from my breasts held the strange blue, lifegiving energy.  So I got to work. That was when I felt Ken's hand on my thigh. "What are you up to, Barbie? " Touching led to kissing, kissing lead to us making love. We had a little privacy since the back of the truck was covered in a tarp, but I could still see the light of Kai's fire. But where was Kai? "Don't stop on my account. " Kai was watching from a dark corner. "This is my game if you want to play you have to come closer. " Kai came forward, crawling on his knees as he slipped out of his jeans. Ken pressed his lips to my ear. "I want you to ride him, let the baby siphon his energy. " It made sense. With my husband's hands guiding my hips, I moved into reverse cowgirl position; sitting on Kai's lap, facing away. I heard moaning, grunting, then one final sentence. "She'll always be mine. " I don't even know which of the men said those words, but within the next few moments, it wouldn't matter. I turned around before Kai could finish. He was so still. Suddenly Kai's chest rose and he shot up like a zombie. His flail arms tore off the tarp, exposing our bodies to the moonlight. Kai's torso was covered in shimmery blue energy. But on closer inspection, I saw it was blood. Ken was next to him, resting his head on the younger man's shoulder. He was holding Kai's hand. "Ken? " my voice quivered. "Baby, what have you done? " Kai started to cough. He raised his hand, pointing with a finger as if he was writing on a chalkboard. "T-The fact is, " his voice was a quivery monotone, as his finger wrote out the letters of each word, "I was still sick. I need-ed to bind myself to Kai while I was still strong enough to do so. " I wanted to cry, or scream. I quickly moved to the far corner of the truck bed, which only put about two feet of space between myself and Kai. Kai slowly moved Ken's bloody corpse, enough to be able to sit up. "D-Did y-you know about this? Was this your plan all along? " His voice broke with sadness. "Are you crying? " I felt pissed off. He had no right. I had just lost the most precious person in my life. And Kai, or whatever the fuck his real name was, he was alive because I was too much of a coward to kill him to save my husband. Kai sat in the opposite corner, still nude, his legs pulled to his chest. "I-I can feel him. " He pursed his lips, as his eyes caught mine. "I-It's like he's a second voice in my head. " Tears sparkled in his blue eyes. "I'm seeing memories that I know for a fact don't belong to me. " "You already said you were given his mind. " "But I never had his childhood memories before. I can see his mother's face. And... " Kai cupped his hand over his mouth. "His thoughts from the past few weeks, they're pulsing in my head. Oh God, it hurts! " I felt pain, physical pain. A horrible burning sensation washed over my skin. The best I could compare it to would be a sudden sunburn or being locked in an oven. The air crackled with energy, leaving behind a distinct glowing portal. "Fucking loser, " said a familiar voice. Becca stepped through, wearing what appeared to be camo-patterned body armor. Her boots made a loud clank as she took a step towards me. "I guess this is goodbye. " "What? " The sound that came from my lips was nothing more than a breath. "I'm nuking this world. Maybe in a different reality, my mother won't be a stupid damsel in distress. " She hit a button on her wrist, causing a helmet to wrap over her face. She looked like something out of a video game. "It won't hurt for long. The last few versions of you died pretty easily. " I had an idea of what she was about to do. She came from a place with the technology to wipe out entire timelines. But I had one hope. Kai? Kai was slowing standing up. "Can you see her? " From his current position, he was standing behind Becca. And in her armor, she didn't appear to be able to see or hear him. I nodded, trying to avoid direct eye contact with him. If he was truly a supersoldier with two minds, perhaps he had a plan. Of course, I couldn't be that lucky. "I'm not stupid, where is he? " Becca asked, her voice digitized through her helmet. "Where is the fuckboy-clone that you chose over my father? " Kai lunged at her from behind. "Grab her! " Becca tried to fight him off, struggling under the weight of her armor. Wait, why didn't she just shoot him? I suddenly had a realization; Becca had no weapons. The armor's sole purpose was purely to be able to travel and activate the contained nuclear escape. We need to follow her through the portal! I hesitated for only a moment; could I leave behind everything in this world? I had to try. It's what Ken would have wanted.  If you're reading this then something went right. But now it was just a matter of where the hell I landed. To be concluded.

A criança zombie trailer. A criança zombie movies. Imagine if one requirement was to have a basement so like “hey do you have a basement” and ha would say” no” welp cant help you there. A criança zombie mod. 0:09 rIsE AnD shInE. A Criança zombie zombie. Looks like elijah would end up being the villain in the end lol, looks intriguing. At least he is driving latest bmw instead of old charger or mustang. 🔥 assimilate 🔥. Campy dialogue. Bu videonun 2. gelsin diyenler ( 1leyin sayımızı bilelim. Surely there was a Darling in the FranXX joke to be made here... Hello r/yugioh! You might remember me as the guy who hit you with a forty thousand characters (Reddit's length limit) deck profile just over a year ago, and if I stand before you all today it's to do exactly that all over again! If you read my previous post back then you should be in familiar territory today since I'll be structuring this post around the same way I did the last one: I- Introduction II- Structured Decklist III- Standard Plays IV- Conclusion Now that we're all clear, let's get our #DINODNA on! I- Introduction Even though I started playing Yu-Gi-Oh with the Zombie Madness Structure Deck close to 15 years ago without significant hiatuses, I only started attending locals when I moved to Canada for work-related reasons and ended up living 5 minutes by foot from what has since become my usual locals. Coincidentally, I started looking into attending tournaments at the time Dinosmasher's Fury got first revealed in the OCG and decided to practice that on YGOPro in order to get myself ready for a relatively budget entry into competitive Yu-Gi-Oh! Since then, and even though I dedicated some time to other decks over those two-and-a-half years, I've mainly focused on numerous Dinosaur variants ranging from True King to Thunder. Out of all of them however, the only I found myself inevitably coming back every few months or so and that I got renown for in our local community has been Lost World for reasons I'll detail in the next section.   Fortunately for me, the locals I ended up renting a room close to turned out to be the most active store in one of the top competitive cities in the country in regards to Yu-Gi-Oh. We attract between 25 and 40+ players twice per week with an impressive proportion of Regionals/YCS/Nationals Top Cut holders. If we take a look at the most recent YCS Niagara and disregarding the DQd Sky Striker player you may have heard about we still got four people into Top 32, three of them being regulars of our locals including one that I'm fortunate enough to be teammates with. (I favored the Pokémon Go Safari Zone at the time but I promise I'll try being there next time! ) Such a number of good players translates into getting to play against a variety of potent decks piloted by competent people, meaning that I got to hone this list against pretty much everything you could anticipate playing against at anything above casual level. On the top of my head I currently get to face Orcusts, Salamangreat, Strikers, Dracos, Guru, Altergeist, Pendulum and Thunder Guardragon on practically every round past the occasional kid/returning player round one with some rogueish decks like Muskets, Spyral or Infernoids sprinkled in on occasion.   A few banlists ago faced with Summon Sorceress' move to Forbidden status and the rising popularity of a terrible matchup in Orcust I decided to move away from the Thunder Danger Dinosaur deck I was piloting in favor of something else. I was growing tired of playing a deck that either autowon games off of its opening board alone or promptly scooped to popular floodgates you couldn't answer: Wins didn't feel very rewarding and losses made you feel like you didn't even get a shot at it that would allow you to look back at the game and analyze what could have been done better. (Everyone out there who was running Rivalry at the time, I would be immensely grateful if you could do me a solid and try having sexual intercourse with the nearest blender <3) It's at this point that I decided to have another go at Sky Strikers Lost World for the following reasons: The growing popularity of decks like Orcusts and Salamangreat that do not put up as oppressive of a board as the only two combo representatives in Pendulum and Thunder Guardragon meant that going second was a very reasonable gameplan, especially since Pendulum boards didn't prove impossible to break in testing leaving Thunder as the only truly unfavorable matchup. Lost World's ability to easily access and recycle Pankratops provided it with an insane amount of in-engine spot removal Dinosaur lists historically lacked. This paired with the Striker Engine's own set of tools further solidified the deck's place in my mind as the best Blind 2nd Dinosaur variant when compared to Shaddoll's abysmal performance against decks that do not rely on their Extra Deck much if at all like Altergeist, Guru and Draco while also being miles better at going first than Shaddoll is. Lost World's targeting prevention and chainblocking abilities alongside Miscellaneousaurus' protection and powerful "bait" factor made playing around disruption easier than with most decks, rewarding a good pilot's reads and anticipation. Speaking of Miscellaneousaurus, its recent delimitation allowed the deck to go the distance more than one would expect coming from a theme with such an OTK-oriented stigma attached to it, rewarding careful planning and resource management. The deck and extra deck space being historically lax allowed Lost World Dinosaur to pack more staples and techs than other Dinosaur variants and made siding far easier.   This ended up proving itself to be a really good call as I went on to perform consistently well for weeks then months on end, culminating in a Regionals Top 8 two months ago as we neared the end of the previous F/L list and of which you can find my Deck Profile here! With the current banlist thankfully not touching Engage and instead opting to reduce the overall output of the deck's hardest matchups in break-my-board strategies the list got to fare better than ever over the past few weeks netting myself multiple X-0 records at locals and consistent showings in top cuts.   With a few friends-of-friends asking me for lists and advice in light of my performance, I finally decided to bite the bullet and get to write the post I kept on promising them week after week. Buckle-up people, because we're only getting started! II- Structured Decklist Visual Decklist For those of us who got a look a the Deck Profile I linked above, and before we get into the decklist, keep in mind that some changes were made to adapt to the latest Forbidden and Limited List. With combo decks being overall toned down I opted to put further focus on the more control matchups, namely Salamangreat, Orcust, Sky Striker, Draco and Guru as I felt it would net me a better performance overall. That said, the deck allows for a decent amount of customization depending on the metagame you're preparing for so feel free to experiment on your end, I simply think that this is the overall best version of the deck for anything around Regionals+ level. Without further ado, let's get started! Main Deck (40 Cards. 19 Monsters/21 Spells) The Big Boys: Double Evolution Pill & Targets 2x Ultimate Conductor Tyranno 2x Dinowrestler Pankratops 1x Overtex Qoatlus 2x Double Evolution Pill The mindset I had going into building the deck was that I wanted to play my game as often as possible. This meant blinding second, packing standalone cards and spot removal, reducing the amount of garnet-like cards that didn't operate by themselves and being reasonable with the use of hard once-per-turn (or HOPT) cards. Those guidelines influence a lot of the ratios seen in this list and we're starting off with a prime example of that in the one-of Qoatlus: In my opinion, the addition of Pankratops helped remove a lot of pressure off of Qoatlus's back in backrow oriented matchups as all of them except maybe Sky Strikers fear the former moreso than the latter. This means that in most instances Qoatlus will only be used as a tool to get to Double Evolution Pill with UCT and Pankratops being the targets in monster- and backrow-oriented matchups respectively. With that in mind, and considering Lost World's ability to destroy from hand should you open Qoatlus and desperately need its GY effect, I figured the ability to mill one to summon the other wasn't worth the increased odds of bricking in the long run. As for the others and why they're all ran at two trust me on the fact that those aren't random ratios that I'm tip-toeing about and instead refer to my above point about HOPT cards: I've always been a strong advocate against running three UCTs as you'll never realistically be able to summon more than two in a single turn, one by its own condition and the second one via Pill, making the third one most often a win-more card at best and a brick at worst. A very similar reasoning can be followed regarding running two Pankratops. You're still able to summon one by its own method and the other throw the Dinowrestler Field Spell in a single turn, but both his summoning condition and destruction effect being HOPTs makes running three too cloggy for my taste, especially considering how easy it is for the deck to keep on recycling a single one anyway. Lastly, the ease of access to Evolution Pill through Oviraptor, Foolish Burial or Lost World's protection effect means that you don't actually need to open it in order to eventually use it. You however do not want opening one to mean that Qoatlus' effect is now void of targets and as such 2 seems like the most fitting ratio here. The Deck's heart: Dinosaur Core 3x Souleating Oviraptor 3x Miscellaneousaurus 1x Babycerasaurus 1x Petiteranodon 1x Giant Rex 1x Jurrac Aeolo 3x Fossil Dig 1x Foolish Burial I don't believe much needs to be said about Oviraptor, Fossil Dig and Miscellaneousaurus' 3-of status. The former two are your consistency pieces while the latter serves as protection, forces negates and allows you to keep the pressure on in the grindier games. Foolish shouldn't be a surprise to anyone else either as it can be considered as a "third, more flexible copy of Evolution Pill". I'll however make some comments about those other 1-ofs. Giant Rex is your best friend when it comes to managing your resources. Not only does it serve as an extender when mounting your initial offense, it also virtually reduces the banishing cost of Miscellaneousaurus, Evolution Pill and UCT by one once per turn. Combined with the deck's newfound ability to apply pressure without having to banish thanks to Pankratops, Rex ensures that you'll keep enough Dinosaurs available throughout multiple turns while endlessly threatening to turn into a Rank 4 at a moment's notice. Lastly keep in mind that when summoning Oviraptor off of Rex having been banished by Miscellaneousaurus you can put order your chain links so that Rex prevents Oviraptor's and possibly Lost World's effects from being disrupted. Aeolo is every Dinosaur player's worst nightmare due to its eerie ability to end up in their opening hand every time, but the growing pool of link monsters only strengthened its position as a necessary evil. Not only does its presence allow Oviraptor to turn into Cerberus, Phoenix or Hiita on a whim but its level algo gives it the very important niche of being an in-engine "non-Dinosaur" through Linkuriboh, allowing you to feed Pill's cost even with purely Dinosaur hands, making it a key factor in giving the deck its floor when going first. (More on that in the following section) While True King lists of the past destroyed babies by the thousand a turn, Lost World lists on the other hand make a much more reasonable use of them thanks being able to get destroy directly from the deck. This makes it so that you don't have to bloat ratios just to make sure you'll open one. Two babies total is the maximum amount you'll ever need in a single turn: Possibly one to get to Oviraptor through Lost World if you opened neither the former nor Fossil Dig, then probably one to be used as an extender. Thankfully for us, once both have been used the GY is usually filled out enough that future turns shouldn't need them anymore, instead relying on banishing Rex with Miscellaneousaurus in order to get Oviraptor then directly fetching powerful game-enders like Pill, UCT or Pankratops. In terms of options, Babycerasaurus provides access to the other baby and allows its target to attack in order to add more damage to the board and threaten Lost World tokens while Petiteranodon serves as one of the deck's numerous accesses to Pankratops. As with the one Qoatlus, I believe that players that prove mindful in their usage of those resources will find themselves appreciating the reduced amount of potential sitting ducks in their hands.   3x Lost World 1x Terraforming This card didn't give its name to the deck for no reason. Going by the order in which its effects are listed, and re-using my section from a year ago: The attack reduction is, combined with UCT, one of the deck's best way to rack up huge amounts of damage, but it also serves as a way for Rex and Oviraptor to simply dominate most normal summon-able monsters and moderately sized extra deck monsters alike. If you've ever played as or against Salamangreat, you know how much decks can suffer from having even the most basic monsters they're facing warrant removal by effects or laddering up through your extra deck more than they would want to. Bonus points for enabling Ragnazero, one of the best Rank 4s around when its conditions are met and one of the deck's best way of pressuring boards despite sometimes only getting to Oviraptor in Battle Phase through Lost World. The token summon was the primary reason that made me steer away from Lost World focused lists with the arrival of more and more Link Monsters that could use it as a material. It was however that same effect, and the popularity of Sky Strikers in the meta, that made me go back to it. Not even considering the implications of the token combined with the next effect I'll be commenting on, the sole presence of that token on a Striker board instantly shuts off their entire backrow and lets you play most of your turn as you please. My first point still stands however, and careful Lost World players should always take some time to think about what your opponent could be doing with that token if you were to leave it there instead of removing it with Oviraptor. Also regarding the token summon is the fact that Lost World and Oviraptor allow you to practice a nasty chainblocking game, which is one of the reasons I feel like that deck plays around/through disruption better than most of the competition, by hiding an effect underneath the other in the stack. You'll most often be putting Lost World as CL2, although Oviraptor could be put as CL2 instead should you have a copy of Miscellaneousaurus in hand or make it look as if you did to players experienced in the matchup. Or just put Giant Rex as CL3 and snicker, that works too. The targeting protection was the main reason I fell in love with card way back in DracoZoo format, and while leaving the token up for protection purposes past your End Phase could backfire now that it can simply be used as half a Knightmare, its presence will still be beneficial to you during your own turn, especially against deck whose disruption targets your monsters like Widow Anchor, Silquitous or Draco traps do but also against staples like. Notable but lesser known interactions of the card include but are not limited to shutting down Salamangreat Rage, restricting Destrudo's choice of targets, preventing equip spells from being used properly or disrupting cards like Mask Change. Now we're reaching the best part of the card: The protection effect. Quick tl;dr on the wording: You cannot protect normal monster twice per turn, but you can protect multiple of them in a single instance, though note that if multiple normal monsters were to be destroyed you'll have to destroy as many, no less, from your deck or hand if you wish to apply the effect. This here is the bread and butter of the card. A normal line of play being to use Oviraptor to search then discard a Miscellaneousaurus, using Oviraptor's second effect on the token as if trying to revive Misc then protecting the token with Lost World so that you can trigger Qoatlus or a Baby from the deck, then extending from there. Alternatively, this effect of Lost World can be paired with Pankratops, Cerberus or a simple attack in the Battle Phase in order to reach Oviraptor from hands that didn't get to open it. There are of course numerous other quirks around that effect, but the above is what you should be aiming for in general. Also note that Lost World interacts with Paleo treated as monsters and opposite tokens, so do not hesitate to abuse this when possible. Oh yeah, and also, none of those effects are hard once-per-turns, so yeah, card's great. The Deck's lungs: Additional Engines 3x Sky Striker Mobilize - Engage! 1x Sky Striker Mecha - Hornet Drones 1x Sky Striker Maneuver - Afterburners! Now if I had to single out part of this deck as my best contribution to the archetype, that would be it. I originally tried the Striker cards out more than a year ago while I was using their links as Cherries targets and wanted to utilize them as non-Dinosaur monsters for Pill. They ended up vastly exceeding my expectations and warranted a complete redesign of the Extra Deck around them. The Sky Striker engine needs I think no introduction, but its usage in Lost World Dinosaurs is full of specific niches besides just being a source of extenders that I feel are worth pointing out: The original usage of the engine and one of its biggest perks is its ability to feed Pill's cost using Kagari without having to bloat the deck with too many Hand Traps you could brick on. Either through making Cerberus or searching for Afterburner, the Striker cards help attempt destruction on Lost World's token without needing a Battle Phase, helping the most awkward hands get to Oviraptor regardless. This in turns contributes to improve the deck's flood tremendously, especially when forced to go first. Drones and Kagari's types help the deck play around the very popular There Can Be Only One further than the Aeolo/Linkuriboh interaction and Pankratops access already allowed it to. The sizable amount of Spells the list runs, especially Burial Good's ability to count as two, means that Engage and Afterburner's bonus effects are easy to enable, granting the deck disgusting card advantage on occasions and providing it with additional spot removal in control matchups. Something also worthy of mention is Drone being able to respond to the activation of floodgates like Order or Fragrance, allowing a simple normal summon to result in a Knightmare Phoenix and pave the way for the rest of your turn.   2x Foolish Burial Goods 1x World Dino Wrestling Let's be real, the Burial Goods engine can most often be seen as additional access to Pankratops. That said, Goods also serves as terrific Striker food, being part of some of the best hands the deck can offer and managing to narrowly avoid conflicting on restrictions by being able to chain Drones to Wrestling's GY effect. If you find yourself scared of the 3. 64% chance (meaning around once in 27. 5 games) chance of opening both Burial Goods and Wrestling, Survival's End can be used as a guarantee that you have a target available while avoiding redundancy, providing the deck with a going first target should it be forced to do so and pairing exceptionally well with Pankratops. Staples 2x Instant Fusion Previously occupied by Super Polymerization, these two slots used to be the most volatile ones out of the entire deck until I settled down for Instant Fusions as the most flexible addition possible. Thousand-Eyes serves here as a slight layer of additional spot removal that gets to be used to force cards like Salamangreat Roar and Orcust Crescendo before having to play out the rest of your hand, feeding both Engage and Evolution Pill in the process. Depending on your opener it can then turn into a Linkuriboh to let you use Kagari and to co-link Knightmares underneath it. Alternatively, Millenium-Eyes serves as protection from Hand Traps and niche board breaking tool when trying to establish despite the looming threat of cards like Cymbal Skeleton.   2x Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring 2x D. D. Crow Despite the successive additions of Linkuriboh, Instant Fusion and the Sky Striker engine now sharing this burden, a minimum amount of hand traps remains necessary in order to better accommodate Evolution Pill's cost. Infinite Impermanence can of course be sided for specific matchups where it shines best, but you would be well advised to main non-Dinosaurs primarily. A total of four hand traps is a number I've grown fond of in testing, with the use of two-ofs reducing, again, the chances of opening dead HOPTs. When it comes to selecting which ones to run however, I believe Ash and Crow to be the best suited for a metagame with Salamangreat, Striker and Orcust as some of the most popular decks. Depending on the meta call you're making, feel free to experiment with cards like Ogre, Veiler or Ghost Belle however, the important part here being the amount.   1x Upstart Goblin Most of the deck's staples being used to deal with boards rather than prevent them helps benefit from the extra bit of consistency and extra setup of Engage, which is all we care about. Because the list doesn't run Chanbara and aims at breaking board and establishing for a turn before killing, the extra LP given can be disregarded pretty safely. Extra Deck(15 Cards. 2 Fusions, 5 XYZs, 8 Links) Instant Fusion Targets 1x Thousand-Eyes Restrict 1x Millenium-Eyes Restrict See Instant Fusion The R4nk Toolbox 1x Evolzar Laggia 1x Evolzar Dolkka The classic pair of XYZ used by Dinosaur decks since their inception. Little needs to be said about why. A notable thing however is that Dolkka being able to negate hand traps make it a solid choice of XYZ to go into before activating the Pill or after having played out your Main Phase with Miscellaneousaurus' protection fending off a possible Nibiru.   1x Number 103: Ragnazero By far my favourite Rank 4 XYZ in Lost World Dinosaur, I fell in love with the card at a time where Diagram and Tenki were both omnipresent and unable to exactly offset Lost World if on the field at the same time. Bastard child of Drident and Fairy Cheer Girl, this card can absolutely win you games, especially the more simplified the gamestate is. While not as good of a go-first card as the other Rank 4s are, Ragnazero shines in weaker hands that start blooming in the Battle Phase after swinging on a token to get to Oviraptor. More often than not you'll then find yourself able to get to both Pankratops and Ragnazero in MP2, using then reviving the former with Oviraptor in order to net yourself a total of four pops and two draws, usually enough to slow down the game for a turn before going for the kill.   1x Tornado Dragon 1x Abyss Dweller Standard members of the toolbox needing no introduction. The Generic Links 1x Borreload Dragon There's no denying how good Borreload at fighting untargettable and/or undestructable boards and bosses, something the rest of the deck generally struggles to do, specifically links UCT can't flip face down. This should be seen as an answer to Avramax, a 4k5 attack BLS Link, Thunder Dragon Colossus and opposing Borrels.   1x Knightmare Unicorn 1x Knightmare Phoenix 1x Knightmare Cerberus Never made easier to summon than with the inclusion of Hornet Drones and Instant Fusion, Knightmares aren't used here for their co-linked effects as much as for the individual niches their removal effects bring to the table. As it's been mentioned above, Cerberus is an integral part of Lost World combos, while Phoenix is used as an answer to floodgate like Order, Fragrance or Only One. Unicorn doubles up both non-destruction removal as well as a way to transition from the aforementioned two into a downward pointing arrow. Other one-of Links 1x Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze Most often made using Kagari, Hiita lets you regain access to Link arrows while also pressuring decks using Fire monsters (mainly Salamangreat but also including True Dracos or Pendulums) by laddering up into cards like Unicorn or Borreload. A very important thing to note here is that upon getting destroyed by your opponent, Hiita allows you to search your deck for a copy of Miscellaneousaurus, forcing your opponent to spend resources wastefully as they try and maneuver around it lest they find themselves giving you the grind on a silver platter.   1x Sky Striker Ace - Kagari See Sky Striker engine   1x Wee Witch's Apprentice Wee Witch is used here as a way to improve the deck's basic plays when forced to go first or opting to do so against Thunder Guardragon by being made with Oviraptor and Linkuriboh, both fulfilling Evolution Pill's requirements and providing UCT with prime destruction fodder in order to get Oviraptor back to hand for the next turn. It can also be made on a whim with Oviraptor and an -Eyes Restrict if needed and can be made part of intricate lines of play aiming to mill Qoatlus, search a Pill then Afterburner Wee Witch and an opponent's backrow in order to get Qoatlus back to hand to summon it.   1x Linkuriboh As stated all throughout this article, Linkuriboh is used here as a moving part for different purposes, be it playing around Only One, setting up Wee Witch or Evolution Pill's cost or allowing Thousand-Eyes Restrict's effect to go through under Skill Drain by tributing it as cost in response to its activation. It might no seem like much but the little guy helps improve a lot of of the deck's openers one way or another. It's also an incredible card in the mirror for what's worth. Side Deck(15 Cards. 6 Monsters, 3 Spells, 6 Traps) 2x Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju Kaijus in general are proving themselves to be very valuable side cards in the current format, shutting down control decks like Orcust, Salamangreat, Guru and Striker while still proving themselves useful as ways of removing parts of combo boards. Gameciel happens to be the smallest of the bunch but an argument could be made for siding one Gameciel and one Dogoran to have a searchable target at hand, I just find it unlikely that Oviraptor would be allowed to resolve before having used the Kaiju, and if it is there are surely better cards to get yourself then.   3x Artifact Lancea Outside of their side gig as alternative Sanctum targets, Lanceas are there as an additional answer to this deck's hardest matchup in Thunder variants and to the ever so popular Orcusts. Depending on your local metagame it can also prove especially useful at fending off rogue strategies like Spyral, HEROes and other Dinosaur variants.   3x Twin Twisters Generic backrow hate to be sided in against all kinds of control decks ranging from Draco to Guru but also including Strikers, Geists, Mystic Mine and the most backrow-heavy Salamangreat variants. If opting to go first against Pendulums (something the deck is able to do and that I used to do myself before the latest banlist) some copies can be sided in as a disruptive card.   3x Infinite Impermanence Due to this deck's toughest matchups being Thunder variants, Impermanence shines as the answer they'll have the hardest time playing around, while improving the Pendulum matchup and merging elegantly with the Artifact/Trap Trick package it accompanies when going first.   1x Trap Trick 2x Artifact Sanctum 1x Artifact Scythe As stated multiple times, break-my-board decks are this deck's toughest matchups, with Seyfert/Guardragon Thunder being the hardest. Despite the latter's recent loss of Agarpain it remains important to keep a backup plan available where you have a higher chance to win by going first and combining Scythe with the lines of play detailed in the next section in hopes of stalling them for a turn rather than attempting to break their board. A Trap Trick is used here over the third Sanctum to reduce chances of opening redundant forms of disruption thanks to Impermanence and to improve future topdecks by purging the deck from all the Sanctums at once. III- Standard Plays Because this is a go second deck it is very hard for me to give you any sort of combos, as most of your turns will be dictated by complex gamestates rather than simply having to play around popular hand traps while building a board. There are however a few guidelines you should keep in mind while getting familiar with the deck: This is the biggest one of them all, but DO NOT treat this deck as you would an OTK deck. While it does have the ability to punish over-extension with UCT you will most often find yourself in a position where breaking the board then controlling it for a turn with special care being taken of the resources in your GY is the optimal way to pilot the deck. The ability to revive Pankratops after it's been used plays a big part in this ability to keep the pressure on during your opponent's turn, and this sort of gamestate is where Ragnazero performs the best as both removal and disruption that also sets up replenishes your resources. This here is the reason why I opted to replace Chanbara with cards that actually affect the gamestate rather then being gambles that have you investing ressources into what's essentially a 2000 attack vanilla as far as contesting the board is concerned. Stay mindful of the number of monsters controlled by your opponent and their ability to make it fluctuate. With the Striker cards asking to be played with an empty board you need to make sure not to give your opponent the opportunity to reduce his board size to one after you've made Kagari, otherwise you'll find yourself unable to go further into Pankratops. In general as long as they're unable to go below two, link climbing should be enough to enable the Dinowrestler cards at any moment. Keep a tab on how decks are able to utilize Lost World's Token to their advantage. Ask yourself what they could summon with it (some Link monsters require effect monsters to be made, some do not care) and if you should be worried about those potential threats. Be especially wary of decks that are known to run Linkuriboh as its presence in the GY can shut off your ability to try to destroy Lost World tokens on subsequent turns. If the protection from targeting doesn't look worth the risk, try extending from a Cerberus effect on the token then actually let Oviraptor's second effect fully resolve, reviving a used Pankratops for example. Be careful about what you banish when paying for Pill, UCT or Miscellaneousaurus. Ask yourself if you could want to revive those monsters or add them back with Wee Witch later on, which often proves especially important when it comes to one-ofs like Qoatlus. When you plan on going into an Oviraptor and/or a UCT after having already used through previous copies, leaving the latter in the GY could make the new ones vulnerable to Called By the Grave. In a similar fashion, refrain from prematurely detaching or discarding a Miscellaneousaurus against decks that are able to make Hiita themselves if you're unsure about your ability to get it back into the GY as they would otherwise be able to shut your recovery off. When playing around cards like Infinite Impermanence or Crackdown, keep in mind that you're able to summon either Pankratops or Aeolo (using Miscellaneousaurus) under Lost World to enable the targeting protection before committing to Oviraptor as the aforementioned cards ignore chainblocking and Miscellaneousaurus respectively. This advice can be extended to making Linkuriboh with Aeolo before summoning Oviraptor when manoeuvering around There Can Be Only One.   As for being forced to or opting to go first, there are two main lines of play that pairs of Oviraptor and either Miscellaneousaurus or Lost World are able to perform depending on what you aim to setup. Other combinations should aim to either lead to, combine or expand upon those while being mindful about their resources for the next turn: Setup 1: Rank 4 + Pankratops Oviraptor + Miscellaneousaurus Summon Oviraptor, using its effect to send Giant Rex to the Graveyard. If you didn't get to punish a Hand Trap with Miscellaneousaurus discard it manually and banish it together with Giant Rex to summon Petiteranodon. Summon Giant Rex off of its own effect and use it together with Oviraptor to summon a Rank 4 monster. During the End Phase, as with everything Miscellaneousaurus summons Petiteradon gets destroyed and summons Pankratops. Oviraptor + Lost World Activate Lost World. Summon Oviraptor, using its effect to add Miscellaneousaurus to the hand while giving your opponent a token with Lost World. Discard the Miscellaneousaurus. Use Oviraptor's effect as if trying to revive Miscellaneousaurus, opting to destroy Giant Rex from the deck instead. Banish it together with Miscellaneousaurus to summon Petiteranodon. Setup 2: Wee Witch's Apprentice + Ultimate Conductor Tyranno Oviraptor + Miscellaneousaurus Summon Oviraptor, using its effect to send Overtex Qoatlus to the Graveyard, adding Double Evolution Pill to the hand. If you didn't get to punish a Hand Trap with Miscellaneousaurus discard it manually and banish it to summon Jurrac Aeolo. Use Aeolo to summon Linkuriboh then use it and Oviraptor to summon Wee Witch. Banish Linkuriboh and Aeolo from your GY to activate Double Evolution Pill, summoning UCT. During your opponent's turn, use UCT's effect destroying Wee Witch, adding back either Oviraptor or Qoatlus back to your hand. Use Oviraptor's effect as if trying to revive Miscellaneousaurus, opting to destroy Overtex Qoatlus from the deck instead, adding Double Evolution Pill to the hand. Banish Miscellaneousaurus to summon Jurrac Aeolo. IV- Conclusion Welp. Here we are. Done. I had vivid memories of how painful the redaction of last year's post was and I gotta say I'm thankful that I got to recycle its formatting so that I could focus on the content alone. That I ended up reworking almost completely anyway. I wish I could use store credit to get myself a new set of fingers now as mine wouldn't even pass as Troll&Toad Near Mint at this point.   Now while I'm confident in my ratios and the reasoning behind them, it doesn't mean that there isn't room for adjustment, especially as far as staples as concerned. I would be very happy to answer any questions you all might have regarding cards that were omitted from this list, other options, or engines entirely! For players that are new to the deck, feel free to ask me any question you might have regarding piloting the deck or making adjustments to your local metagame and I'll be happy to answer. Same goes for questions regarding siding, as I'm close to hitting Reddit's character limit without having had the time to go at lengths about this process. Any feedback will be welcomed with open arms!   I'll be keeping a tab on this post during the day and all throughout the week so as to discuss the list with you guys further. I hope you've enjoyed reading through this and that I've been able to show you something new about the deck and Dinosaurs in general! Have a great day! EDIT 11/15/2019 I want to take some time to thank all of you who participated in the discussion below this thread! I'm glad to have been able to both help some get more familiar with the deck and compare opinions with others. I took the time to bring everyone's feedback to the lab, discussed things a bit with my teammates and ended up doing some modifications, mainly regarding Side Deck but also touching hand traps and replacing Survival's End with an Upstart Goblin. You can now head over HERE to find the detailed guide to siding against most of the current format's popular matchups that some of you expressed interest in! Thanks again for everything, you guys are why I put in the effort!



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I'm alive. Vision You too huh. Han from Fast and Furious Not for long - Thanos. They should have put him up with someone else, they are clearly on different levels. He's seriously so gentle in his ways speaking to her. The purpose of this message is to help many of you find the life you want, not the one you are living. I speak to you who find yourselves caught in a pattern of life that you neither enjoy nor want. You may publicly profess that all is well and reject the efforts of others to help you with a comment that you know what you are doing and can handle it yourself. Yet, in quiet moments, you know you are miserable, lonely, and sometimes afraid. You avoid thinking too much about what you are doing. The walls seem to close in around you. You are driven by appetites that bring momentary physical response but are followed by periods of deep depression. Let me help you as we reason together. I need not define your specific problem to help you overcome it. It doesn’t matter what it is. If it violates the commandments of the Lord, it comes from Satan, and the Lord can overcome all of Satan’s influence through your application of righteous principles. Please understand that the way back is not as hard as it seems to you now. Satan wants you to think that it is impossible. That is not true. The Savior gave His life so that you can completely overcome the challenges you face. (See 2 Ne. 2:6–8. ) Do you find that when someone mentions the mistakes you’re making, you are prone to lie about them, to indicate that they are much less severe than they truly are? Do you admit only to what is publicly seen and try to hide from others how really bad conditions are? Worst of all, do you lie to yourself, pretending that things are all right when they are not? That attitude prevents you from getting the help you need. It provides an invitation to more serious problems. When you are honest with yourself, you may feel afraid. To change will require you to take an unfamiliar path, and it is uphill and narrow. The other is so inviting, but it leads to heartache. None of your partners in error will help you onto the upward path. They think only of themselves. (See D&C 10:25. ) You know the result of following their path—unhappiness, failure, disappointment, and greater fear. They don’t love you. They want to use you. Don’t listen to them. Lucifer will do all in his power to keep you captive. You are familiar with his strategy. He whispers: “No one will ever know. ” “Just one more time. ” “You can’t change; you have tried before and failed. ” “It’s too late; you’ve gone too far. ” Don’t let him discourage you. When you take the path that climbs, that harder path of the Savior, there are rewards along the way. When you do something right, when you resist temptation, when you meet a goal, you will feel very good about it. It is a very different kind of feeling than you have when you violate commandments—an altogether different feeling. It brings a measure of peace and comfort and provides encouragement to press on. As you pray for help, the Lord will place in your path priesthood leaders who will counsel and friends who will give support if you’ll let them. But remember, they can only help by your following the rules that Christ has set out for the journey. Any lasting improvement must come from your own determination to change. (See Mosiah 3:17–20. ) If it were possible to make your road very easy, you wouldn’t grow in strength. If you were always forgiven for every mistake without effort on your part, you would never receive the blessings of repentance. If everything were done for you, you wouldn’t learn how to work, or gain self-confidence, or acquire the power to change. Freedom from your transgression will come through sincere faith, true repentance, willing obedience, and the giving of self. (See Alma 26:22. ) Why the giving of self? Because selfishness is at the root of your problem. Where selfishness and transgression flourish, the Spirit of the Lord can’t enter your life to bless you. To succeed, you must conquer your selfishness. When your beacon is focused on self, it does little more than blind your vision. When turned outward through acts of kindness and love, it will light your path to happiness and peace. Your exercise of faith permits you to call upon the strength of the Lord when you need it. Obedience to His commandments allows that help to be given. The power of God will come into your life because of your faithful obedience to His commandments. Don’t live your life in despair, feeling sorry for yourself because of the mistakes you have made. Let the sunshine in by doing the right things—now. (See 1 Ne. 22:26. ) It may be difficult to begin, but pick up the scriptures and immerse yourself in them. Look for favorite passages. Lean on the Master’s teachings, on His servants’ testimonies. Refresh your parched soul with the word of God. 4:15–16. ) The scriptures will give you comfort and the strength to overcome. (See Hel. 3:29–30. ) If you’ve tangled your ordered life into a ball of knots, it has taken time to get it that way. It is unreasonable to expect to unravel it all at once. Start knot by knot, decision by decision, and be sure that while you are untying the knots, you don’t let any more get put there through transgression. This example suggests how your habit can be overcome. Suppose a small child were to run in front of your car. What would you do? Careful analysis of each step taken will teach you how to overcome your serious habit: First your mind decides to stop. Nothing else can happen until that decision is made. Then you take your foot off the accelerator. Can you imagine stopping a car with one foot on the accelerator and the other on the brake? Finally you firmly apply the brake. The same pattern is followed to overcome your entrenched habit. Decide to stop what you are doing that is wrong. Then search out everything in your life that feeds the habit, such as negative thoughts, unwholesome environment, and your companions in mischief. Systematically eliminate or overcome everything that contributes to that negative part of your life. Then stop the negative things permanently. Recognize that you’ll go through two transition periods. The first is the most difficult. You are caging the tiger that has controlled your life. It will shake the bars, growl, threaten, and cause you some disturbance. But I promise you that this period will pass. How long it takes will depend upon the severity of your transgression, the strength of your determination, and the help you seek from the Lord. But remember, as you stand firm, it will pass. The second period is not as intense. It is like being on “battle alert” so that you can fend off any enemy attack. That, too, will pass, and you will feel more peace and will have increased control of your life. You will become free. Once I had a measuring tape that didn’t work. I decided to fix it. I began to remove the side cover plate to find what was wrong. In a few moments, I knew I was in trouble. Suddenly, the whole mechanism exploded in my hands. There were tape and spring flying in all directions. My efforts to put it all back together were frustrating and often painful. Irritated, I just about threw the whole thing away. Then I thought, “Someone designed this tape. If I can discover the principles that make it function, I can fix it. ” With greater patience, I began to examine the mainspring and found that if coiled in a certain way, instead of resisting and complaining, it easily responded. Soon the spring was coiled, carefully placed in its housing, the tape joined, the cover replaced, and it worked perfectly. So it is with you. When, through violation of God’s laws, you cease to function properly, force and compulsion will not restore you. You must search out the Designer’s plan. As you follow it, you will become more pliable. You can be “repaired” more easily, and you will function well again under His divine influence. The overcoming of serious transgression follows a pattern. First, and most difficult, is the internal battle, the crosscurrent of feeling, the anguish about being found out, the worry about the impact on other lives, and the fear of the unknown. This struggle is prolonged through indecision, and that means more pain and further damage. It can be cut short through decisive personal commitment to clean up your life, now. Right now. Once that decision is made, there follow many individual decisions and acts, none of which is overpowering. Yet, taken together, they will kill the monster that’s controlling your life. The most difficult part about changing is to make an unwavering decision to do it, and, when required, to enlist the help of your bishop. Once that beginning is made, you will find the rest of the path becomes easier than you imagined. Some days are more difficult than others, but the process becomes easier because through your use of agency, you qualify for the Lord’s help, and He magnifies your efforts. (See Omni 1:26. ) Establish specific objectives, and move steadily toward them. A rudder won’t control a drifting boat; it must be underway. Similarly, you need to be moving forward to gain control of your life. Satan would have you rationalize—that is, twist something you know to be true into a pattern that appears to support your deviation from truth. Rationalization leads you down blind alleys in life. It drains spiritual power. It barricades the path to happiness because it distorts your understanding of truth. Overcome rationalization with truth and positive decisions. In time, they will form character resistant to the eroding influence you are striving to overcome. When you decide to change and then discover that there is a way to cheat on your promise without anyone knowing, don’t do it. That will destroy your self-confidence and will weaken others’ trust in you. It will discourage them from helping you. There is simply nothing good about cheating yourself by being disobedient to trust; there is no positive element of reinforcement that would otherwise come from obedience. To reach a goal you have never before attained, you must do things you have never before done. Don’t confront your problem armed with only your own experience, understanding, and strength. Count on the infinite power of the Lord by deciding now to be obedient to His teachings. 31:19–21. ) If loved ones seem to ignore you, it is because they don’t know what to do. Their past attempts to help have been rejected; you have not wanted help. Reach out to them trustingly. Ask for support in your sincere efforts to change. Give them reason to know that this time is different because you will do it the Lord’s way. As you make progress on the way back, you will discover feelings that you haven’t had for a long time—feelings of concern for others, feelings of unselfish love, feelings of a desire to be near loved ones, and of self-respect and confidence. These stirrings are evidence of progress, like a growing light at the end of a tunnel. I wish I could replace your doubt with my certainty, but I can’t give it to you. I can provide an invitation: Please, decide now to repent and change your life. I promise you, in the name of the Lord, that He will help you. He will be there in every time of need. He gave His life so that you can change your life. I promise you, that you’ll feel His love, strength, and support. Trust Him completely. He is not going to make any mistakes. He knows what He is doing. Please, decide now to change your life. Be obedient to His teachings, and He will bless you. I promise you He will bless you, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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tomatometer 8,3 / 10 stars director Levan Akin 1 Hours, 53Minutes A passionate tale of love and liberation set amidst the conservative confines of modern Georgian society, AND THEN WE DANCED follows Merab, a devoted dancer who has been training for years with his partner Mary for a spot in the National Georgian Ensemble. The arrival of another male dancer, Irakli-gifted with perfect form and equipped with a rebellious streak-throws Merab off balance, sparking both an intense rivalry and romantic desire that may cause him to risk his future in dance as well as his relationships with Mary and his family country Sweden, Georgia year 2019.

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And then we danced youtube. And then we danced nyc. And then we danced bassiani. May 18, 2019 3:42AM PT A young dancer tries to make sense of his same-sex desires within Georgian society's oppressively conservative boundaries. In an equitable world, Levan Gelbakhiani, the lead actor in the Tbilisi-set “ And Then We Danced, ” would be thrust to stardom for his extraordinary performance as a dancer who finally acts on his gay desires. But this is far from an equitable world, and though the uneven film is likely to get significant attention on the arthouse scene, it will require several visionaries to realize the international potential of a young Georgian actor-dancer with a gift for captivating the screen. Following its launch in Directors’ Fortnight at Cannes, writer-director Levan Akin ’s third feature should easily leap beyond the LGBT ghetto and find love among multiple demographics. But as in Akin’s first film, “Certain People, ” the script here too often slips into cliché, yet the filmmaking skills are frequently exceptional and Gelbakhiani is riveting. Akin goes to great lengths to ensure that audiences unfamiliar with Georgian customs appreciate just how formalized and conservative traditional Georgian dance can be in a country not exactly known for socially liberal leanings. When first seen in the studio, Merab (Gelbakhiani) is berated by instructor Aliko (Gogidze) for not being formulaic enough: His eyes are too playful, his posture too soft. “There is no sex in Georgian dance! ” thunders the brooding ballet master, but just at that moment in walks Irakli (Bachi Valishvili), a new student who immediately captures Merab’s eye. Dance is in Merab’s DNA: His separated parents Teona (Tamar Bukhnikashvili) and Ioseb (Aleko Begalishvili) and grandmother (Marika Gogichaishvili) were all professionals, though their moments in the sun were brief, and his troublemaking brother David (Giorgi Tsereteli) is also at the school, despite lacking the same sense of vocation. Hard-working Merab is drawn to impish Irakli, a rule-breaker who easily raises Aliko’s hackles, and the two are occasionally paired in male duets whose macho nature is subverted by Merab’s feelings of attraction. Upcoming national auditions increase tension, so a break for the troupe at the countryside house of Merab’s dance partner Mary (Ana Javakishvili) is a welcome chance for everyone to let off steam, with the help of alcohol. Late at night, Merab and Irakli find themselves alone, and a shirtless Merab tosses on a woolly white papakha hat as he dances to Robyn’s “Honey, ” with its deliciously provocative line, “Come get your honey. ” It’s an outstanding scene, showcasing Gelbakhiani’s bewitching screen presence and joy-giving dance moves, yet just at the moment when the viewer is eager to let the scene play out to the end of the song, Akin inexplicably cuts away, undermining the build-up. Later, when the two young men finally make love, the act opens up a floodgate of emotions for Merab, who can’t think of anyone else but Irakli. Hovering over his passion is the cautionary story of a former dance school pupil, now an object of ridicule, whose coming out was the start of a fast decline leading to a life of hustling on the streets. That’s what Mary is terrified will happen to Merab as she watches her friend, once a potential boyfriend, open himself up to desires that pit him headlong against the country’s very conservative traditions. Mary (sympathetically played by Javakishvili) is but one of several underwritten characters whose stereotyped function — in her case, as the hesitant but ultimately supportive female friend — cries out for at least a bit more development to avoid the sense that we’ve seen this figure far too many times. David too is a cliché throughout most of the film, his gift for screwing up rather loosely drawn, but then almost at the end, Akin includes a scene between the two brothers of rare emotional depth that highlights even further the dissonance between the expertly conceived moments and their weaker counterparts. The director, born in Sweden to Georgian parents, has stated that he developed his story following numerous interviews with gay Georgians, and while there’s no arguing the truth of the situations, the script needs sharper writing to translate commonalities into a fresher, more trenchant storyline. That said, it’s important to add that for audiences less familiar with the robust back catalog of coming-out stories, “ And Then We Danced ” is certain to touch many receptive chords. This goes beyond the basic truths of the narrative, with its predictable trajectory, and can firmly be ascribed to the film’s exceptional technique and exciting lead actor. Gifted as both a thrilling dancer and a nuanced actor, Gelbakhiani’s magnetic presence goes a long way toward papering over some of the more timeworn plot elements (an injured foot subplot, for example, is especially unnecessary), and the film should make audiences clamor for more vehicles that feature his seemingly effortless ability to radiate joy. Also deserving significant praise is the visual language Akin crafts through his collaboration with cinematographer Lisabi Fridell (“Something Must Break”), whose marvelously fluid camerawork elides with the emotional states of protagonists and audience. For example, during a scene at a party toward the end, the camera glides through the rooms, fixed on Merab in a moment of crisis, and then loses him only to seamlessly find him through a window, one floor below on the street. It’s a masterful shot, quietly bravura without calling attention to itself. Editing is also a strong suit, apart from that frustrating cut during the Robyn song. After three weeks in theaters, Sony’s “Bad Boys for Life” is officially the highest-grossing installment in the action-comedy series. The Will Smith and Martin Lawrence-led threequel has made $291 million globally to date, pushing it past previous franchise record holder, 2003’s “Bad Boys II” and its $271 million haul. The first entry, 1995’s “Bad Boys, ” [... ] The BAFTA film awards have kicked off in London, with Graham Norton hosting this year at the Royal Albert Hall. The awards will be broadcast on the BBC in the United Kingdom and at 5 p. m. PT on BBC America. “Joker” topped the nominations with 11 nods, while “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, ” and [... ] “1917, ” Sam Mendes’ World War I survival thriller, has taken an early lead at the 73rd British Academy of Film and Television’s Film Awards with four wins so far. “1917” took the first award of the evening, the Outstanding British Film Award, where it was the clear favourite in the category against fellow nominees “Bait, ” [... ] Every summer, more than 1, 000 teens swarm the Texas capitol building to attend Boys State, the annual American Legion-sponsored leadership conference where these incipient politicians divide into rival parties, the Nationalists and the Federalists, and attempt to build a mock government from the ground up. In 2017, the program attracted attention for all the wrong [... ] Box office newcomers “Rhythm Section” and “Gretel and Hansel” fumbled as “Bad Boys for Life” remained champions during a painfully slow Super Bowl weekend. Studios consider Sunday’s NFL championship a dead zone at movie theaters since the Super Bowl is the most-watched TV event. This year proved no exception. Overall ticket sales for the weekend [... ] Ahead of tonight’s BAFTA Awards in London, Amy Gustin and Deena Wallace, co-directors of the British Independent Film Awards (BIFA), discuss how they shook up their awards’ voting mechanisms to become more inclusive of a wider variety of films and filmmakers.  BIFA is different from other awards bodies in its process as well as its [... ] A wide range of Scandinavian films, including the politically-charged Danish drama “Shorta, ” the supernatural Icelandic drama “Lamb” with Noomi Rapace, and the Finnish-Iranian refugee tale “Any Day Now, ’ were some of the highlights at this year’s Nordic Film Market. They were presented, along with 13 other films in post-production, as part of the Work-in-Progress section. [... ].

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And then we danced actors. And then we danced premiere. And then we danced soundtrack. And we danced, and we cried, and we laughed ❤. In love with this song. I don't know who told you that figth scenes are done because of a war with Russia, we practically had a fight with every empire what ever existed in the world and it resembles that. Yes we have problems with Russia and we had problems with them before too but not everything is about them.

Stupid movie, unnatural and inappropriate story. This movie is trial to deface culture of real Georgian dance and songs. Georgian dance have always been for real males, not for gays. It's elements are from real martial arts and history, and will always be. And then we danced soundtracks. And then we danced mezipatra. And then we danced rotten tomatoes. And Then We dance club. And then we danced download. And then we danced csfd. And then we danced wiki. I think I already watch this episode somewhere or maybe in other YT channel. He bar was empty I was sweeping up the floor That's when she walked in I said, I'm sorry but we're closed And she said I know, But I'm afraid I left my purse I said, I put one back behind the bar I bet it's probably yours And the next thing that I knew There we were, lost in conversation And before I handed her her purse I said, You'll only get this back on one condition And we danced Out there on that empty hardwood floor The chairs up and the lights turned way down low The music played, we held each other close And we danced And from that moment There was never any doubt I had found the one That I had always dreamed about And then one evenin' When she stopped by after work I pulled a diamond ring out of the pocket of my shirt And as her eyes filled up with tears She said, this is the last thing I expected And then she took me by the hand And said, I'll only marry you on one condition And we danced Out there on that empty hardwood floor The chairs up and the lights turned way down low The music played, we held each other close And we danced Like no one else had ever danced before I can't explain what happened on that floor But the music played We held each other close And we danced Yeah, we danced.

Waw I love u aroen💋💋💋. Disgusting. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍. And then we danced full movie qartulad. And then we danced showtimes. And then we danced film. And then we danced henry alford. I might play this at my weding.


And then we danced online. And then we danced official trailer. Remind me when And Then We Danced is released Save to Calendar Google Calendar Apple iCal Microsoft Outlook Movies and then we danced.

😍🎊🎉💐. And then we danced abba. And then we danced last dance. O ÍCONE ESTÁ DE VOLTA 💖. Being Georgian and seeing all the small little details of our everyday life, types of characters we all know and have come across with. it's just surprising. Some moments were like stolen from each of our own. It's so personal and felt like being at home.
I don't see it as a gay drama, it's much more than that. it's so rich with its ideas and its message, be it forced marriages to safe girls honor, fighting for honor, drinking for honor, dancing for honor. about forced masculinity, of being strong image of our history. Relationships with our parents, grandparents, all living in the same small home. Amount of work needed to achieve something, and to be begging for 1 lari on the streets, just to fill our phone bill. it's very personal, it's very thought provoking.
Those places, be it the gay bar, or now very well-known club, bassiani, how teenagers mostly spend their time, drinking, socializing and so on, what conflicts come from it. Especially in this case, from hiding, from fitting societies needs. to love someone, to explore yourself just to be left feeling used. It's so powerful. and I'm so proud that they managed to represent our culture so well, the good parts and especially the bad.

Kai gvaxaria acade qalebs siyvaruli... damaskdit tqveni qatmuri mentalitetit sikoze tqven qartulis araperi gcxiat sirikoebo ui bodishi qalbatonebo. გმადლობთ ამ ფილმისთვის, გამბედაობისთვის, სილამაზისთვის 🧡. It's a she, who wants to be a boy. And then we danced trailer. Yeah his body would appear even more male, but I don't think an operation would make him more of a man. How much of a man you are goes much deeper than that, surgery is superficial. და ჩვენ ვიცეკვეთ 😍💖🌸. And then we danced lyrics. And Then We. What the heck is poo pourri. That was by far the weirdest ad I have ever seen.

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Brief After watching the news on 9/11 with his family, Fernando travels from Mexico to New York City to find his father, an undocumented worker at the World Trade Center's famous Windows on the World restaurant directors Michael D. Olmos release year 2019 Genre Drama Robert Mailer Anderson tomatometer 8,5 of 10. Windows on the World Directed by Michael D. Olmos Produced by Robert Mailer Anderson Vicangelo Bulluck Screenplay by Robert Mailer Anderson Zack Anderson Starring Ryan Guzman Edward James Olmos Cinematography Reynaldo Villalobos Edited by Dylan Quint Production company Big Indie Films Upcal Entertainment Vicangelo Films Release date March 3, 2019 ( Sedona) Country United States Language English Windows on the World is a 2019 American drama film directed by Michael D. Olmos and starring Ryan Guzman and Edward James Olmos. The title of the film refers to the namesake restaurant that used to exist in the top floors of the North Tower of the World Trade Center until it was destroyed in the September 11 attacks. Plot [ edit] Following the collapse of the World Trade Center towers, Fernando, a young Mexican man, journeys to New York City in search of his father, an undocumented busboy at Windows on the World, who has disappeared in the disaster, yet may be alive. Fernando's adventures along the way, finding love and friendship, give him faith in humanity while teaching hard lessons. Cast [ edit] Ryan Guzman as Fernando René Auberjonois as Maury Edward James Olmos as Balthazar Julie Carmen as Elena Jacqueline Obradors as Margot Richard Cabral as Domingo Glynn Turman as Lou Stephen Spinella as Albert Production [ edit] Principal photography began on July 10, 2017. [1] Release [ edit] The film made its worldwide premiere on March 3, 2019 at the Sedona Film Festival. [2] References [ edit] External links [ edit] Windows on the World on IMDb.

Windows on the world watch streaming. Windows on the World is an engaging film that captures viewers attention and relates the reality of millions of immigrants living in the U.S. It is a must watch. Reminded me of the triangle shirtwaist factory. Windows on the World, despite the fact that it takes place in the weeks following the 9/11 terrorist attack in New York, is a film that is urgently for our time. It is a hero's journey of a son trying to find his father in that grief-stricken landscape and the characters stand in for the millions of immigrants, legal and illegal, who contribute in their everyday lives, to the American landscape. The film seeks to counter the narrative that's all-too-prevalent in today's political and media landscape by telling a story set in America's biggest and most diverse city, at its darkest time. The script by playwright and novelist Robert Mailer Anderson (who also produced the film) is wise and completely engaging; he creates indelible characters who are ultimately inspiring and uplifting. Edward James Olmos gives what he considers to be the performance of a lifetime, and the rest of the cast is terrific as well-with a special shout-out to Glynn Turman. The direction, by Olmos's son Michael, is sure-handed, getting terrific performances from his cast, including his father, in this father-son story, and it's beautifully lensed. The music, including jazz and a title track written by Anderson, is pitch-perfect, supporting the story without getting in the way. This film should be seen by everybody-and I'm sure it will be in mainstream distribution soon, as this is a time when, although the major studios may have turned their backs on substance, terrific indie films like this one have many other possible venues. If you can't see it at a film festival, like I did, keep a keen eye out for it. Terrific and inspiring.

Windows on the World Watch streaming. This is so sad. I would have loved to have visited that restaurant. Were there many other public places inside? Were there shops etc? Or was it mainly just offices? Bit of a random question but I've always wondered. Windows on the World Watch streaming sur internet. Then Coastal Confessions and Coast of Carolina.

RIP Orio Palmer and all who we lost that day... Windows on the World was one of the greatest restaurants New York City has ever seen. Located on the 107th floor of the World Trade Center, it offered guests soaring views of not only Manhattan, but also Brooklyn and New Jersey. Although the food couldn't always match the scenery, at its best, Windows provided guests with a sophisticated, forward-thinking dining experience unlike any other in New York City. Windows on the World vanished 12 years ago. On that horrific day, 79 employees of the restaurant lost their lives. Here, now, is a remembrance of Windows on the World, with an afterword from the restaurant's last chef and greatest champion, Michael Lomonaco: GM Alan Lewis, chef Andrew Renee, restaurateur Joe Baum via Edible Manhattan] Windows on the World was the brainchild of visionary restaurateur Joe Baum. With the Restaurant Associates group, Baum created a string of '60s blockbusters including La Fonda Del Sol, The Forum of the Twelve Caesars, and The Four Seasons. In 1970, after parting ways with Restaurant Associates, Baum was hired by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey to help develop the restaurants at the World Trade Center. [A '70s menu for Windows via Typofile; A pamphlet for the world Trade Center Club via eBay] Baum, along with partners Michael Whitman and Dennis Sweeney, created 22 restaurants for the World Trade Center, many of which were casual operations located in the basement concourse. But the most elaborate Baum creation was Windows on the World, which occupied the 106th and 107th floors of the North Tower. The restaurateur hired architect Warren Platner to design a grand, modern space. Windows on the World Ephemera from Milton] Graphic designer Milton Glaser (of the I? NY and Brooklyn Brewery logos) contributed the menu artwork, dishware patterns, and logo. Barbara Kafka picked the plateware and silverware. And James Beard and Jacques Pepin helped develop the menu. The Port Authority then signed a master lease with Inhilco, a subsidiary of Hilton International, to run the World Trade Center restaurants. Baum and his team then moved to Inhilco to put their plans into action. [Kevin Zraly talking to guests in 1976 via The Nestle Library] Windows on the World opened on April 19, 1976, as a private club with 1, 500 members who paid dues based on their relationship with and proximity to the World Trade Center — WTC tenants paid 360 a year, and those who lived outside the "port district" paid just 50. But anyone could visit Windows on the World in the early days if they paid 10 in dues, plus 3 per guest. [The Hors d'Oeuvrerie via The Nestle Library] In addition to the main dining room, where a table d'hote dinner was 13. 50, Windows on the World had an Hors d'Oeuvrerie that served global small plates. [Cellar in the Sky via Baum + Whiteman] One offshoot, dubbed the Cellar in the Sky, offered an expansive wine list from young gun sommelier Kevin Zraly, plus a five-course menu of American and European fare. In a New York magazine cover story titled "The Most Spectacular Restaurant in the World. Gael Greene describes the experience of entering the dining room: Every view is brand-new? a miracle. In the Statue of Liberty Lounge, the harbor's heroic blue sweep makes you feel like the ruler of some extraordinary universe. All the bridges of Brooklyn and Queens and Staten Island stretch across the restaurant's promenade. Even New Jersey looks good from here. Down below are all of Manhattan and helicopters and clouds. Everything to hate and fear is invisible. Pollution is but a cloud. A fire raging below Washington Square is a dream, silent, almost unreal, though you can see the arc of water licking flame. Default is a silly nightmare. There is no doggy doo. Garbage is an illusion. [Cellar in the Sky via Baum + Whiteman] Windows on the World was an immediate success. New York Times critic Mimi Sheraton describes the dining experience: Unquestionably the best thing about this place, other than the toy-town views of bridges and rivers, skylines and avenues is the menu. It represents an international crossroads of gastronomy, stylish and contemporary, and perfectly suited to this particular setting and this particular city. The restaurant quickly became a favorite hangout of high-powered businessmen, politicians, and celebrities. By the end of its first year, Windows on the World had a waiting list that was fully booked for six months straight. [The view facing west via The David Blahg] In 2001, Joe Baum's creative partner Michael Whiteman told the Times: In a way, it was the symbol of the beginning of the turnaround of New York... were successful because New York wanted us to be successful. It couldn't stand another heartbreaking failure. The original Windows on the World crew via Suzette Howes] Joe Baum was only involved in the management of Windows on the World during its first three years in business, but the restaurant sailed along through the '80s and early '90s. During this period, the restaurant employed a number of chefs that would go on to find success on their own, including Kurt Gutenbrunner, Christian Delouvrier, Eberhard Müller, and Cyril Reynaud. The critics were not always kind to Windows on the World, but year after year, it remained one of the top-grossing restaurants in the country. On February 26, 1993, a group of terrorists detonated a bomb inside a truck that was parked below the North Tower. The bombing killed six people, and injured over a thousand. The explosion damaged storing and receiving areas used by Windows on the World, and the restaurant was forced to shutter. Hilton International gave up its lease after the bombing, and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey asked 35 restaurant groups for proposals for the Windows on the World space. [a New York article on the revamp from July 15, 1996] On May 13, 1994, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey announced that the Joseph Baum & Michael Whiteman Company had won the contract. Almost two decades after opening the restaurant, Joe Baum was back in control of Windows on the World. [Cellar in the Sky, 1996 via Baum + Whiteman] Baum and his partners tapped Hugh Hardy to create a dining room that was more colorful and whimsical than the original. Unlike the old Windows, which served Continental fare with a sharp American influence, the new restaurant offered a globetrotting menu from chef Philippe Feret. [The Greatest Bar on Earth via Skyscrapercity] The Hors d'Oeuvrerie was replaced by The Greatest Bar on Earth, a splashy space that had three bars and a menu of fun international fare. Before the reopening in summer of 1996, Baum told the Times: When Windows first opened it was a great restaurant for New tourists came, they came mostly because New Yorkers were proud to bring them here. We want Windows to be a great restaurant for New Yorkers again. Windows on the World in 1996 via the Container List] Feret left Windows in May of 1997, and he was replaced by Michael Lomonaco, a chef that had earned raves at the '21' Club. A few months after he took control of the kitchen, Ruth Reichl bestowed two stars on Windows on the World. In 1999, Cellar in the Sky was replaced by Wild Blue, a cozy American restaurant, that was also overseen by Lomonaco. In his review, William Grimes wrote: When night falls, Wild Blue feels like a plush space capsule hurtling through the cosmos. 79 Windows of the World employees died on September 11, 2001. Michael Lomonaco was conducting an errand in the concourse of the World Trade Center when the first plane hit. The chef was evacuated from the building immediately, and witnessed the second plane hit the WTC from the street. Lomonaco then headed north and made it up to his home on the Upper East Side, where he immediately started figuring out who was working that day. 2001: Lomonaco and His Team Search for Employees: By the following week, a Windows on the World hotline was set up at the restaurant's sister establishment, Beacon, and Lomonaco and his head of human resources, Elizabeth Ortiz, began working to find the 50 employees that were unaccounted for. Lomonaco soon helped set up an relief fund called Windows of Hope, which raised over 22 million for the families of Windows workers. [A screengrab of the Windows on the World website from 2002] Windows on the World co-owner David Emil opened a Theater District restaurant in 2002 called Noche, which was staffed by several Windows employees, including Lomonaco — it closed in 2004. Some of the Windows employees opened a Noho restaurant in 2006 called Colors — it's still open, but only for parties and private events. For the past seven years, Lomonaco has been the co-owner and executive chef of Porter House in the Time Warner Center, and he recently opened Center Bar, a casual spinoff on the same floor as Porter House. The Port Authority has ruled out the possibility of putting a fine dining restaurant like Windows on the World at the top of the new World Trade Center, which is slated to open in 2014. Earlier this week, Eater interviewed Michael Lomonaco about his experiences on the 106th and 107th floors of the North Tower. Here's an extended look back: Michael Lomonaco via Porter House] What did it mean to you to get that job at Windows on the World? Michael Lomonaco: Well I'd never been there before. I'd never worked there. I'm a native New Yorker, and I remember very clearly when Windows on the World opened. I have very clear memories of that, even the review that they did in New York magazine. But one of the key memories I had always had was Cellar in the Sky, because the original Cellar in the Sky was a prix fixe restaurant — that was pretty new to New York. And it was advertised weekly in the dining section of the Times — they advertised the menu as changed every week, or every other week. That ad always stuck in my mind, how they promoted Cellar in the Sky. It just sounded so incredible. So fast-forward to the '80s. I got out of culinary school in 1984, and Windows on the World had become this giant place that was historic, and I'd never been there. I'd never gone to the Cellar. I'd never gone to Windows. In fact, the first time that I had ever gone up there was at the reopening in 1996 when they hosted an industry night, and I went up there for an evening. I knew Joe Baum pretty well in my days at '21. Joe was a regular and I was introduced to him, and he was a very passionate, warm, hospitable guy. He really was magnetic, in many ways. I had some sense of what was going on there. In the early '90s, when I met Joe, it was no longer associated with us. But then in 1996, when they did the big reopening, I was still at '21' and had started doing television at the Food Network, so I was in a transitional period. [Windows on the World in 1976 via the Container List] I'd left '21' in the last quarter of '96 to film Michael's Place at the Food Network. Then in '97, I was introduced to David Emil and Joe Baum. My relationship began with them at that time, and I really had some long talks with David Emil and with Joe Baum about joining them and becoming part of their team. I was the " chef-director. This was Joe Baum's title for me. Direct all of the chefs. We had Windows on the World, there was Cellar in the Sky, and there was the Greatest Bar on Earth, and it was all private dining on the 106th floor, so there was quite a team of people. So that, for me, in '97 when I joined them, was really very exciting. It was very exciting because it was such a historic place, it was such a beloved place, and it was really at the pinnacle of its own opportunity to reinvent itself again. And that's the opportunity I took. That was the great step forward for me — it was the chance to reinvent Windows on the World. And, in fact, we shuttered Cellar in the Sky in '98, and reopened the space as Wild Blue in '99. It became a very kind of beloved space. It's small, 55 seats. Were you proud of your work up there? Absolutely. First of all, I had a great team. You know, there was a great group of people. There were 450, 500 people that worked up at Windows on the World at one time. And I had a great team with me. My chef de cuisine is still with me today — Michael Ammirati. He came with me. Michael, who would be here now at Porter House, he was a key component, because it was really just the two of us with a culinary team that was 35 people, trying to turn it to a new direction. I think we were able to fulfill, to some degree, an original vision that Joe Baum had for Windows on the World. You know, I thought that Joe's vision was that Windows on the World should be a beacon of American cooking, on American products, on American foods. And, also, shine a spotlight on local ingredients. So we started working with the local suppliers at the greenmarket in 1997, and a bunch of the produce that we bought came from the greenmarket at the World Trade Center. This is something that fit into my vision of what we could do, and also Joe's vision. And I'll tell you, in 1998, we were talking about planting an herb garden and a vegetable garden on the roof of the World Trade Center. Sustainable cuisine, sustainable cooking was something that Joe started talking about back in '97, probably before, and it was really a big topic when we met and talked about ideas. On a Saturday night, we could do 700 or 800 covers, but all of that was from-scratch cooking. Everything was cooked à la minute. And we did that with a great team of cooks in the kitchen, and our culinary chef staff. We just did it through organization, and sheer will that we would cook everything à la minute. [The Greatest Bar in the World via The Container List] Cellar in the Sky reopened in 1996. It was expensive. It was a prix fixe, 125-a-head dinner and it was kind of staid. It wasn't getting the traffic, because there were so many more things happening in the culinary world. And so what we did in 1998 was we closed Cellar in the Sky with the idea of turning it into an American chophouse, and that's what Wild Blue was. 55 seats and a very aggressive wine-by-the-glass program. We served, I think, really delicious American chophouse fair. Prime beef, game birds, duck, squab, and it was all family-style. It was really kind of a fun place that became more of a locals restaurant. The tourist crowd, the visitor crowd would go to Windows, which had dramatic views. Wild Blue also had dramatic views, but on the south side of the building, facing the Statue of Liberty. We had a very kind of local crowd. I'm very proud of the work we did there, and I'm very proud of the people I met and had the chance to work with. Do you have a favorite memory from working on the 106th and 107th floors? A real favorite memory was the annual holiday party that David Emil and Joe Baum hosted, and that was held in January at Windows. That's where everyone who worked there was invited to bring members of the family and come to one of the private dining rooms, which could seat 500 people, if not more. That holiday party was a fantastic memory. Everyone came with family. Everyone who worked there got dressed up. We had people from the around the world at Windows, and it was an incredibly global staff. The team would refer to themselves as the U. N. of restaurants. They had such diversity in the workforce, the staff that worked there. And there were more than 60 languages that were spoken among the staff. You could alway find someone who could act as a translator for any guest who needed help. This diversity was exciting. But on that day when we had our holiday party, it was really wonderful to see all of the people we worked with. Much of them came in the finest clothes that they wore in their original, native homelands. It was like being at a party at the U. with beautiful clothing from around the world — from Africa, from Asia, from India, and Latin America. Just a beautiful thing where people were proud of where they worked. Everyone had a good time. You devoted a lot of your life after 9/11 to working with the families of the employees that died, and the employees that were displaced. Did you think that, after a year or two, there would be another Windows on the World? Did you think that you would be able to work together again? There was a lot of pain and loss felt by everyone and it was different for each individual. We lost 79 of our co-workers. But I think that there was some sense of time to recover. It's a very difficult question to answer, because I think it's personal to each individual. You've got to see it from this point of view: There were people lost at Windows who had family members who worked there who weren't lost. We had a family that worked in our kitchen, there were four brothers, the Gomez brothers, two were lost and two were not. There was a lot of recovery. I think the pain of recovery leads to, We want to get back to where we were. I think there was a sense of people trying to stay together. There was also a lot of confusion in the aftermath thinking, What is the right thing to do. It was something I wish could've happened overnight. For me, I wish that this never would have happened, of course, but there were different configurations of people trying to stay together. We had Noche in Times Square with nearly 50 of our co-workers. That's a small number compared to Windows Hospitality Group, which was one of the largest in the world in sheer volume and size. So, 50 people working together was a comforting thing for some of us to be able to continue to work together. Others went down to the restaurant on Lafayette Street — there were groups that felt they wanted to keep some of their friends and co-workers together. The loss of something so immense was a shock in itself. 12 years later, what is your relationship with the families of the employees you worked with? As in any situation, you know some people better than others. You have to cultivate some have to imagine 450 people working together. I'm just trying to stress that that's a lot of people. There are some people that I knew quite well, and I am in touch with some of the family members of those who lost. I do keep in touch with some. There are others who, we work together, and we have some contact during the year. I have a few of my co-workers who were with me at Windows, who now work with me at Porter House. If this is something that can answer your Windows of Hope Relief Fund, we raised 22 million dollars with the help of Tom Valenti, David Emil, the board members, and the group of people who were with me. That fund is still paying for education for 150 children who are eligible to receive education grants from that fund, every year. A great portion of the original funds went to emergency aid to those families who lost someone on that day. There was emergency aid and health insurance that the funds paid for, for the first five years. The original mission was emergency aid, health insurance, and educational opportunities for the children of the victims, of the food service worker victims. All of the food service workers who were identified, of which there were 102, Windows being the greatest. Just so you understand, when we established that fund, we worked with the Community Service Society of New York to administer the families' needs, and I think the most important thing that we could give them was a sense of dignity and a respect for their loss, and maintain the respect for their privacy. So, in a way, it kind of cut off having personal relationships with people that were included in this fund. Do you think New York will ever have a restaurant like Windows on the World again? Oh yeah, that's the spirit of New York and our nation and humanity. To build, to create, to entertain our guests — that's what we do. Windows was incredible, and because it had really been reborn in its incarnation in 1996, that version of Windows wasn't meant to be exclusive. It was a very inclusive and democratic restaurant. The prices were not exorbitantly high, and people could come in and go to the bar and have a Coke and having this incredible experience of seeing the city. It was very open, hospitable, and friendly. I think in that spirit, New York will have something like this. I'm very happy to talk to you, because what I want you to understand day, aside from the fact that I survived greatest thing I could offer is doing what I was doing before, so that the memory of my friends and colleagues lost that day have honor. I feel privileged to wake up every day and do what I do. What I do, in part, is a tribute to my friends and colleagues. A view from Windows on the World] Further Reading: From Windows on the World to Windows of Hope [Thirteen] Lomonco Escaped 9/11 but Dedicates Cooking to Friends he Lost [NYDN] Windows That Rose So Close To the Sun [NYT] Drinking at 1, 300 Ft: A 9/11 Story About Wine and Wisdom [Esquire] Ruth Reichl Remembers Windows on the World [NYM] Windows on the World: The Wine Community's True North [Wine News] The Legacy of Joe Baum [Edible Manhattan] Windows on the World Opening Report (Subscription required) NYT] Gael Greene's First Visit [Insatiable Critic] Mimi Sheraton's First Visit (Subscription required) NYT] Gael Greene's Review from November of 1976 [Google Books] Mimi Sheraton's Second Visit (Subscription Required) NYT] Bryan Miller's One Star Review from 1987 [NYT] Bryan Miller's Review from 1990 [NYT] Renovation Report from 1996: Can the Food Ever Match the View? NYT] Ruth Reichl's Two Star Review from 1997 [NYT] Windows on the World World Trade Center, New York, NY.

YouTube Windows On The World. If you booked dinner at Windows on the World between 1981 and 1993, you probably spoke to Deborah Rodi on the telephone. Known to all as Deb, she managed reservations at the restaurant, which was perched on the hundred-and-seventh floor of the North Tower of the World Trade Center. Windows on the World was part of a little gang of night spots high in the North Tower. There was the Greatest Bar on Earth and another restaurant called Wild Blue. At Windows on the World, the tables bore white tablecloths and little vases, each with a single flower. Men had to wear jackets or they could not take their tables. Finance was transforming the country and taking over the city—Deb watched nineteen-eighties New York decide on its identity. She remembers Grace Kelly and Andy Warhol coming in. She remembers the day, in 1983, when she didnt ask the maître d whether his purple swelling was Kaposis sarcoma, because she didnt want to offend him and she had only learned about the AIDS virus that morning. She was twenty-three years old when she started the job, and commuted to work from Jersey City. There were unsettling aspects to working so high up. The hanging plants in Debs office, one floor down, swung around as wind buffeted the skyscraper. Deb remembers a co-worker named Gerald, who would eavesdrop, she says, on other building workers, and once heard them talking about small, unchecked fires in the Trade Centers two buildings. “Something is going to happen here one day, ” he told her. During the twelve years when she worked at the restaurant, she took home a variety of objects, in an absent-minded, memento officii sort of way. Now some of those objects are on display: the young artist Rose Salane has curated a selection of Debs past for a show at Company Gallery on Eldridge Street. Salane met Deb after bidding on a postcard from Windows on the World that Deb was selling online. (The show is titled “Indigo237, ” after Debs eBay account. Deb, curious whether Salane had some connection to the restaurant, wrote her an inquisitive message, and they began a correspondence. In addition to the objects Deb collected, the show includes fictional newspaper articles that report scenes from Debs memories. In an article titled “How to Cut a Cigar 1991, ” we read about Deb idly playing with a cigar guillotine during a safety meeting, as employees are taught how to recognize a bomb disguised as a pack of Marlboros. They dont even sell American cigarettes here, Deb thinks, as the meeting drags on. Then a man named Bill asks Deb to show her colleagues how to cut cigars for their customers. “How to Cut a Cigar”: inkjet on newsprint, silver cigar cutter from Windows on the World (2018. Photograph Courtesy Rose Salane / Carlos/Ishikawa Gallery “WOW93”: inkjet on newsprint, playing cards from Windows on the World (2018. Photograph Courtesy Rose Salane / Carlos/Ishikawa Gallery The cigar clipper is in the show, along with a salt cellar, a dish, and Debs business card. Theres a promotional postcard that is illustrated with one of the elegant tables that filled the restaurant, a little, spotlit corner of intimacy against the vast darkness outside the high window. Salane has also sculpted objects based on restaurant equipment, and included several pictures taken by Deb, who is a keen photographer, and carried a camera to work with her often. (She wanted to go to art school but never did. In one picture, we see employees temporarily working as security personnel, in 1993, after a man named Eyad Ismoil detonated a massive truck bomb in the parking garage below the North Tower. Six people died, and hundreds were injured. Employees had the option to work security, as temps, until the restaurant was back up and running, or to take unemployment. Another photograph is a simple shot out of the window. After the 1993 bombing, Deb quit her job, afraid to keep working in a place that was a target. Salane was just a toddler at the time; she was born in Queens in the early nineties. The towers loomed over her childhood, like twin totems of the big city. She told me, when we met at her studio, near the Sumner Houses in Brooklyn, that she was “not actually so interested in 9/11. ” Instead, shes interested in the years that 9/11 has occluded, with the backward shadow that it casts on history. (The plane that hit the North Tower struck well below Windows on the World; the seventy-three employees and eighty-seven conference attendees who were in the restaurant at the time were all killed in the attack. For Salane, the World Trade Center is a symbol of the whirlwind of capital that began buffeting New Yorkers in the nineteen-eighties. As the Reagan White House deregulated U. S. markets, and the Koch administration cut New York City taxes, the Financial District thrived. Meanwhile, the AIDS crisis went unaddressed, and Nancy Reagans war on drugs incarcerated thousands of New Yorkers. George Bush and Mikhail Gorbachev, 1990. Photograph by Deborah Rodi / Rose Salane And there in the middle of it all was Deb, one young woman in her watchtower. Looking at the little objects that she brought home from work, against the backdrop of those giant buildings, the scale of this history becomes overwhelming. The history of the Twin Towers is about a decisive change in the political course of the world; its also about a salt cellar with a soft burnish to its exterior. Its about a cigar clipper held in the hand of a rich man. Its about New Yorkers who died of AIDS, and New Yorkers who were killed by terrorists. Its a young woman looking out the window of a tall building. Its a plant that cannot stay still, because the whole place is swaying. Everything in Salane and Rodis show, whether its a postcard or a memory, is the opposite of a skyscraper. These objects, in their smallness and particularity, resist the enormous scale of September 11th and insist on the everyday lives and labors of individual people. As Salane writes in her show notes, the exhibition “seeks to enter history through the pedestrian entrance. ” She and Rodi have created a venue and a frame for old narratives to come forward, and to look us in our contemporary eyes.

Windows on the World Watch stream.
The Windows On The World restaurant located in the North Tower of the WTC demonstrated how life and death can sometimes be decided on a razor thin wire of chance. In rare cases, one small change to a persons circumstances can significantly change the course or outcome of an event. The details of this decision-incident can often remain completely hidden to all the individuals involved until the event is completely over. Only then does the clear picture begin to unfold. WTC North Tower – September 11th – Slim Chance Between Life and Death. In this terrible tragedy, the North Tower, also known as 1 World Trade Center had it the worst. Not only was it the first building to be hit by one of the planes, but it was also the last building to fall. It was the only building that had all its fire stairs knocked out, that meant no-one above air strike on the 92nd floor ever got out and there would be no escape for its trapped occupants, where they would forced to witness the increasing carnage around them with their own slow realization of their ultimate demise. The Hijacked Planes Strike On September 11th 2001 at 8:46:26 a. m. American Airlines Flight 11 Boeing 767 impacted the north side of the North Tower of 1 World Trade Center. The plane entered the North Tower between the 94th and 98th floors. Flight 11 was flying at a speed of 490 miles per hour at the time of impact. North Tower occupants had no clue what was about to happen and they had no chance of survival from above the impact site, because, unlike the South Tower that was hit a few minutes later, all the fire escapes were destroyed by the impact of the plane. Documented accounts of human losses that morning at the North Tower at The World Trade Center included employees from such companies as Aon Corp, Cantor Fitzgerald and Marsh & McLennan. One particular company, Risk Waters Group Ltd, A British company, was at The Windows On The World conference facility that morning, they would not normally have been there. Windows On The World – Background On This Most Famous Restaurant Windows On The World was a world famous 40, 000 square foot restaurant near the top of the North tower on the 107th Floor at 1 World Trade Center. It boasted a popular “New American” style menu and had a first class wine list that included Chateau Lafite-Rothschild 1928 for 3000. 00. The 107th floor was also occupied by “The Greatest Bar on Earth”, aka GBOE. This 13, 000 square foot happy hour bar was popular with tourists and Wall Street types alike. It was a traditional for New Yorkers to often complain about its “poor quality” and “expensive” drinks, but its location spoke volumes with amazing panoramic views of Manhattan and the tri-state area that was pretty hard to beat. The 107th floor was also occupied by Wild Blue, a romantic and quieter restaurant and bar in the space formerly occupied by Cellar in the Sky. A popular misconception is that Windows on the World was at the very top of the North tower, when in fact the top enclosed floor was the 110th floor, where CNN and some other television companies sited equipment and staff. The South tower, across the square, was home to the public glass-enclosed observatory located on the 107th floor and the worlds highest open-air deck on the 110th floor, that the tourists could visit. On the fateful day of 9/11 2001 the Windows on The World Conference Facility on the 106th floor was playing host to the Risk Waters Financial seminar. One floor above, on the 107th floor, the main restaurant and the bar were closed. Wild Blue, however was the only thing open  on that floor and was serving breakfast to a number of WTC tenants and occupants. The Risk Waters Financial Conference The Risk Waters Group would not have normally been at the World Trade Center that day. They had organized a financial technology conference that was due to run both days of Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th of September 2001. They had invited a number of delegates from various financial companies and vendors in New York and the United States. What distinguishes those delegates from the other victims in the WTC is that they wouldnt normally be there and chance had a way of putting them there that morning. This, of course, is of no solace to the families left behind, but nevertheless remains a gruesome fact. The delegates presence at the WTC is somewhat akin to the people who died at the (alleged) job interviews at Cantor Fitzgerald on the 95th floor. People who wouldnt have normally been there, but happenstance put them there. The Risk Waters conference was due to start at 8:00 AM with Breakfast, with the first speaker due to begin at 9:00 the precise time of the impact were 16 staff from Risk Waters and 53 delegates from various invited companies and vendors in attendance. An additional 137 delegates had been invited but had not arrived at the time of the impact or did not plan in coming after all. Following the plane impact there were reports that delegates from this conference were being moved to the 107th floor. Conflicting reports indicate that smoke was heavy at the 107th floor and all the “Windows” staff was moved to the 106th floor to join the delegates. No Survivors From Above The 92nd Floor Christine Olender, the restaurants assistant general manager, said via her mobile phone to 911 services “Were getting no direction up here. Were having a smoke condition. We have most people on the 106th floor; the 107th floor is way too smoky, ” Other people above the impact site in the North Tower included staff from Windows on the World located on the 106th and 107th floors and from other companies on various floors above and below. It is understood that the roof deck was not accessible by the staff and delegates, but this is perhaps irrelevant as they may have sought adequate refuge on the 106th floor and rooftop rescue by helicopter was not a viable option, due to the updraft caused by the burning aviation fuel It is estimated over 200 people jumped to their death, with the majority of that number being made up from the North tower, where the fire and smoke were limited to fewer floors – which made it more intense. The estimate was because “Jumper” injuries were very similar to injuries sustained by enclosed occupants and could not be clearly established following the event. The figure was arrived at by analyzing photographs of descending bodies that were taken at the scene. In the North Tower there were 1360 fatalities above the 92nd floor, which was 100% of its occupants at the contrast, the South tower had one fire escape that was passable after their impact, so in fact 350 people escaped even though they were above the point of above the 92nd floor in the North tower on that fateful day meant certain death for its occupants. No one survived. While many WTC corporations knew the risk of an attack following the 1993 bomb was high, they had accepted the risk of this occurrence and went on with their daily lives. In retrospect all the regular daily inhabitants of the WTC were a walking probability. The Risk Waters group and delegates exemplify the randomness of the event. It seems sadly ironic that the Risk Waters Group range of products and services are dedicated to risk management. Individuals of Special Note Who Died in the North Tower Liz Thompson, executive director of the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council Liz Thompson 61 is executive director of the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council (LMCC. Thompson was on what was to be the last elevator down from the 91st floor in the north tower of the World Trade Center. She was in a meeting concerning a public art commission; Liz is reported to have exited the lobby at 8:43 AM. LMCC artist in residence Michael Richards, was not so lucky, he remained on the 91st floor and perished. George Sleigh, naval architect 62-year old naval architect, George Sleigh, was in a north-facing office on the telephone to a colleague on the 91st floor. Incredibly, George witnessed the aircraft heading towards his building when it was just two to three plane lengths away. “It was quite a shock to see a large passenger plane that close to the building. Almost immediately upon me seeing it, the plane hit the building, ” he says. George works for the American Bureau of Shipping; its suite of offices was on the 91st floor, immediately to the left of the impact zone. It took George 50 minutes to descend the 91 flights to safety within a northern stairwell. He remains the highest survivor from the North Tower, no others from his floor (or above) survived Peter Field, the chairman and chief executive of Risk Waters Group Peter Field, the chairman and chief executive of Risk Waters Group, was scheduled to be at the Risk Waters conference that morning. He recalls, “I was up at about 6:30am to check my e-mail and phone the London office, intending to leave for the inaugural Waters Financial Technology Congress at the World Trade Center no later than 8:00 am. But I had trouble retrieving my e-mail and I decided to call our IT manager in London to get the problem sorted out. It was this simple act that probably saved my life. By the time Id accessed my e-mail, I was running late, eventually leaving my hotel on the Upper West Side at about 8:10am. I ran across the road from my hotel to the 66th St. subway entrance only to find there was a long delay in the service on the 1 and 9 lines to the Cortlandt St. /World Trade Center station. Eventually, I crammed myself on to a train at around 8:25am. I thought: “I might still catch Davids opening remarks because the conference is bound to start a little late. ” Delegates always register at the last minute on the first day of conferences. David Rivers, our companys editorial director in New York, knew more about financial technology than many in the industry and was therefore ideal to open the first Waters Congress at Windows on the World, on the 106th floor of the north tower of the World Trade Center”When Peter arrived at street level at Cortlandt St at 8:50am he found the tragedy beginning to unfold “There was a sickening smell of what I thought was gas but which I later discovered was jet fuel”. ” On the shopping concourse above the station, I remember a brief glimpse of broken glass and a cacophony of alarms before I became aware of security guards screaming at us, “Run, run for your life””. Greg Manning, Trader at Euro Brokers Greg Manning who stood, horrified, on the morning of Sept. 11 as he watched the towers burn – smoke belching, he was certain, from the 105th floor of Tower One, where his wife Lauren worked, and the 84th floor of Tower Two, where his employer, Euro Brokers, was located. Friends and family called immediately. “I could not say whether Lauren was alive, ” Greg Manning wrote in his book. “I was almost certain she was dead. ” Behind schedule that day, Greg, a Euro Brokers vice president, was to have attended the Risk Waters conference at the Windows on the World on the 106th floor of Tower One. Tony Mann, President of E-J Electric Tony Mann, president of E-J Electric, Long Island City, which had an office in Tower 2, built and maintained the World Trade Centers entire security system. On the morning of Sept. 11, the electricians were doing routine maintenance work when the first hijacked commercial airliner slammed into Tower 1. ”Five minutes before it happened, one of our foremen was on the 107th floor, ” Mann said. “His radio wasnt working, so he came down and was walking across the lobby when the first plane hit. He then ran down to the basement to make sure all our people got out. ” Rick Weisfeld, President of Bronx Builders For Rick Weisfeld, president of Bronx Builders, a woodworking firm, the morning was especially hard. Three of his employees were in the World Trade Center, attending an early morning meeting at Windows on the World on the 107th floor “We were renovating one of the bars there, ” Weisfeld recalled. Later, he would learn that all three, including one a key foreman and a close friend, were among the nearly 3, 000 people who were killed in the World Trade Center attacks. Architect Obdulio Ruiz-Diaz, a draftsman with Bronx Builders, was one of those men with co-workers Joshua Poptean and Manuel DaMota. Chris Morrison (34) of Zurich Scudder Investments Chris Morrison (34) of Zurich Scudder Investments, grew up on High Plain Road, Andover, New York – where his parents – Joe and Maureen – still live. Chris was a popular and successful graduate of Central Catholic High School and St. Lawrence University. He was another delegate attending the Risk Waters seminar on the 106th floor. Heather Ho, executive pastry chef at New Yorks Windows on the World restaurant Heather Ho, age 32 was an executive pastry chef at New Yorks Windows on the World restaurant on the 107th floor of the World Trade Center. Heather was always early for her job and worked hard. She was greatly admired for creative new ideas in the approach to traditional recipes. Her dream was to open her own pastry shop. A roommate described her as a unique and amazing person. She said she knew how to have a good time and also worked and played hard. Neil D. Levin, Executive Director of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Neil D. Levin, executive director of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, wanted the agencys airports to be showcases for the region, and pushed workers to develop high-tech improvements for airline passengers and time-deprived commuters. He was on the 106th floor talking with his secretary on the 67th floor of the North Tower. It is unclear why he was at the Risk Waters meeting, as it was primarily for the financial community and no other meetings were taking place on that floor that morning. His wife, Christy Ferer, an author and former television reporter said “The last time someone talked to him, he was on the 106th floor. His secretary [from his office on the 67th floor] was talking to him by phone, and as he was talking the plane hit, and they both said `Holy cow! at the same time. The line went dead. Then [a co-worker] said she ran into someone who said he was on the 63rd floor, and thats what gave me false hope. ” “He never returned home” The Final Messages To Loved Ones The final messages to the loved ones came in a variety of ways from Windows on the World. Some came via email, others by Blackberry, some managed to use land lines or mobile phones. Some accounts have faxes and others have cherished voicemails. By all reports the mobile phone network survived right up until the last minute because the primary transmitter was on the roof, albeit severely impaired by the volume of calls being placed throughout downtown Manhattan. When the final messages were being delivered through the various means, those who were trapped had no chance of survival, they just didnt know it, neither did anyone else. It was assumed that they had a fighting chance, a slim opportunity to survive, surely someone would survive the dreadful tragedy. Brian Clark, a World Trade Center survivor in the 1993 and 2001 incidents said in his book “Why couldnt there have been just one survivor from the North Tower above the impact site? – With a parachute or something, I know it sounds absurd, just so we can say one person survived” He added “Perhaps that individual would have been vilified by grieving families, or maybe it would have brought hope of mans ability to endure however hopeless the odds”, “To see him jumping out of the building and gliding down in bright colors framed with the beautiful blue sky amid the terrible turmoil of the scene would have raised the hearts of both the trapped and the grieving families alike”, “Its not their son, but he would have carried the spirit of all of them” “If that had been me, I cant imagine how I would have been able to turn my back on those left behind though” With hindsight, many opportunities to avoid being caught up in this terrible tragedy existed, but who was to know such a terrible thing could happen on such a beautiful day. It seems that the odds of the event occurring remained constant and that time was the only unknown factor. This adds weight to the probability argument that, given time, everything can happen to everyone, everywhere. This single event has forever changed the way Americans live their lives, unlike any other single event in modern US history, save for Pearl Harbor and D-Day. The tenants above the 91st floor of the North Tower at the World Trade Center were: Organizations Above 91st Floor 1 WTC - North Tower Floor American Bureau of Shipping 91 Lower Manhattan Cultural Council 91 Carr Futures 92 Fred Alger Management 93 Marsh USA 93 -100 Kidder Peabody & Co. 101 Cantor Fitzgerald Securities 101-105 The Nishi-Nippon Bank Ltd. 102 Channel 4 (NBC) 104 Windows on the World Rest. 106-107 Greatest Bar on Earth 107 World Trade Club 107 Channel 5 (WNYW) 110 Channel 31 (WBIS) 110 Channel 47 (WNJU) 110 Channel 2 (WCBS) 110 Channel 11 (WPIX) 110 CNN 110.
Originally published in the September 2011 issue. This story needed an ending before it could find its first sentence. So please forgive me for delivering it ten years overdue. Maybe it shouldn't have been so hard to write. Looking back, it had everything: merriment, adventure, and a journey to the top of the world. It contained a crash into ground zero on one of the darkest days in America's history and a search for fulfillment afterward. Yet for ten years, the words were trapped inside me and I couldn't get them out. We all know the feeling of wanting to do something so well and so badly that we try too hard and can't do it at all. In the end, though, there's no trick to being yourself. So I'm simply going to tell this story the way it happened. It started fourteen years ago, when a new editor was hired to guide Esquire. The magazine was in distress. You might find only a dozen pages of advertising in an issue, and most of them were pitching hair-replacement schemes and promises to resurrect lost sex drive. The new editor called upon a group of writers whom he'd assembled over the years to join him. He was on a mission to resurrect a great American magazine, and he wanted good ideas. One of mine was to become the Perfect Man. The concept was to identify the subjects every man should know, and then have experts in each field show me how to master them. I was certainly up for the task. The only reason I call myself the Perfect Man, I used to joke, is that I have so many flaws to correct. We all know the feeling of wanting to do something so well and so badly that we try too hard and can't do it at all. The idea turned into a monthly column, and what a blast it was. The legendary Jack LaLanne showed me how to get in shape and eat right. I learned how to project my voice from boxing announcer Michael Buffer; how to smoke ribs at the Jack Daniel's World Championship Invitational Barbecue; how to walk with grace from a Victoria's Secret model; how to prolong my orgasms from specialists in tantric sex. (My wife is eternally grateful. The last area I poked my nose into was wine. Wine makes a lot of men uncomfortable. It's not as if sweat would bubble above my upper lip every time a waiter handed me a wine list. But I always felt uncertain and small in those moments, especially if I was taking out a woman or hosting a group. It was much easier to crack open a beer and mock snooty wine drinkers for their full-bodied aromatic claptrap than it was to admit I didn't have a clue. But in wine, you pay for your ignorance. A haughty waiter can roll his eyes and make you feel smaller than a raisin. A fast-talking one can chump you into ordering a bottle that will launch the check into the stratosphere. Anyway, the editor generously sent me off to wine school to finalize my education in self-improvement. In return, I agreed to showcase what I learned by becoming the guy who recommends wine to diners at an upscale restaurant. The sommelier. Then I'd write a story that would show how, with a little effort, any man could feel comfortable around wine. The Windows on the World Wine School, the best in the city, was down the corridor from the famous restaurant by that name, at the top of the World Trade Center. The elevator took fifty-eight seconds to reach the 107th floor, and you could always tell who was taking the ride for the first time. Halfway up, everybody's stomach did the same sudden somersault, and the rookies would grasp in panic for support. and then return the smiles of the vets remembering their own first trip. The classroom was a ballroom filled with tables topped with columns of empty wineglasses. Everyone who entered wandered first to the long stretch of floor-to-ceiling windows. On a sunny day or moonlit night, the view of lower Manhattan from Windows on the World was like the first time you heard Frank Sinatra singing "New York, New York. It was amusing to look down at helicopters. Just thinking about the acrobat who once walked a three-quarter-inch steel cable between the tops of the Twin Towers made you wonder what wasn't possible. You had to hand it to the architect who envisioned that millions of people would travel millions of miles to dine some 1, 300 feet above sea level. For a time, no restaurant in the United States took in more money, and no restaurant on the planet sold more wine. Courtesy Kevin Zraly The guy who ran the wine school was, and still is, sort of a cross between a stand-up comic and Monty Hall from Let's Make a Deal. His name is Kevin Zraly. I could never describe all that Zraly passed on during this eight-week course in 1999. Time and a storm has eroded most of the memories. But a writer who prided himself on never keeping a diary once told me that "the good shit sticks. Nine years later, I'm left with what stuck. So here's a story that gets to Zraly's core: As a young man, Kevin was interviewed by the legendary restaurateur Joe Baum for the position of cellar master at Windows. Baum's first question was "So, Kevin, what can you tell me about wine? Now, that may appear to be a casual way to start an interview, but it's a terrifying question for an applicant who's depending on the answer to get a job. The question's too big. What possible answer is there? I like to drink it. Zraly replied. He knew how to shrink the complex to the simple—a good quality to have if you're going to introduce people to wine. For example, he'd point to the three major varieties of white wine—Riesling, sauvignon blanc, and chardonnay—and ask you to visualize them as skim milk, whole milk, and cream. Before you'd even tasted the wines, you had an idea of where they stood from light to heavy. Then he did the same for reds. Pinot noir: skim milk. Merlot: whole milk. Cabernet sauvignon: cream. With that information alone, you could go into a restaurant, order a thick sirloin, and know that it was wiser to muscle up to the steak with a hearty cabernet than a willowy Riesling. Classes passed quickly, and the wines that Zraly exposed us to began to work their magic. They encouraged us to go out and seek, to lose ourselves in a world that no one person could ever fully explore. In wine, you pay for your ignorance. The first day I got lost was a memorable one. April 20, 1999. When people who loved wine heard that I was attempting to become a sommelier, they immediately took me in as a long-lost brother. I had been invited to a wine-tasting lunch at the great restaurant Daniel, where eleven wines from Chateau Lagrange, in the French region of Bordeaux, were to be poured. One of the first things you need to know in order to function at a tasting is how to roll the wine around your mouth, spit it into a bucket, and define the flavors left behind. This allows you to discern the different styles and tastes without getting drunk. Unfortunately, novice that I was, I hadn't quite figured out how to spit and taste by the time of that lunch. So I drank all eleven glasses. Then, in a warm fog, I walked downtown to class at Windows on the World, where another dozen wines were poured, then drifted off to dinner with a winemaker, during which several more bottles were opened. It was like the best day of school you could imagine, when you also discover you have an enormous family that you never knew about. The Brotherhood of the Grape, someone called it. I learned, I laughed, I embraced. It was one of those days that end with you peeling off your clothes, lying down, and drifting off to sleep happy to be alive. And I did just that, completely oblivious to the fact that early that same day, twelve students and a teacher were gunned down at Columbine High School. Getty Images There's only one way to know which bottle of wine to order at a restaurant or buy for a friend: taste it. Problem is, how do you taste them all? Something like sixty-five hundred French wines alone can be purchased in the United States. Tens of thousands of labels are imported from Italy, Portugal, Spain, Germany, Hungary, Austria, New Zealand, South Africa, Greece, Argentina, and New Zealand. Wine is produced in all fifty states. Where would you start? There are good answers to this question. I was most impressed with the shortest: Vinexpo. Every other year in Bordeaux, winemakers from around the world pour their juice for more than fifty thousand buyers to sample. By brazenly promising to taste nearly every wine on the planet over a few short days, I wrangled some expense money from the editor and jetted off. My bravado evaporated the moment I stepped into the convention center and felt the bottom of my jaw dangling beneath my balls. I faced a hall that was—no exaggeration—a mile long and two football fields wide. I'm usually the type of guy who never says no unless you ask me if I've had enough. But this. was almost too much. I tasted, spit, and scribbled in a notepad as if I were one of the chosen few, the Jedi who could taste a wine blindfolded and tell you everything about it. But it wasn't long before I was lost in the maze. My first day would've ended without a memory of a single wine if I hadn't stumbled upon a man named Anthony Dias Blue. The pourers treated him as if he were a celebrity, because when Blue highlights a wine in the press, that label is elevated above tens of thousands of competitors. As I followed him around, I noticed that when certain pourers saw Blue, they reached under the table and pulled out bottles the rest of us weren't getting. I glued myself to his side and the pourers had no choice but to show good etiquette and fill my glass beside his. That was how I found out about La Turque, a wine made by Guigal in the Rhône region in France. Tasting a 400 wine when you've been cutting your teeth on 20 bottles will widen your eyes. But for me, this wine was bigger than that. La Turque opened my ears. It made me hear music. As I drank, Edith Piaf was singing "No Regrets" right out of that glass, and believe me, she was in her prime. That might sound a little loopy. But people have found crazier ways to describe the taste of wine. I've heard praise for the "barnyard odors" in a glass of burgundy. A sommelier once asked me if I had picked up "brussels sprouts" in the bouquet of a red wine from Chile. And a wine magazine editor once assured me that there was "a hint of Tasmanian black pepper" my italics) in a glass of Shiraz. I could never get excited talking up brussels sprouts, and describing wine with adjectives like metallic, nutty, tart, floral, and woody just wasn't me. So I began to correlate wine with music, and to this day the melodies have stayed with me. As the months passed, I scribbled comparisons between wines and songs on scraps of paper constantly. I tossed these notes in a box along with pictures of some of the many wineries I visited when the opportunities arose and I could coax more expense money out of the editor. Ella Fitzgerald singing scat is wonderful champagne. Luciano Pavarotti is a great Barolo. Pick up a Robert Weil Riesling Auslese and you might hear Sade singing "The Sweetest Taboo. " I once observed a woman in a supermarket checkout line buying a couple of bottles of mass-market California merlot and asked her if, by chance, she happened to like the music of Barry Manilow. "I do. she replied. "How did you know? I once brought my wine-to-music theory to the home of Monte Lipman, chairman of Universal Republic Records, and it wasn't long before everyone was discovering Joe Jackson's voice in a glass of fine California chardonnay. Edith Piaf was singing "No Regrets" right out of that glass, and believe me, she was in her prime. The beauty of learning wine by music is that you're never ignorant. You have an opinion that's as good as anyone else's. If a sommelier brings you a wine list and you have no idea what to order, you can always say, We'd like a bottle of Louie Armstrong singing 'What a Wonderful World. Suddenly, the pressure has been reversed. (He's right on track if he brings you a bottle of Lalou Bize-Leroy burgundy. Stick to the music and you'll never get bogged down in a conversation with some wine geek that includes the phrase malolactic fermentation. But there is some technique involved in tasting. You can help your ears tune in to the music by getting the most out of your nose and tongue. What you want to do is pick up your wineglass by the stem (not the bowl) and swirl. The air will turn up the volume on the aroma. There are chemical reasons for this, but maybe it's easier to understand by imagining yourself on a hot, listless day. In the distance there's a guy barbecuing, but he's too far away for you to see or smell a thing. If, however, a strong wind were to blow in your direction, your nostrils might twitch at the airborne molecules of 'cue. So stick your nose in that glass and inhale. But equally crucial are the taste buds aligning the insides of your mouth. Don't gulp the juice straight down—the flavors will zoom by. Let the wine coat the inside of your mouth before you swallow, and you'll soon be tuned in to the music. Whether you like a certain song is up to you. But if the bass in a song were so overpowering that it ran roughshod over the melody or the lyrics, everybody would know something was wrong. It's no different with wine. The winemaker is like a record producer looking for harmony and balance in flavor. The acidity in a glass of New Zealand sauvignon blanc should not squash the fruit. Nor should the tannins that come off red grape skins, the ones that bring a dry sensation to your palate, block out the fruit in a cabernet sauvignon. There are critics who score wines numerically, as if each bottle were a math test. But just as a song becomes magical when it coincides with a moment that has meaning in your life, a wine doesn't need ninety-seven points to be fantastic. Meet the woman you want to spend the rest of your life with and the 12 pinot noir you raised when you first looked into her eyes becomes priceless. The first night I was allowed to walk the floor as an apprentice sommelier at Windows on the World, I saw a three-hundred-pound man in his best suit get down on his knee in the middle of the dining room and propose to his fiancée. When she accepted and they embraced, there was applause all around. That's what made the place special. This was a restaurant that got a thousand calls for reservations each day, had twenty-five hundred chairs and seventy cooks. Seven hundred pounds of shrimp were served each week, and three thousand forks were washed each day. And yet, despite the restaurant's size and the enormous volume of food that left the kitchen, the staff made every diner feel like the experience was not only intimate but uniquely his or her own. The woman who accepted the proposal that night glowed like a queen. It would be my job to help maintain that glow. I had the good fortune to be assigned to one of the Jedi. Windows on the World's Andrea Immer had won a highly competitive contest in 1997 to be crowned the best sommelier in America. She was five feet two inches of pixie and pure grace, and the confidence she had on the floor reminded you of the way a great athlete owns a field. You got the sense that diners returned just to see her. Meet the woman you want to spend the rest of your life with and the 12 pinot noir you raised when you first looked into her eyes becomes priceless. When she asked if I'd brought along a waiter's corkscrew, I produced a sleek one that had been given to me as a gift and had the look of a new Jaguar driving out of the showroom. "I'll bet the blade is really sharp. she said. "You might want to start out with one that's been used. " There are many skills that a great sommelier must master. But to me, the most important is the ability to remove the fear from diners who know little or nothing about wine. People have good reason to be nervous. Maybe it's the link to royalty in the past, but wine has a way of bringing out that I'm better than you quality in people you wouldn't want to have a drink with. But mostly it's the prices that keep people on edge. It may be strange to say this now, but when it came to wine, Windows was the safest place in the world to be. You'd never be made to feel uncomfortable if you didn't pronounce a wine correctly. You'd never be recommended a wine just because it wasn't selling and the manager wanted it out the door. You'd never be chumped into buying a pricey one to jack up the bill. Andrea had the ability to magically intuit how much you'd feel comfortable spending and then find a way to match your food with the best wine your money could buy. Her goal, it seemed, was to prove you could love wine as much as she did. As I followed Andrea around the floor, I was amazed at how her passion merged with precision. There was a certain way the wine bottle was to be carried from the cellar, the bottom grasped in the hand, the body cradled like a football inside the forearm. There was a correct way to introduce a wine by holding the label in front of the taster and reciting its name, region, country, and vintage. A correct way to open a bottle with the waiter's corkscrew, circumnavigating the knife blade around the lower lip and then using the blade to peel the foil off over the top of the cork. Chardonnay had to be poured to exactly the fattest part of the glass, allowing room for the drinker to swirl without spilling. It would take me pages to describe all the rules and procedures, but they contributed to something special, because diners were at the same time made to relax and feel like royalty. Redux Andrea made it all look so easy that when she asked me if I'd like to try serving a table myself, I accepted—without bothering to tell her that I had never removed a cork with a waiter's corkscrew. My first table was a group of guys who were ordering steaks and laughing so loudly that it didn't seem possible to screw up. The table reminded me of an Australian party, so I recommended a Shiraz from Down Under that wailed like Tina Turner. I circled the corkscrew's blade around the foil covering the lip, but when I went to strip the foil over the top of the cork, I fumbled and the sharp new blade sliced into my thumb and sent blood spurting. "You okay. Andrea called from outside the door of the men's room as I rinsed off my bloody palm. It was beyond embarrassing. I stared in the mirror, shook my head, and tried to smile. An acrobat had once lain down on his back on a steel cable between the Twin Towers a quarter of a mile above the sidewalk. The Perfect Man couldn't even open a bottle of wine at the same height without bloodying himself. AP There was never a day that I entered the World Trade Center when I didn't think about Philippe Petit's tightrope walk between the towers. Even now, after watching snippets of it hundreds of times on YouTube, it still gives me thrills. The walk was not sanctioned, and there was no safety net. Petit spent six years in secretive planning, observing the towers as they came up and posing as a construction worker and a journalist to take measurements and check out the wind currents. Early on the morning of August 7, 1974, he and his posse hid in the World Trade Center and used a crossbow to first shoot fishing line across the gap between the towers, then pull successively thicker lengths of rope across that could support the cable. At 7:15 a. m., after the 450-pound cable had been stretched taut between the towers, he stepped out. The sonavabitch didn't just walk. He danced. At times, both of his feet bounded off the cable. He bowed on a knee. He lay on his back with his balancing pole balanced on his chest, and relaxed as if he were in the grass of Central Park. When he was asked later why he did it, he replied, If I see three oranges, I have to juggle. And if I see two towers, I have to walk. " I took inspiration from his preparation, showing up early for business conferences so I could practice opening dozens of bottles consecutively with my waiter's corkscrew until I could do it in my sleep. I learned to discreetly point to prices on the menu as I spoke about wines so the host could let me know if my recommendations were within his or her budget without ever having to mention the cost. I wanted to connect every diner with the grandeur of the journey from wine dunce to sommelier. I wanted you to understand what it was like to try to drink every wine at Vinexpo and bump into Edith Piaf. Sometimes I got carried away with diners who knew more than a little about wine, entering prolonged discussions over exactly which hard-driving California cab could release "Freebird" in their souls. In times like those, the general manager, Glenn Vogt, would call me over, put his arm around me, and let me know that it was great to see an entire table looking at the wine list as if it were a jukebox, but in the meantime four tables had been seated and the diners appeared to be very thirsty. It was time to step out on my own. Glenn and the chef, Michael Lomonaco, knew just the right place to hang the high wire. Wild Blue was a romantic restaurant set alongside Windows on the World. It had the same floor-to-ceiling windows, but it was not a tourist attraction. It was an intimate dining room that New Yorkers knew about and returned to because it was the place where Lomonaco had thrown his heart and soul. It was his home within Windows, which made me proud when he made it mine. My first evening as the sommelier was a Thursday night in May, 2001. The first seating was a couple celebrating their twentieth anniversary. The husband was a friend of mine, but his wife had never seen my face and therefore had no idea that I knew who she was. I had them seated at a table overlooking the necklace of lights on a bridge straddling the East River. Then I approached them in a suit tailored especially for the evening with a bottle cradled against my chest. The Perfect Man couldn't even open a bottle of wine at the same height without bloodying himself. "Good evening. I said. "On the occasion of your anniversary, all of us at Windows on the World would like to present you with a taste of Lordeaux champagne. It is served at the Assemblée Nationale in France and is ordinarily unavailable in the United States. Never before has it been poured at these heights, and never shall it be poured here again. The wife knew little about champagne, but she understood something much deeper, and as she looked at her husband, her eyes welled up. If on that night I possessed one-trillionth the audacity of Philippe Petit on the high wire, it still was big juice. I simply had no fear of wine. If you asked me about the fifteen hundred wines on the Windows list, I could talk to you from amarone to zinfandel. Pick your music and I'd pour. I even found humor in my missteps. When I spilled a few drops on a table, I apologized with gusto. "That is unforgivable! Let me bring you another bottle on the house! "Hey. called a guy at the next table. "Why don't you spill some here! I spread such joy on that evening that people actually took money from their wallets and slid it into the palm of my hand as they shook to say goodbye. Even as I protested—"No, you don't understand, that's not why I'm doing this"—they insisted, squeezing my palm shut, imploring, Take it, please. " A week later, a woman whom I served that night came back with some friends and asked in all seriousness, Is Cal working tonight? Perhaps I should have started writing the story the following day. But there was no deadline, I was occupied with other work, and I went on vacation over the summer. I figured I'd clear out time in September. I didn't know any of the seventy-three staff workers at Windows on the World who died on September 11 after the hijacked plane smashed into the North Tower. I didn't know any of the waiters who were serving seventy-one guests at a technology conference breakfast. I didn't know any of the people who chose to jump rather than choke and burn, nor any of the firemen who went up when everybody else was coming down, nor any of the more than three thousand who perished. I do know a man who was in the bathroom on the eighty-first floor when the airliner struck, who got down the stairwell in time to see Tower 2 imploding in the reflection off the windows of the Millennium Hotel across the street, and who dove for cover screaming the names of his wife and son as the weight of the World Trade Center fell on his head. When my friend Michael described the experience, we both knew that there was no way he could even begin to convey the depth of emotions he'd passed through on that day. So there's very little reason to bring up my feelings—especially since I was five hundred miles away. I can tell you I felt the need to be there. A few days later, at dusk, a friend of a friend managed to get me on a National Guard Humvee that toured the site. Even after all the images I'd seen on television, it was unrecognizable. I understood why people in New York who were watching the towers fall on television had left their living rooms to watch it from their balconies or windows or rooftops, just to confirm that it was truly happening. We drove through military checkpoints, police checkpoints, fire-department checkpoints. I stared at the monumental tangle of steel and concrete and realized the hijackers had planned to kill with the same intense detail that Philippe Petit had employed to make our spirits soar. For hours, we toured the sight in virtual silence. At one point, we passed some graffiti that read: O BIN, YOU DONE FUCKED UP. As my friend Michael had run down city streets covered in dust consisting of the remains of people who'd been disintegrated, he tried to grasp some meaning from what was happening. This was all part of a pattern of human cruelty and killing that has gone on since the beginning of time, he told himself. He just happened to be very close to this one. Some part of me was not the same as it was on 9/10. It would have been very easy for me to kill anyone attached to this in the slightest way. The evening turned into morning and I never did get my balance. When I saw a parking garage filled with cars covered with that same gray dust, I turned to the National Guard captain and foolishly asked, Why don't people come and get their cars? "Cal. the captain said, putting a hand on my shoulder to balance me and leaving it there for a while. "A lot of those cars don't have owners anymore. " I can't be sure that wine has ever tasted the same to me. Not long after, a benefit was organized for the families of those who'd worked and lost their lives at Windows on the World. Elite wineries in California donated cases of their best stuff to be auctioned off. The city's great chefs volunteered to cook for the occasion at Robert DeNiro's restaurant, Tribeca Grill. New York's finest sommeliers signed on to pour. Glenn Vogt called and asked me if I'd stand in as the sommelier of Wild Blue. Glenn had arrived at the World Trade Center the morning of 9/11 to see bodies and debris hurtling down from the sky. Michael Lomonaco would be at the benefit only because he stopped to get a pair of eyeglasses on 9/11, delaying his regular arrival for the fifty-eight-second elevator ride up to 107. At the benefit I poured fabulous wines from Screaming Eagle, Harlan Estate, Colgin Cellars, Bryant Family Vineyard, and Sine Qua Non, all the while thinking about the Muslim waiter at Windows who'd died in the carnage and whose wife gave birth to his son the following day. Hundreds of thousands of dollars were raised. Toward the end of the evening, the chefs were announced to great applause. Then the sommeliers. As my name was called out with a few others from Windows on the World, a few diners stepped out of their chairs to make it a standing ovation. Waves of emotion ran through me, incredible pride to have been touched by Windows, but also the feeling you get when you bite into a rotten pear. Yes, the evening was all about lifting spirits. But there was no escaping in that instant what an imposter I was. I was no sommelier. I had not lost my colleagues and my livelihood. I was a writer—and even worse, a writer who, at the moment, couldn't write. I'd spent many 3:00 a. m. 's staring at a blank computer screen searching for a first sentence. There was none. Nor was there a last. Everything in the middle was wine bottles falling end over end through space as bodies hurled by into the twisted jumble of wreckage. Months later, I went to interview the chef Mario Batali for another story, and I told him about my experience. If anyone would have a response to the one question I wanted answered, it would be Mario, for at heart he was a creator who knew how to bring very different ingredients together to make his food sing. "Is it possible. I asked, to write a story that balances the fun I had discovering wine with the horror of 9/11? He was silent for a moment, then he slowly shook his head back and forth. "No. You'll never be able to do it. he said. And then he paused and added, but you've got to. " The editor who'd backed my journey didn't say a word—which only made it worse. After handing me one of the best years of my life and seeing the conflict it had smashed into, we both knew he was hoping for something extraordinary. I tried to jump-start the story like a dead battery by going off on my own to Portugal to do something I'd dreamed of: turning grapes into wine with my bare feet. Technology has made winemaking more efficient throughout the world, but the best ports are still made the old-fashioned way. After the grapes are picked, they're dropped into granite troughs called lagars that hold about two thousand gallons of juice. In the evenings, the pickers methodically march for a couple of hours. Then a free-for-all called liberdade erupts and a carnival in grape juice begins. I stepped into the lagar at Fonseca, marched for hours, and then threw myself into the party. We stamped our grape-stained handprints on each other's shirts and spun dizzily all night. When liberdade came to a close, one of the Portuguese grape pickers asked me where I was from. "New York. I said. He blinked, said, World Trade Center. and came forward to embrace me. The woman next to him joined him in the embrace, as did the man behind her. The embrace grew larger and larger, men and women forming a collective hug around me up to our thighs in grape juice. And still, the world's understanding did not give me enough understanding to write. Nothing came, and in my guilt I'd find myself stammering to the editor that something soon would. But I knew the reality. I took the box of wine notes in my office down to the basement and buried it. My lies made my guilt feel like betrayal. More time passed. In 2004, the hilarious movie Sideways, about two guys on a road trip through California wine country, came out to great fanfare. Wine bars started sprouting all over America. More and more people were becoming aware of wine and less afraid of it. The editor called me in to tell me that the story might no longer be relevant, perhaps a last-ditch attempt to wrench it out of me. I went to my basement to dredge up my wine notes and found that they had been soaked by a rainstorm and were now black with mold. The fifth anniversary of 9/11 arrived and an extraordinary magazine cover appeared in my mailbox: an illustration of Philippe Petit with his long balancing pole on an empty white background. There was no tightrope. There were no Twin Towers. He was trying to balance himself on nothingness. Which is exactly what writing this story would be like—trying to walk a tightrope that didn't have any rope. There was no tightrope. He was trying to balance himself on nothingness. Time had only made the world more bewildering. There was a war declared on a country that didn't attack us. The world that had hugged me in a Portuguese wine trough had now seen a photo of a smiling American soldier holding a leash that circled around the neck of a naked Iraqi in a prison. Once, in North Carolina, an all-American eight-year-old kid I was interviewing told me about arguments he'd had with classmates who adamantly insisted that President Bush had secretly masterminded the attacks on 9/11. There was an economic meltdown. An opening appeared for a man with black skin to demand change and be elected president. Navy Seals finished off bin Laden. Dictators were overthrown in Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya, while the tallest building in the world was being constructed in the Middle East and the U. S. shuddered as it reached its debt limit. The world was evolving into a different place because of 9/11. Everything that happens for the rest of this century will stem from that day, just as September 11 came out of everything that preceded it. I had walked in the carnage of the most important moment of my lifetime. A writer with nothing to say. And how important was that, anyway, when I thought of the thousands of kids without parents? When the ball descended and the clock struck midnight to announce the beginning of 2008, I stood and cheered with my family in the middle of Times Square. Millions of people had been neatly arranged in blocks by the police department throughout the day, and my three children ran with their friends amongst the jubilant crowd with happy abandon. There had not been an attack on our soil since 9/11. I looked around at the police presence and the sense of organization, and I swear in that moment it felt like Times Square was the safest place on earth. Could I have imagined that on 9/12? No, I'd never be able to make sense of it all. Something inside me stopped trying. If it was death that took the story away from me, then it was death that brought it back to life. I was eating dinner with a group that included a woman whose husband had passed away. She'd spent a good amount of time on her own and concluded that she was ready for another partner. She explained how difficult the transition was. Having been married for years, she felt uncertain, didn't even know how or where to begin looking. As she spoke, an image came to my mind of Kevin Zraly proudly announcing how his Windows on the World wine class had been the meeting ground for more than a dozen marriages and created quite a few children. "Enroll in a wine class. I said. It was a sensible suggestion. You can get a good glimpse of somebody's character simply by talking about wine, and if it flies from there, it's destiny. But the instant I made the suggestion, I realized that something huge had happened. For the first time in years, I once again saw wine in terms of possibility and growth. I had come to a new beginning—which meant that this story had an end. Not long thereafter, I sat at a hotel bar with a blank notebook and began to trace all the grape stains backward to the day in 1999 when I first stepped into the elevator in the lobby of the World Trade Center. The more I thought, the more I realized how absurd it was to think that this ever could have been a simple, merry story. Life is just not that way, and nobody's ever going to be perfect. The world is balanced just like the finest wines. Since 9/11, my life had been touched by births, graduations, weddings, anniversaries, and amazing little moments that make you grateful to be alive, as surely as it had brushed up against illness, cruelty, murder, profound sadness, and death. Wine is simply here to help us celebrate the joy as well as push us past the tragedy. "Give me wine to wash me clean from the weather-stains of care. Ralph Waldo Emerson got that right. As I sat at that bar drifting back in time, a waiter approached the bartender carrying a glass of a sweet white wine from Italy called vin santo. "We have a complaint that it's not good. the waiter said, pushing the glass toward the bartender. The bartender was young, just out of college. He poured a fresh glass from the bottle, took a taste, and looked uncertain. "Let me try. I said. There was an authority in my voice that surprised even me, and the bartender poured me a taste and pushed it forward. I swirled the glass the way Zraly taught me and guessed from the aroma that the bottle had been open for a while and the exposure to air had distorted the wine. "That's correct, it's not right. I said upon tasting. "Open a new bottle and pour a fresh glass. " The bartender opened a new bottle, poured the glass, sent it off with the waiter, and turned back to me. He told me he wasn't really a bartender but an aspiring singer, that as a high school student he had once sung "Ave Maria" for Pope John Paul II in the Vatican. "That wine wasn't that bad. he said. "How were you so certain it was no good? "If you sang for the Pope, you know all you need to know. I said. "Taste it again. This time, listen to the music in it. You'll see how the music's right, right, right—then, at the very end, there's a note that's off-key. " He put the glass to his lips, ran the wine around his palate the way I told him, swallowed, and a smile slowly lit up his face. "Yeah. he said, nodding. "Yeah. I get it...
Wonderful footage, thank you. I always wondered what the restaurant looked like. Heartbreaking to think that people jumped from those upper floors.

Windows on the World Restaurant information Established April 19, 1976 Closed September 11, 2001 (destroyed in September 11 attacks) Previous owner(s) David Emil Head chef Michael Lomonaco Street address 1 World Trade Center, 107th Floor, Manhattan, New York City, NY, U. S. City New York City, New York Postal/ZIP Code 10048 Country United States of America Seating capacity 240 Website Windows on the World was a complex of venues on the top floors (106th and 107th) of the North Tower (Building One) of the original World Trade Center complex in Lower Manhattan. It included a restaurant called Windows on the World, a smaller restaurant called Wild Blue, a bar called The Greatest Bar on Earth, and rooms for private functions. Developed by restaurateur Joe Baum and designed initially by Warren Platner, Windows on the World occupied 50, 000 square feet (4, 600 m²) of space in the North Tower. The restaurants opened on April 19, 1976, and were destroyed in the September 11, 2001, attacks. [1] Operations [ edit] Interior of Windows on the World on November 4, 1999 The main dining room faced north and east, allowing guests to look out onto the skyline of Manhattan. The dress code required jackets for men and was strictly enforced; a man who arrived with a reservation but without a jacket was seated at the bar. The restaurant offered jackets that were loaned to the patrons so they could eat in the main dining room. [2] A more intimate dining room, Wild Blue, was located on the south side of the restaurant. The bar extended along the south side of 1 World Trade Center as well as the corner over part of the east side. Looking out from the bar through the full length windows, one could see views of the southern tip of Manhattan, where the Hudson and East Rivers meet. In addition, one could see the Liberty State Park with Ellis Island and Staten Island with the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge. The kitchens, utility and conference spaces for the restaurant were located on the 106th floor. Windows on the World closed after the 1993 bombing, in which employee Wilfredo Mercado was killed while checking in deliveries in the building's underground garage. It underwent a US25 million renovation and reopened in 1996. [3] 4] In 2000, its final full year of operation, it reported revenues of US37 million, making it the highest-grossing restaurant in the United States. [5] The executive chefs of Windows on the World included Philippe Feret of Brasserie Julien; the last chef was Michael Lomonaco. September 11 attacks [ edit] Windows on the World was destroyed when the North Tower collapsed during the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. That morning, the restaurant was hosting regular breakfast patrons and the Risk Waters Financial Technology Congress. [6] World Trade Center lessor Larry Silverstein was regularly holding breakfast meetings in Windows on the World with tenants as part of his recent acquisition of the Twin Towers from the Port Authority, and was scheduled to be in the restaurant on the morning of the attacks. However, his wife insisted he go to a dermatologist's appointment that morning, 7] whereby he avoided death. Everyone present in the restaurant when American Airlines Flight 11 penetrated the North Tower perished that day, as all means of escape and evacuation (including the stairwells and elevators leading to below the impact zone) were instantly cut off. Victims trapped in Windows on the World died either from smoke inhalation from the fire, jumping or falling from the building to their deaths, or the eventual collapse of the North Tower 102 minutes later. There were 72 restaurant staff present in the restaurant, including acting manager Christine Anne Olender, whose desperate calls to Port Authority police represented the restaurant's final communications. [8] 16 Incisive Media -Risk Waters Group employees, and 76 other guests/contractors were also present. [9] After about 9:40 AM, no further distress calls from the restaurant were made. The last people to leave the restaurant before Flight 11 collided with the North Tower at 8:46 AM were Michael Nestor, Liz Thompson, Geoffrey Wharton, and Richard Tierney. They departed at 8:44 AM and survived the attack. [10] Critical review [ edit] In its last iteration, Windows on the World received mixed reviews. Ruth Reichl, a New York Times food critic, said in December 1996 that "nobody will ever go to Windows on the World just to eat, but even the fussiest food person can now be content dining at one of New York's favorite tourist destinations. She gave the restaurant two out of four stars, signifying a "very good" quality rather than "excellent" three stars) or "extraordinary" four stars. 11] In his 2009 book Appetite, William Grimes wrote that "At Windows, New York was the main course. 12] In 2014, Ryan Sutton of compared the now-destroyed restaurant's cuisine to that of its replacement, One World Observatory. He stated, Windows helped usher in a new era of captive audience dining in that the restaurant was a destination in itself, rather than a lazy byproduct of the vital institution it resided in. 13] Cultural impact and legacy [ edit] Windows of Hope Family Relief Fund was organized soon after the attacks to provide support and services to the families of those in the food, beverage, and hospitality industries who had been killed on September 11 in the World Trade Center. Windows on the World executive chef Michael Lomonaco and owner-operator David Emil were among the founders of that fund. It has been speculated that The Falling Man, a famous photograph of a man dressed in white falling headfirst on September 11, was an employee at Windows on the World. Although his identity has never been conclusively established, he was believed to be Jonathan Briley, an audio technician at the restaurant. [14] On March 30, 2005, the novel Windows on the World, by Frédéric Beigbeder, was released. The novel focuses on two brothers, aged 7 and 9 years, who are in the restaurant with their dad Carthew Yorsten. The novel starts at 8:29 AM (just before the plane hits the tower) and tells about every event on every following minute, ending at 10:30 AM, just after the collapse. Published in 2012, Kenneth Womack 's novel The Restaurant at the End of the World offers a fictive recreation of the lives of the staff and visitors at the Windows on the World complex on the morning of September 11. On January 4, 2006, a number of former Windows on the World staff opened Colors, a co-operative restaurant in Manhattan that serves as a tribute to their colleagues and whose menu reflects the diversity of the former Windows' staff. That original restaurant closed, but its founders' umbrella organization, Restaurant Opportunities Centers United, continues its mission, including at Colors restaurants in New York and other cities. Windows on the World was planned to reopen on the top floors of the new One World Trade Center, when the tower completed; however, on March 7, 2011, it was cancelled because of cost concerns and other troubles finding support for the project. [15] But successors of Windows on the World, One Dine, One Mix and One Cafe, are located at One World Observatory. [16] See also [ edit] List of tenants in One World Trade Center Top of the World Trade Center Observatories References [ edit] "Trade Center to Let Public In for Lunch At Roof Restaurant. New York Times. April 16, 1976. Retrieved October 15, 2009. ^ Chong, Ping. The East/West Quartet. p. 143. ^ New Windows on a New World;Can the Food Ever Match the View. The New York Times. June 19, 1996. Retrieved May 18, 2018. ^ Windows That Rose So Close To the Sun. September 19, 2001. Retrieved May 18, 2018. ^ The Wine News Magazine Archived 2012-02-20 at the Wayback Machine ^ Risk Waters Group World Trade Center Appeal. ^ Larry Silverstein: Silverstein Properties. New York Observer. Archived from the original on October 2, 2013. Retrieved April 2, 2013... We need to find a safe haven. WTC restaurant manager pleads. USA Today. August 28, 2003. Archived from the original on October 23, 2012. Retrieved June 26, 2014. ^ Risk Waters Group archived home page. Archived from the original on August 2, 2002. ^ 9/11: Distant voices, still lives (part one. The Guardian. London. August 18, 2002. Retrieved September 17, 2015. ^ Reichl, Ruth (December 31, 1997. Restaurants; Food That's Nearly Worthy of the View. ISSN   0362-4331. Retrieved February 22, 2018. ^ Grimes, William (October 13, 2009. Appetite City: A Culinary History of New York. Farrar, Straus and Giroux. p. 281. ISBN   978-1-42999-027-1. ^ Sutton, Ryan (June 30, 2015. Everything You Need to Know About Dining at One World Trade. Eater NY. Retrieved February 22, 2018. ^ Henry Singer (director) 2006. 9/11: The Falling Man (Documentary. Channel 4. ^ Feiden, Douglas (March 7, 2011. Plans to build new version of Windows on the World at top of Freedom Tower are scrapped. Daily News. New York. ^ One Dine. One World Observatory. External links [ edit] Windows on the World (Archive) Archived snapshot of the former WotW website, August 2, 2002 Last pre-9/11 archived snapshot of the former WotW website, February 1, 2001 v t e World Trade Center First WTC (1973–2001) Construction Towers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Windows on the World Mall The Bathtub Tenants Art Bent Propeller The Sphere The World Trade Center Tapestry World Trade Center Plaza Sculpture Ideogram Sky Gate, New York Major events February 13, 1975, fire February 26, 1993, bombing January 14, 1998, robbery September 11, 2001, attacks Collapse Timeline Victims Aftermath Rescue and recovery effort NIST report on collapse Deutsche Bank Building St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Second WTC (2001–present) Site, towers, and structures One Performing Arts Center Vehicular Security Center Liberty Park Westfield Mall Artwork ( ONE: Union of the Senses) Rapid transit PATH stations Transportation Hub New York City Subway stations Chambers Street–WTC/Park Place/Cortlandt Street ( 2, 3, A, C, E. N, R, and W trains) WTC Cortlandt ( 1 train) Fulton Street ( 2, 3, 4, 5, A, C, J, and Z trains) Fulton Center Corbin Building Dey Street Passageway 9/11 memorials 9/11 Tribute Museum National September 11 Memorial & Museum Competition Memory Foundations Tribute in Light America's Response Monument Empty Sky To the Struggle Against World Terrorism Postcards memorial The Rising memorial Relics from original WTC Cross Survivors' Staircase People Minoru Yamasaki Emery Roth & Sons Larry Silverstein Austin J. Tobin David Childs Michael Arad THINK Team Daniel Libeskind Leslie E. Robertson Other Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Silverstein Properties Park51 Project Rebirth Take Back The Memorial West Street pedestrian bridges In popular culture Film Music 9/11-related media Featuring One WTC Silver dollar 10048 ZIP code Former: IFC Former: Twin Towers 2 Brookfield Place 200 Liberty Street 225 Liberty Street 200 Vesey Street 250 Vesey Street Winter Garden Atrium New York Mercantile Exchange.

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Windows on the World Watch streams. Windows on the World Watch stream.nbcolympics. Excellent work. [time-mark 01:50. I feel like been there before but I havent. Windows on the World Watch stream new. Windows on the world watch streamlabs. Windows on the World Watch. Windows on the World Watch stream online. Windows on the World china. This partial place setting of Windows on the World china survived the collapse of the building because it had been removed to the restaurant owner's home for a private function. Location: World Trade Center Source: Gift of Night Sky Windows LLC Windows on the World restaurant objects Description: Artifacts collected from Windows on the World, a well-known World Trade Center restaurant, include a bottle of champagne, dinner spoon, table lamp, champagne flute, soup bowl, salad plate, dessert plate, and coffee cup. Context: The World Trade Center had a spectacular restaurant, Windows on the World, located on the 107th floor of the north tower with a conference facility on the 106th floor. Offering commanding views of the city, it was a popular destination with building occupants, tourists, and city residents (the restaurant served about 800 dinners nightly. When the first hijacked plane crashed into the north tower at 8:46 am, the restaurant had regular breakfast patrons on the 107th floor and a conference for the Risk Water Group on the 106th floor. About 73 employees and an unidentified number of patrons died in the fire and building collapse. Interior view of restaurant Windows on the World was known for its elegant appointments and sweeping panoramic view of New York City. Soup bowl from the World Trade Center�s Windows on the World restaurant Bird�s-eye view of cup and saucer from the World Trade Center�s Windows on the World restaurant Dessert and appetizer plate from the World Trade Center�s Windows on the World restaurant Salad plate from the World Trade Center�s Windows on the World restaurant Benefit-dinner program Program cover from a benefit dinner held in Italy to help Windows on the World restaurant employees. Transcript: AMERICAN MEMORIAL "How did I get these if everything was destroyed during the collapse. David Shayt September 11 Collecting Curator. Museum Specialist, Division of Cultural History. BROWSE MORE OBJECTS.

Windows on the World, New York City. Reservations: 212-524-7011. Is the leader of Excinction Rebellion is his name Jim Jones by any chance. Can't tell what kind of financial services, North tower- South tower … I have no idea would be a good response. Windows on the World Watch stream of consciousness. 0:46 That guy saying, ”Ive never seen anything like it in my life,” looks like he was at least 14 so Im sure he had seen SOMETHING similar. { dots" true. arrows" true. effect" slide" Barry Cafe Techne Architects had a definite theme in mind for this project when they briefed WOW Architectural for steel windows and doors. They wanted flexibility to operate within all seasons of Melbourne weather, to maximise internal natural light, and at the same time, they must maintain the Victorian heritage values of the building. All this on a tight budget. WOW utilised a range of window types to address these challenges, including a combination of operable sash movements, louvers and fixed glazing. We integrated fixed bench seating into the shopfront glazing in order to promote street activation and to capitalise on the operable facade during warmer seasons. It features a side lane facade of Green Tea coloured steel louvers and a counterweighted steel window frame that lifts up and engages the new cafe with the streetscape. Learn More { dots" true. arrows" true. effect" slide" 301 Elizabeth St WOW Architectural worked with designer Insu Kim to produce a raw, antiquated natural looking steel shop front for a new Korean Restaurant in the hub of the Melbourne CBD. The client of 301 Elizabeth St wanted a minimalist frame and we treated the steel with a blackening process, then burnished it with wax to give it a lovely natural feel. St. Ali North Cafe Construction of the St. Ali North cafe in Melbourne was a complex process – one that required the combination of expedited building phases and a varied set of steel window and door modules. WOW Architectural worked closely with the builder to allow construction to move ahead of the traditional sequence by installing a set of steel sub-frames on site that ensured the millimetre-accuracy required for installing steel doors was met. With this process, the wide variety of units including fixed lites, bi-folding, casement and awning windows and a set of highly articulated doors were fabricated to Windows on the World exacting standards. Prahran Hotel The newly transformed Prahran Hotel in Melbournes inner urban stretch is the latest example of a commercial venue that has embraced the unique design aesthetic of steel windows and doors. The builders and architects involved in the project say they had an imperative to tie in the modern renovations with the classic 1940s façade and working class history of the public bar. Steel windows and doors delivered on the brief across three floors. The works for the Prahran Hotel required a wide range of door and window units. The clients budget meant that these units were to be constructed from composite standard steel profiles for a very cost-effective solution. The schedule included multi-panel sliding doors, a single 4500mm long counter-weighted servery window, standard fixed lites and round porthole windows. Of particular note are the unusual 2240mm diameter circular windows fitted to the large concrete culverts on the buildings façade which achieve their remarkable effect very simply with a rolled 50 X 50 mm steel angle constructions and 30mm ‘t-bar transoms and mullions. Baby Pizza Restaurant The door and window units WOW Architectural was commissioned to build for Baby Pizza were required to live up to the wear and tear of a frenetic city restaurant, while maintaining an air of sophistication in a very stylish precinct of inner Melbourne. The standard steel sections are welded into a composite structure to cost-effectively eliminate water-ingress and unwanted drafts. By utilising custom folded steel panels inserted into the base of each unit, bullet hinges on the awning windows and powder-coated peg stays, the units allow for cross ventilation while imparting a sense of solid sophistication. The double powder-coat finish in a subtle grey ensures that the frames at Baby Pizza will retain their robust function for years to come. This was another highly successful collaboration with design firm Projects of Imagination. Residence – Elsternwick The design firm for this residential renovation in the Melbourne inner suburb of Elsternwick was 'Black Milk. The brief required a narrowline front profile with the ability to hold a double glazed unit. WOW Architectural achieved this using a 50x10 mm solid steel door profile - all on edge. The bespoke design included one very large sliding door, with the track set up into the ceiling cavity, which was very small. This project came up a treat with a very happy client who is now able to open their large living/kitchen area onto the backyard outdoor area and enjoy an al fresco lifestyle in a truly beautiful setting. Learn More.

Please support us on Patreon I will be uploading specialized content for patrons of  Windows on the World. Click below for all our shows and also… 9PM SUNDAY LIVESTREAM A ND CHATBOX Bitchute Channel If you benefit from our information please contribute here: Patreon Link LIVE STREAM ON SPREAKER 9pm SUNDAYS Please Subscribe Here New shows Every Wednesday at 8pm on Windows on the World You Tube Channel Mark Windows guest livestream shows on  Eric Von Essex channel Latest interviews Richie Allen show interview starts at 56 mins Our series of talks The Bigger Picture  are available to book through the website. Go to  Live Events FORTHCOMING EVENTS: THE BIGGER PICTURE You can download our Bigger Picture Poster Here ALL TALKS TALKS 2020: 8th Feb, The Cornerhouse 1 Christchurch Street East Frome BA11 1QA  11:00 AM – 6:00 PM GMT   EVENTBRITE BOOKINGS PAGE 9th Feb 12-7. 30pm The Dartmouth Inn, Totnes, Eventbrite bookings page SAT 15th Feb 10 on the door: KonSept Fitness, 10 Mengham Road, Hayling Island, Hampshire, PO11 9BL Sat 22nd Feb Worthing, East Sussex,  EVENTBRITE BOOKINGS PAGE Some recent interviews: To understand how the narrow reality and accepted corridor of opinion is imposed and why you are controlled through it, it is necessary to understand the system you are born into. Interview with The Irish Megaphone Interview with Richard Willett “A BUSINESS PLAN FOR THE WORLD”. Interview with Ciaran Boyle:  An Irish Perspective. More on his channel. EXPOSING USEFUL IDIOTS! IN OUR RECENT SHOW CITIZENS ASSEMBLIES = END OF CHOICE  We described how public participation in local planning has been taken away. The recent Citizens Assemblies in Oxford will usher in draconian restrictions on private travel and the closing of streets to all traffic. The implementation of this agenda in Waltham Forest was very unpopular and now Walthamstow Deputy Council leader Clyde Loakes who was the front puppet for implementation of “Mini Holland” in Waltham Forest has been chosen to front the same agenda in Oxford under its new brand “liveability”. The video below includes soundbites and outright lies and all in the name of sustainable development the UN Agenda to control and manage population in Smart Cities with only public transport and cycling. None of this has been properly thought out. Check out our archive on Mini Holland and Agenda 21/30/ All comments on the video below are “shadow banned”, this is very sinister considering that this is meant to be about public engagement, the amount of dislikes is revealing though. NAMED AND SHAMED! The UK Venues that Hate Truth Listen to the phone call to the organization who banned “The Bigger Picture”: Phone call to The Hamblin Centre Mark Windows Interview with Richard Willetts of Glitch in the Code: PODCAST LINK: Global Action Plan – Its just business Richie Allen Show with Mark Windows (Starts 30 mins in) The Bigger Picture, an overview Please support us by downloading our feature documentaries: Here Piers Corbyn Climate Challenge to the UN IPCC Small Charity and Venue Under Threat: FULL STORY Check out our  Crimestoppers Takedown Mark Windows on Richie Allen show (31 mins in.




ディアスキン 鹿革の殺人鬼 In 4K Great Quality Openload [For Ios]

↡↡↡↡↡↡↡↡↡ Here




Directed by: Quentin Dupieux

Genre: Comedy, Horror
A man's obsession with his designer deerskin jacket causes him to blow his life savings and turn to crime
countries: France

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New movie with Jean Dujardin is not for everyone.
Let me explain: in modern world where comedy genre is near death some thing starting to mix up. This picture is mix of comedy, thriller with a little bit of suspense.
Scene is great, autumn is filmed perfectly, Jean Dujardin looks exactly how he need to be.
Soundtrack is pretty good.
This story could be a nice tv series like Fargo, but director had other plans.
So, if you are good with not ordinary scenario and got a dark sense of humor - this movie is exactly what you need.
Plus, you will be waiting for an ending with so much interest like never before.
This is new moral step in comedy genre, like maybe "The Naked Gun" or "Futurama" once was.

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映画『ディアスキン 鹿革の殺人鬼』が2019年11月17日(日)よりシネマート新宿およびシネマート心斎橋にて開催される「のむコレ3」にて公開される. 夢にまで見た鹿革(ディアスキン)100%のジャケットを手に入れた中年の男ジョルジュはジャケットを愛するあまりいつしかジャケットと会話を交わせるまでに至っていた.完璧なジャケットとそれを着る自分を撮影しようそう思った彼はさらなる高みを目指すべく放浪の旅に出る. 旅先のバーでジョルジュは映画監督を夢見るウエイトレスドゥニースと出会う.なんとか彼女を説得しジャケット映画の制作を始めるジョルジュではあったがジャケットへの愛情は狂気すらはらんで高まってゆく. ある時ジョルジュはジャケットの切なる願いを聞く「世界で唯一のジャケットになりたい──」そこで彼は”ジャケットを着る世界で唯一の男となる”ことを決意.映画撮影と称して次々に殺人を犯す“死のジャケット狩り”を始めるのだった. 本作はフランス人監督カンタン・デュピューの最新作.殺人タイヤを主人公とした『ラバー』をはじめ奇抜な作品を生み出してきたデュピューが鹿革ジャケットへの深い愛情ゆえ殺人に走った男の狂気を描く. また主人公のジョルジュは『 アーティスト 』でアカデミー賞主演男優賞を受賞したジャン・デュジャルダンが演じる.さらに彼の映画製作を手伝う女性をカンヌ国際映画祭審査員特別グランプリに輝いた『 BPM ビート・パー・ミニット 』などで知られる女優アデル・エネルが務める. 『ディアスキン 鹿革の殺人鬼』 公開日:2019年11月17日(日)よりシネマート新宿&心斎橋にてロードショー 原題:Le daim 監督・脚本・撮影・編集:カンタン・デュピュー 出演:ジャン・デュジャルダンアデル・エネルアルベール・デルピーマリー・ビュネル 配給:トランスフォーマー 2019年 / フランス / 77分 ■「のむコレ3」上映スケジュール ・シネマート新宿 日程:2019年11月17日(日)・25日(月)・29日(金)12月2日(月)・3日(火) 住所:東京都新宿区新宿3丁目13-3 新宿文化ビル 6F・7F ・シネマート心斎橋 日程:2019年11月24日(日)12月6日(金)2020年1月5日(日) 住所:大阪府大阪市中央区西心斎橋1丁目6-14 ビッグステップビル 4F 2019 ATELIER DE PRODUCTION ARTE FRANCE CINEMA NEXUS FACTORY & UMEDIA GARIDI FILMS.

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中古車を探す 掲載台数 480, 683 台 02月03日更新 中古車を探す メーカーから探す ボディタイプから検索 こだわり条件から探す 価格から探す 〜30万 〜50万 〜100万 〜200万 〜300万 500万以上 走行距離から探す 1万km以下 1〜3万km 3〜5万km 5〜10万km 10〜15万km 15万km以上 乗車定員から探す 2人乗り 4人乗り 5人乗り 7人乗り 8人乗り 10人乗り 排気量から探す 800cc以下 1, 000〜1, 400cc以下 1, 500〜1, 900cc以下 2, 000〜2, 400cc以下 2, 500〜2, 900cc以下 3, 000〜4, 000cc以下 4, 000cc以上 新着中古車両 車両本体価格 148. 0 万 支払総額 159. 2 万 年式 2016 (H28) 走行距離 3. 8 万km U-Select甲府 174. 8 万 182. 5 万 1. 3 万km 94. 8 万 108 万 2015 (H27) 3. 2 万km 79. 8 万 91 万 2013 (H25) 9 万km 49. 8 万 57. 7 万 2009 (H21) 6. 4 万km 人気中古車ランキング 総合人気中古車両ランキング 車のタイプ別人気中古車ランキング 中古車販売店を探す 都道府県から探す カーセンサーアフター保証 カーセンサーアフター保証とは購入後の不安を安心に変える中古車専用のおすすめ保証制度です. 一台一台さまざまな状態の中古車だからこそ業界最多水準の保証範囲とわかりやすい価格設定で安心の保証をご用意しました. カーセンサーアフター保証加入者の声 販売店クチコミ 話が早い!買いやすい! (株)アップルカーセールス からの返信 この度は当店をご利用いただき誠にありがとうございました. 今後ともよろしくお願いいたします. 丁寧な対応で納車までスムーズに対応していただき ありがとうございます. 投稿日: 2020/02/03 投稿者: hiro201 行ったその日に契約. 説明書類内容等とても分かりやすく スタッフのみなさんも 雰囲気が良くてご贔屓させていただいています. 車も問題ありません. 投稿者: wわか 福岡日産自動車(株) 博多カーランド からの返信 wわか様 この度はクチコミご投稿誠にありがとうございます. この上ない高評価をいただきスタッフ一同感謝しております. 今後ともwわか様のご期待に沿えるよう精一杯頑張りたいと 思います. 末永いお付き合いを宜しくお願い致します. ずっと欲しかった車なので購入できて良かったです! お店の方の対応も丁寧でした!! 投稿者: なお# CAR SHOP CATCHY カーショップ キャッチー からの返信 なお#様この度はご購入誠に有難うございました.またこのような評価を頂きうれしく思います.希望通りの色という事で喜んで頂き仕入れ甲斐がありました!またお車の件で何か御座いましたらご相談下さいませ.末永いお付き合い宜しくお願い致します. 車クチコミ 最低 経年劣化多走行の理由によりカーセンサーの保証に加入したが案の定すく不具合が出て保証ということになりましたが担当者からは中古の部品で治しますの… 続きを見る 投稿者: isseiy 速い 非常に満足しています.加速高速走行良いです. 投稿者: テツ 美しい セカンドカーにするには最高の選択肢です.これだけゆったりとそして必要十分な走行性能を楽しめる車は少ないです. 投稿者: Nova 真っ赤で綺麗な86ちゃん 念願だった真っ赤で綺麗な86を購入させて頂きました.車輌の状態整備のクオリティの高さ.安心して運転してます. お店の方も皆さん大変良い方々で… 続きを見る 投稿日: 2020/02/02 投稿者: koba スバル レガシィB4 気持ちよく走れる上品な大人のセダン かつてはバリバリ走ってましたがいよいよおじさんですから落ち着いて走るのには最高です.ワインディングから高速まで自分で操る楽しさは絶品です.… 続きを見る 投稿者: こばやきうまいぜ 日刊カーセンサー 記事一覧 Carsensor IN MY LIFE Carsensor IN MY LIFEでは「送りたい毎日から考えるクルマ選び」を紹介します.クルマがある生活を楽しむユーザーを取材し様々なライフスタイルや中古車選びを提案.あなたらしいクルマ選びをサポートする記事を掲載しています. 中古車購入の方法や流れを知りたい! STEP 1 クルマ選び 中古車選びで損をしないために知っておきたいおすすめ情報をまとめました. 中古車の選び方 STEP 2 お店訪問 実車確認をはじめ販売店を訪問する際の注意点をお教えします. 販売店への訪問 STEP 3 契約商談 税金や契約など中古車購入時の必須事項を簡単に解説します. 中古車の購入法 STEP 4 購入後 購入後のトラブルを防ぐために確認すべき点を紹介します. 購入後の注意点 中古車両の購入ヒント その他のコンテンツ 関連サービス スマートフォンアプリ ダウンロード SNS TwitterFacebookで車関連のニュースを配信中! 車好きの方は是非フォローしてください. 情報誌 カーセンサー 中古車情報だけでなく車選びに役立つノウハウ最新の相場トレンドなどを紹介しています 全国の最新号はこちら メールマガジン 新着中古車やお得な情報をお届けします!今すぐ登録しよう!! 登録する ※総額表示No1=本日現在中古車情報サイトでの総額表示物件台数および総額表示物件比率による.

期間限定価格 カラーボトムスで脚から春色に レギンスパンツ・スリムフィットチノ WOMEN ウルトラストレッチレギンスパンツ 1, 290 02月13日まで限定値下げ中 MEN スリムフィットチノ 1, 990 ユニクロレギパン史上最高傑作 360超伸縮で全方向に伸びて自由に動ける.抜群のストレッチ性で脚がきれいに. 今買って春までロングランで楽しむ 新作ワンピース Uniqlo U デニムシャツワンピース(長袖) 2, 990 Joy of Printシフォンワンピース(7分袖) 3, 990 Joy of Print デザイナー・キャスキッドソンが自身で立ち上げたスタジオ「Joy of Print」による特別コレクション. 大人顔負けアイテムで旬コーデに キッズ スウェットワンピース GIRLS スウェットワンピース チュールスカート 1, 500 親子リンクコーデもおすすめ 同系色やアイテムを親子で揃えればお出かけもいっそう楽しく. 新作商品 KIDS BABY 今週のチラシ 値下げ商品 今週のおすすめ 好評販売中 一枚で旬度が上がるアウターが勢ぞろい 春アウターコレクション オーバーサイズパーカ オーバーサイズアノラックパーカ トレンドのアノラックパーカは女性にも大人気 風合いや耐久性もこだわったアウトドアウェアをオーバーサイズにアレンジ. アウタースタイリング アウタースタイリングをもっと見る Uniqlo U クルーネックT レイヤードにも使える長袖半袖をラインナップ.すべてにこだわった究極の一枚. ヒートテックインナー 春のトップスのインナーに. 790 春の人気アイテム50選 定番からトレンド商品まで春のコーディネートを彩る人気アイテムが勢揃い. 人気の商品 超軽量.超伸縮.超速乾. 感動パンツ・ジャケット 感動パンツ 感動ジャケット 5, 990 セットアップができる高機能ジャケット 新色のブラックやオンラインストアではジャケットの袖丈・着丈違いも登場. ファインクロスシャツ シワになりにくくお手入れ簡単. きちんとコーデアイテム ビジネスシーンや卒入学などのイベントに活躍するクリーンアイテムが揃いました. ハイウエストワイドパンツ センタープレスできれいに脚長. お買い得商品 華やかに軽やかに 新作スカートコレクション シフォンプリーツロングスカート デニムジャージースカート スカート見えするシフォンプリーツスカートパンツ新登場 ワイドシルエットがきれいに見えるハイウエストのアンクル丈.通常価格2, 990. スウェットフルジップパーカ 今年らしいリラックスシルエット. お買い得アウター 今すぐ使えるダウンやコートなど注目のアイテムが勢揃い. GIRLS バービールームセット ポップなロゴで毎日をかわいく. 値下げしました お買い得商品をもっと見る 商品カテゴリ スタイリングブック すべてのスタイリングブックを見る おすすめの特集 選べるワイヤレスブラ わたしの胸に合わせるワイヤレス.ご好評につきビューティーソフトが復活. スポーツユーティリティウェア スポーツと日常をボーダレスに.日常からスポーツまで境目なく使える機能性とデザイン性. ジーンズコレクション 人気のスラウチジーンズをはじめこの春夏注目の新作から定番まで幅広くラインナップ. Today's Pick Up “シューズ×レッグウェア”で最新・足おしゃれ術. すべての特集を見る 特別コレクション INES DE LA FRESSANGE 時代や世代を超えて愛されているパリジャン・シックの代名詞. Uniqlo U 長袖Tシャツやブラウスなど一部新作アイテムが先行販売中.すべてにこだわった究極のデザイン. Uniqlo U 2020春夏コレクション 上質なワードローブを追求するコレクション.2月21日(金)販売開始予定. UNIQLO and JW ANDERSON 待望のキッズラインが登場2020春夏コレクション3月販売開始予定. すべての特別コレクションを見る UTコレクション ウーマン イン ムービーズ 夢を追うヒロインの活躍を描いた名作映画コレクション.注目の「プラダを着た悪魔」のスウェットシャツ・グラフィックTシャツが登場. アーバン ウォールズ フューチュラ・ラボラトリーズアンドレ・サライバなどストリートアートの巨匠6名がUTに集結. クレイ アニメーション 世界中で人気の「ピングー」と「ひつじのショーン」が登場. ピーナッツ 70 世界中で愛される“PEANUTS”の連載開始から70周年. すべてのUTを見る ランキング キャンペーン インフォメーション ユニクロ・マイナビ2021 就活応援 毎日を頑張る就活生へ.キャンペーン参加者にエアリズムプレゼント. ユニクロアプリで買い物上手に ユニクロアプリをダウンロードして新規会員登録するとクーポンをプレゼント. 便利なサービスが続々登場 ユニクロ店舗受取りなら1点からでも送料無料 Pay支払いなど便利なサービスも登場. ユニクロについて This is LifeWear. LifeWearはあらゆる人の生活をより豊かにするための服. プレスリリース ユニクロの新製品や新しいサービスの情報などをお届けします. エコバッグで地球にやさしく 使い捨てプラスチック使用削減に向けオリジナルのコットンエコバッグを販売しています. UTme! カスタマイズサービス デコレーション・お直しサービス 大量購入/プリントサービス はじめてご利用されるお客様へ ユニクロ地域正社員募集 OFFICIAL SNS   ファーストリテイリンググループ オンラインストア ジーユー セオリー プラステ コントワー・デ・コトニエ.

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A man is obsessed with owning a late 60s-70s style deerskin jacket. So, he spends about 10,000 to buy one (when it should be free or next to it since no one today wants one) and then spends the rest of the film making up lies as he stays in a small French town.
I was excited to see this film when I attended the Philadelphia Film Festival. After all, I have really enjoyed the other films I've seen starring Jean Dujardin. However, after seeing it, I was left very, very cold. The reason is like some other French films, such as "Buffet Froid" it's an example of Absurdism. Absurdism is really NOT just putting bizarre and often disconnected events into a film and provoking a reaction in the audience. I honestly could tell that some folks in the audience LOVED it. and they were laughing at everything. even when it wasn't funny in the least. And, for me, the experiment simply got tiresome after about five minutes. Overall, a joyless, unfunny and dull film. one that some love but the average viewer will be left thinking "What the. did I just watch.

映画『ディアスキン 鹿革の殺人鬼』が東京・シネマート新宿大阪・シネマート心斎橋で開催される上映イベント『のむコレ3』で11月17日から日本公開されることが決定.予告編とメインビジュアルが公開された. 『ディアスキン 鹿革の殺人鬼』は『ラバー』などで知られるカンタン・デュピュー監督の最新作.鹿革のジャケットへの愛情がいつしか道行く人々が着るジャケットへの憎悪となり映画撮影と称して次々と殺人を犯し「死のジャケット狩り」を行なう男の狂気を描いた作品だ. 自分の鹿革ジャケットと会話することができるようになり「世界で唯一のジャケットになりたい」という鹿革ジャケットの願いを聞いたことから「世界でジャケットを着ている唯一無二の男になる」と決意する中年男ジョルジュ役を『アーティスト』のジャン・デュジャルダンが演じジョルジュの映画製作を手伝う女性役をアデル・エネルが演じるほかアルベール・デルピーマリー・ビュネルらがキャストに名を連ねている. 上映スケジュールなどの詳細は『のむコレ3』のオフィシャルサイトで確認しよう.

Μικρές κυρίες. Εικόνα χίλιες λέξεις.

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ナイジェリアのイスラム過激派組織「ボコ・ハラム」牧師を拉致してマチェーテで斬首… バイカーの女性事故で全身を強く打って足や身体が引きちぎれる… 切断した妻の生首を持ちながら昼間の公道を練り歩くサイコパス現る… 自分の指に向かって斧をドン!抗議の為に自らの指を切り落とすロシア人男性… イスラム国の狂気…子供兵に捕虜の首をナイフで切らせて殺害させる恐怖の育成方 少年たちが少女を複数人でレイプしていく本物動画 【閲覧注意】あなたは最後まで耐えられますか?ISISに惨たらしく処刑された捕虜たちのグロ映像集! 切断した妻の生首を持ちながら昼間の公道を練り歩くサイコパス現る… ~♪♬~♫~陽気BGMが流れておりますが男性が生きたまま麻薬カルテルに股間を切断・拷問・解体されています 何時間もネットゲームをやり続けた男性突然奇妙な動きをした後死亡した… 【閲覧注意】ショットガンで自殺すると頭部がこうなります… 大型バスと衝突してしまったバイクの運転手全身を強く打って身体が半分になり頭も半分になってしまう… 176名の命を奪ったイランによる旅客機事故…墜落現場にはおびただしい数の肉塊となった死体が… 10歳の女の子をレイプした変態ロリコン野郎民衆にリンチされた挙句バラバラに解体される… 【閲覧注意】本日1月6日(月)午後12時30分頃新宿駅南口の歩道橋で首吊り自殺が発生 熱せられて溶けたプラスチックをひたすら手のひらに落とされる拷問がムゴすぎる… 【閲覧注意】あなたは最後まで耐えられますか?ISISに惨たらしく処刑された捕虜たちのグロ映像集! トラックに圧し潰されて死亡してしまった男性身体から飛び出した心臓がまだ動いていた….

バトルなどの動作が重い時は設定変更により改善される場合があります. Μια φωτογραφία χίλιες λέξεις.


Μικροι κύριοι και μικρές κυρίες. Μια εικόνα χίλιες λέξεις. Μια εικόνα ίσον χίλιες λέξεις. Μικροί κύριοι μικρές κυρίες.




Triple Word Score Movie eng sub english subtitle 2018 putlocker9


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Director: Carl Hunter / synopsis: Sometimes Always Never is a movie starring Bill Nighy, Sam Riley, and Alice Lowe. A detective fantasy / family drama where a love of words helps a father reconnect with a missing son / genres: Comedy, Mystery / Rating: 1192 Vote / Average Ratings: 6,7 of 10 / Release year: 2018. Triple word score movie video. @meflakkkk First fail, more like. After a long Exile, I returned home this weekend. Until the heat death of the universe or I stop blogging (whichever comes first) I'll be back at WWdN. This is the second to last post I made at WWdN:in Exile. Im copying it here for completions sake. In 2001, blogs were very new things. In fact, as much more time was […] This weekend, after way, way too many years in exile, Im finally returning home. Wow. Typing that made me feel all the feels. I wasn't expecting that. This is the first purely creative writing I've done all year, and even though I don't even know if it'll be published, it feels so good to be writing, to not be hung up on making a perfect first draft, or to have my creative impulses drowned out by the Internal Critic. I'm writing. I'm creating. I'm telling a story! I'm looking into my head and scraping out what I find in there, and it feels really, really good.

I'm Here Because Of. INTRAMURALS. Hustlers come in all forms in film. Pool sharks, shady salesmen, and most recently, sophisticated strippers are a few that come to mind. Now we can add Scrabble wordsmiths to the list. Early on in Carl Hunters charming Sometimes Always Never, aging tailor and walking encyclopedia Alan (Bill Nighy) swindles an unsuspecting man out of 200 quid while playing the popular board game. What he does not realize until halfway into the con is that the man and his wife are on a similar journey as Alan and his son Peter (Sam Riley. They have travelled to the remote town to see if the body that has turned up in the morgue is their missing loved one. Ever since Alans son Michael stormed out of the house one day, never to return, the two men have been holding out hope that he is still alive. As one would expect, Michaels absence has caused Alan and Peters relationship to fray at the seams. Relegated to being known as the son who stayed behind, Peter has had to live under the shadow of the “prodigal son. ” He has also had to endure his fathers quirks and his relentless desire to continue the search for Michael. Peter finds it especially difficult to cope when Alan pops by unannounced and begins spending more time with Peters wife Sue (Alice Lowe) and son Jack (Louise Healy. A tale about family and the prolonged grief that the unknown can cause, Sometimes Always Never walks a fine line. On one hand it is a comedy that uses the game of Scrabble as the connective rope that keeps this fractured father and son relationship from drifting too far apart. On the other, it is a meditation on the grieving process, one that ponders whether accepting the unknown is better closure than finding a painful answer to the question one seeks. The two distinct tones make for a somewhat uneven experience at times. For example, the films comedic detours, take Jacks bus stop crush on Rachel (Ellen-Grace Gregorie) or the quirky flashbacks to Peters youth, often takes much needed time away from Alan and Peters complicated relationship. By the time the two men inevitably confront their unspoken issues, the film rushes to fill in the blanks to ensure an uplifting, if predictable, ending. While the humorous moments flow smoother than the dramatic beats, it is Bill Nighys wonderfully measured performance that helps to elevate the film above its conventional beats. Nighy effortless exudes a mixture of wit and pathos that makes Alan so compelling to watch. He wears the pain of loss like a heavy trench coat. A jacket that only gets hung up momentarily when around Peters family. Sometimes Always Never may take its title from the rules a man must follow when buttoning up a suit jacket, but the rules of grief are not so clear. Sometimes it takes a game of Scrabble to help find the connections that make one whole again.

11:00 Illuminati comfirmed. 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩.

Triple Word Score movie reviews

Sometimes Always Never Directed by Carl Hunter Written by Frank Cottrell Boyce Starring Bill Nighy Sam Riley Alice Lowe Jenny Agutter Tim McInnerny Release date 12 October 2018 ( BFI London Film Festival) Country United Kingdom Language English Box office 1. 45 million [1] Sometimes Always Never is a 2018 comedy-drama film, directed by Carl Hunter and written by Frank Cottrell Boyce. The film is produced by Sol Papadopoulos, Alan Latham, and Roy Boulter under the banner of Hurricane Films. The film stars Bill Nighy, Sam Riley, Alice Lowe, Jenny Agutter, and Tim McInnerny. Cast [ edit] Bill Nighy as Alan Sam Riley as Peter Alice Lowe as Sue Jenny Agutter as Margaret Tim McInnerny as Arthur Reception [ edit] On the review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds an approval rating of 89% based on 46 reviews, and an average rating of 7. 05/10. The website's critical consensus reads, Like the grieving Scrabble enthusiast at the heart of its unique story, Sometimes Always Never scores high enough to be well worth a play. 2] Metacritic reports a score of 71/100 based on 9 critics, indicating "generally favorable reviews. 3] Kambole Campbell of Empire wrote, Despite strong performances and a witty script, Sometimes Always Never lays on the homage a little too thick for its own good, shortchanging itself by imitating a particularly idiosyncratic style. 4] Wendy Ide of The Guardian wrote, The danger of an offbeat British film, particularly one that is as emphatically designed as this, is that it could teeter into whimsy and artifice. But thanks to Cottrell Boyce, and the assured direction of first-time feature film-maker Carl Hunter, the emotional beats are authentic and the distinctive look of the film – it takes its aesthetic cues from '60s ties and '70s wallpaper – never upstages the story. 5] References [ edit] External links [ edit] Sometimes Always Never on IMDb.

What does little numbers mean. Triple Word Score. Triple word score movie poster. Triple word score movie rating. Triple Word Score movie. Got competition in a few days rip. Sometimes Always Never is a drama about words and loss. It tells the story of family with an exceptional Scrabble vocabulary who cannot put their words to use and communicate with each other, and their journey to reconnect. In life, the right words score more than points. Sometimes Always Never is written by Frank Cottrell Boyce and directed by Carl Hunter. Bill Nighy stars as Alan. ALAN: The only good thing about Jazz is that you get 39 for it in Scrabble. STRANGER: In fact you cant play the word Jazz in Scrabble. Theres only one “z” in the set. ALAN: Oh, is that right? Very interesting that. Only one z. Alan is in the lounge of a B&B in the Peak District. Theres a tottering pile of board games in the corner. The ‘Stranger is a middle aged man called Arthur who is there with his wife Margaret. Alan catches the scent of weakness and insecurity in Arthurs jovial pedantry. Within moments he has manipulated his fellow guests into playing – and betting money – on a game of Scrabble. Alan gives the impression he barely knows how to play the game and hasnt played it for years. Poor Arthur has been hustled. And theyre not just playing for money; as far as Alan and his superstitious beliefs are concerned, they are playing for their sons lives. - With an Arts School background, Carl Hunter will create a visual poem, featuring Lancashires ‘sprout prairies and Merseysides windswept coastline.  Heavily influenced by Czech and Russian filmmakers, under Carls direction Sometimes Always Never will combine British talent with a continental European style. Frank Cottrell Boyce is a celebrated screenwriter and novelist, having written feature films such as  24 Hour Party People, A Cock and Bull Story, and  The Railway Man. Sometimes Always Never features Franks sharp vocabulary and his exceptional ability to navigate difficult relationships in scripts. Bill Nighy stars as Alan. One of Britains best loved actors, notable roles include Billy Mack in Love Actually,  Rufus Scrimgeour in  Harry Potter, and Douglas in   The  Best Exotic Marigold Hotel.

Lmao my english teacher told me he placed me on a scrabble competition but i dont know how to play the game at all help Edit: I GOT 1ST PLACE. IT WAS ALL FINE AND COOL UNTIL I REALIZE THERES A FINAL ELIMINATION ROUND. Triple word score movie youtube. This game sounds boring, people actually play this? I'll pass. AT DAILYMOTION Triple Word Score movie 2018. Watch #TripleWordScore Online Movies24free What Kind Watch Stream Online Triple Word Score. Triple word score movie wiki. Triple word score movie cast. Triple Word Score movie page. Triple word score movie full. Triple Word Score movie page imdb. Triple word score movie online.

Triple Word Score movies. Triple Word Score movie database.


Yeah I'm gay Good At Yahtzee. Triple word score movie review. I don know how play now I know. Triple word score movie clips.

What if a player choose to pass. Triple word score film release date. Triple word score film. Triple word score movie torrent. Clear as mud. You immediately launch into talking about putting your 'keepers' aside. No explanation provided as to what a 'keeper' is. Thank you so much i have a match soon so this really helped me thx😊😊. Triple Word Score movie maker. And its tomorrow. Triple word score film cast. Watch Triple Word Score Putlocker Movie Online. This is way too complex. Sometimes Always Never The movie Sometimes Always Never (aka Triple Word Score) trailer, clips, photos, soundtrack, news and much more! You may watch below the first official trailer of Sometimes Always Never, the upcoming drama comedy movie directed by Carl Hunter and starring Bill Nighy, Jenny Agutter, Sam Riley, Alice Lowe, and Tim McInnerny: SOMETIMES ALWAYS NEVER Plot synopsis: “Bill Nighy stars as Alan, a stylish tailor with moves as sharp as his suits. He has spent years searching tirelessly for his missing son Michael who stormed out over a game of Scrabble. With a body to identify and his family torn apart, Alan must repair the relationship with his youngest son Peter (Sam Riley) and solve the mystery of an online player who he thinks could be Michael, so he can finally move on and reunite his family. ” Are you in for a spellbinding Scrabble drama movie with Bill Nighy? No official US release date yet, but the film will hit UK theaters on February 22, 2019. Tags: Sometimes Always Never Take a look tot his new poster of Sometimes Always Never (previously titled Triple Word Score) the upcoming drama comedy movie starring Bill Nighy: Click on the poster to enlarge. SOMETIMES ALWAYS NEVER Family is a four letter word. Plot synopsis: “Bill Nighy stars as Alan, a stylish tailor with moves as sharp as his suits. ” He kind of reminds me of Mary Poppins with that umbrella, lol. The film is directed by Carl Hunter. No official release date. Tags: Sometimes Always Never A first official look at Sometimes Always Never (previously titled Triple Word Score) the upcoming drama comedy movie directed by Carl Hunter and starring Bill Nighy, Jenny Agutter, Sam Riley, Alice Lowe, and Tim McInnerny: Click on a picture to enlarge. Plot synopsis: “Alan (Bill Nighy) is a man in his sixties, like everyone his life has been touched by a bit of tragedy (one of his sons went missing in his late teens) and disappointment (he has a very distant relationship with his other son and his grandson. Unlike most people however Alan believes that all this can be put right. Monstrously insensitive, Alan barges into his adult sons home and life, trying to make everyone have more fun, while at the same time being utterly oblivious to hurt and chaos he causes. He coerces his grandson into playing scrabble for money. He gets a new girlfriend. He becomes obsessed with the idea that his missing son can be found and is communicating to him through online word games. The odd thing is that – although he is a monster, the people around him really are becoming happier, and more self confident. But can Alan make himself happier too? Can he find his missing son? Sometimes Always Never is intriguing, odd, warm and funny and so much more than a play on words. ” Communicating to him through online games? So hes got a tendency to perceive connections and meaning between unrelated things? Well, theres a name for this: its called apophenia. Dont forget this word it may come handy next time you play Scrabble! No official release date yet. Tags: Sometimes Always Never A teaser poster for Triple Word Score, the upcoming drama comedy movie directed by Carl Hunter and starring Bill Nighy: Click on the poster to enlarge. TRIPLE WORD SCORE Plot synopsis: “Golden Globe Award winning actor Bill Nighy stars as Alan, a tailor who closes up shop to move in with his surly son Peter and grandson Jack. There is distance between Alan and Peter as he blames his father for the disappearance of his brother Michael. Meanwhile, Alan and Jack begin to bond over their favourite game, Scrabble. Conflict builds to a tipping point when Alan is convinced that an online Scrabble opponent could actually be his missing son and decides to try and meet the player in person. TRIPLE WORD SCORE is emotional multi-generational tale of family, of love, of loss and of finding just the right words. ” Any fan of scrabble out there? Are you impatient to see the film? The film has yet to get an official release date. Stay tuned with us for more details about the movie Triple Word Score. Update – A photo of the first film slate: Click on the picture to enlarge. Tags: Sometimes Always Never Sometimes Always Never Genre: Drama/Comedy Directed by: Carl Hunter Starring: Bill Nighy Release Date: TBA 2018 More Information at: Sometimes Always Never Trailer Tags: Bill Nighy, Carl Hunter, Comedy, Drama, Sometimes Always Never, TBA 2018.

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Triple word score movie. I learn so many guides in here tomorrow is my scrabble competition! Yes! It give me some few tips! Thanks. It's a *beginner's* mistake to obsess over hitting it at all costs. Triple word score movie black package. This is why I love Scrabble. Cause its Easy.

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Triple word score movie quotes. Wow goods vid. I need that set. Work on your concentration and planning! There are better moves... AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO THINKS HE LOOLS LIKE THOR. Very concise as printed on instructions in the a waste. explain or at least play a game... I love Scrabble. Triple word score movie watch. Triple word score movie trailer. Pillow /ˈpɪləʊ/ noun 1. a rectangular cloth bag stuffed with feathers or other soft materials, used to support the head when lying or sleeping. synonyms:cushion, bolster, headrest, pad, support, rest his head rested on the pillow verb 1. rest (one's head) as if on a pillow. his head was pillowed on his arm synonyms:lay, cushion, cradle, rest, support, prop (up) she pillowed her head on folded arms.

I still have a question. When it's my turn do I have to form a word or can I just use a letter in order to form a word later. Can we just apreciate the fact he needed to Roll a yatchee. Triple word score movies. Triple word score movie images. Helpful. Triple word score movie free.


Wtf is this? btw u always start with the object of the game. Triple word score movie soundtrack. Next week is my scrable competition and im still not pro on it. RIP.

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