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  1. Duration=1 Hour 41 M
  2. 7 of 10
  3. 2019
  4. creator=Oriol Paulo
  5. Scores=247 Votes
  6. genre=Thriller

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Camila e Cyndi 💜. Video transcript. Instructor] In this video, we're gonna discuss different types of forces, but we're gonna do it in the context of free body diagrams. So let's say I have a table here, and I have a block that is sitting stationary on that table. What are all of the forces that are going to act on this blocK? Well, to do that, to think about that, I can draw a free body diagram where I am only going to draw the block. Remember, in free body diagrams, you only care about the forces acting on one of the the objects in your system. So, if we're looking at only the block, what's going on? We're going to assume that the block is on earth, we're assuming that it's stationary. Well, if it's on earth, the block has some weight. You have the force of gravity acting on the block. And so let me draw that in my free body diagram. So you're gonna have a downward force, and it's magnitude is gonna be F sub g. We could also call that or w. And even though this block had contact with a table which maybe has contact with the earth, weight, or the force of gravity is a long-range force. Even if this block was in orbit, even if it wasn't in orbit, it would still have gravitational interactions with the earth. The earth would still be pulling on it. But going back to this free body diagram, if this was the only force acting on the block, the block would accelerate downwards. But we're assuming that it's stationary. So there must be another force that is netting out against the force of gravity. Now, what would that be? Well, that would be the force of the table pushing on the block. And this force of pushing in a direction that is perpendicular to the surface of an object, that's known as normal force. And its magnitude you could denote as capital F sub N. Let's do another example, but this time, instead of having the block on a table, let's say it is hanging from a string which is attached to the ceiling. But once again, everything is stationary. Draw a free body diagram for that. Well, once again, I am only concerned with the block. It's still on earth, we're assuming. So you're going to have the force of gravity acting downwards on the block. But what's keeping it from accelerating downwards? Well, you might say, well, you got the string that's holding it up, that is pulling on it. And that pulling force is known as tension. So what you would have here is an upward force that nets out against the force of gravity. And sometimes its magnitude is denoted by capital T or it might be a F sub T. Now, let's make things a little bit interesting. Let's try to kind of combine these things, and we'll actually introduce a new force. So let's say that we, this is the ground right over here. I have a block on the ground. And I have a situation where I am pulling on this block using a rope with a force of magnitude, let's just call this the force of tension. I am pulling on that block. But the block is not moving. What would be the free body diagram for this block? Well, I'll do the same thing again. I will draw the block. Now, in the vertical direction, you have the same thing that you saw in that first scenario. You're going to have the force of gravity or the weight of the block pulling downward on the block. And that's going to be counteracted by the normal force of the ground on the block. The ground is holding up the block is one way to think about it, keeping it from accelerating downwards. So the normal force is acting upwards. But what about the horizontal direction? I already said that I'm pulling to the right with a force of magnitude F sub T. So let me do that on my free body diagram. So this would be F sub T. But I said it's stationary. So there must be something that is counteracting that, that is netting against that, going in that direction. What force would that be? Well, that would be the force of friction. We've all experienced trying to pull on something, trying to drag something across the ground and it doesn't move, and that's because there's friction between the object and the ground. And friction, fundamentally, it could be because the surfaces of the two objects are rough and you kind of have to grind them pass each other. Or sometimes it can even be due to molecular interactions where they're kind of sticky, where the objects are attracted to each other and you gotta pull passed that. And so in this situation, you have the force of friction counteracting this pulling force, the force of tension, the force of friction. And the force of friction is really interesting, because it always goes against the direction of sliding, it always goes against motion. Now, with all of these examples out of the way, let's try to do a more complex scenario. Let's say that I have a shelf, and it has a weight of 10 newtons. Sitting on that shelf I have an object that has a weight of five newtons. And let's say I have two wires and everything is symmetric, but this weight is right on the middle, and these wires are at both of the ends of the shelf, and this is wire one and this is wire two and they are attached to the ceiling. And for the sake of simplicity, we're gonna assume that the wires have no weight. In actuality they would, but for the sake of this argument, let's assume that they are weightless. What would be a free body diagram for this five newton block that sits on the shelf? Well, that one is actually pretty straightforward, and it's analogous to this first scenario that we saw. You have your block, you have the force of gravity pulling down with a force of magnitude, five newtons, and that's gonna be counteracted by a normal force of the same magnitude but going upwards. So make sure I have enough space. So that's gonna be counteracted with the normal force which is going to be equal to five newtons upwards. And to be clear, this five newtons, this is equal to the weight, the magnitude of the weight of the object. So that was pretty straightforward, the free body diagram for just the block. And it's really important to see that, because notice, in the free body diagram, all you see is the block. But now let's draw the free body diagram for the shelf. So if I have a shelf right over here. Pause this video and try to do that. Well, we know its weight, it's 10 newtons. So we can do that first. So, it has a weight of 10 newtons, so the force, the magnitude of the force of gravity downwards is 10 newtons. Is that the only downward force? Well no, you have this object that's sitting on it, and gravity is pulling down on that object with a force of five newtons, and that causes that object to push on our shelf. So that pushing force is actually a normal force. It's due to the gravity on that five newton object, but the end result of the five newton object is pushing down on our shelf. So what you have is another force that is pushing down. And it is going to be a five newton force. And really, we should view that as a normal force. It's a contact force, it's a pushing force of the five newton object on the 10 newton shelf. So this is going to have a magnitude of five newtons. Assuming that it's completely stationary, there must be some counteracting forces here. Where is that gonna come from? Well, that's gonna come from the pulling forces of these wires. So you're going to have the tension from rope one, we could call that T sub one, and you're gonna have the tension from wire or rope two, T sub two. And because this thing is stationary, T sub one plus T sub two should be equal to 10 newtons plus five newtons. So I'll leave you there. We've done a nice survey of various forces you might see in a first year physics class. And we've been able to think about them in the context of free body diagrams.

Free the body human. Arjun Kapoor is Not perfect for this Movie. King Should be Like A king 👎👎. Free guided meditation for healing the body. Block on a ramp and corresponding free body diagram of the block. In physics and engineering, a free body diagram (force diagram, 1] or FBD) is a graphical illustration used to visualize the applied forces, moments, and resulting reactions on a body in a given condition. They depict a body or connected bodies with all the applied forces and moments, and reactions, which act on the body(ies. The body may consist of multiple internal members (such as a truss) or be a compact body (such as a beam. A series of free bodies and other diagrams may be necessary to solve complex problems. Purpose [ edit] Free body diagrams are used to visualize the forces and moments applied to a body and to calculate the resulting reactions in many types of mechanics problems. These diagrams are frequently used both to determine the loading of individual structural components and to calculate internal forces within the structure, and they are utilized across most engineering disciplines from Biomechanics to Structural Engineering. [2] 3] In the educational environment, learning to draw a free body diagram is an important step to understanding certain topics in physics, such as statics, dynamics and other forms of classical mechanics. Features [ edit] A free body diagram is not meant to be a scaled drawing. It is a diagram that is modified as the problem is solved. There is an art and flexibility to the process. The iconography of a free body diagram, not only how it is drawn but also how it is interpreted, depends upon how a body is modeled. [4] Free body diagrams consist of: A simplified version of the body (often a dot or a box) Forces shown as straight arrows pointing in the direction they act on the body Moments shown as curved arrows pointing in the direction they act on the body A coordinate system Frequently reaction to applied forces are shown with hash marks through the stem of the arrow The number of forces and moments shown in a free body diagram depends on the specific problem and the assumptions made; common assumptions are neglecting air resistance, friction and assuming rigid bodies. In statics all forces and moments must balance to zero; the physical interpretation of this is that if the forces and moments do not sum to zero the body is accelerating and the principles of statics do not apply. In dynamics the resultant forces and moments can be non-zero. Free body diagrams may not represent an entire physical body. Using what is known as a "cut" only portions of a body are selected for modeling. This technique exposes internal forces, making them external, therefore allowing analysis. This technique is often used several times, iteratively to peel back forces acting on a physical body. For example, a gymnast performing the iron cross: analyzing the ropes and the person lets you know the total force (body weight, neglecting rope weight, breezes, buoyancy, electrostatics, relativity, rotation of the earth, etc. Then cut the person out and only show one rope. You get force direction. Then only look at the person, now you can get hand forces. Now only look at the arm to get the shoulder forces and moments, and on and on until the component you intend to analyze is exposed. Modeling the body [ edit] A body may be modeled in three ways: a particle. This model may be used when any rotational effects are zero or have no interest even though the body itself may be extended. The body may be represented by a small symbolic blob and the diagram reduces to a set of concurrent arrows. A force on a particle is a bound vector. rigid extended. Stresses and strains are of no interest but turning effects are. A force arrow should lie along the line of force, but where along the line is irrelevant. A force on an extended rigid body is a sliding vector. non-rigid extended. The point of application of a force becomes crucial and has to be indicated on the diagram. A force on a non-rigid body is a bound vector. Some use the tail of the arrow to indicate the point of application. Others use the tip. Example: A body in free fall [ edit] Figure 2: An empty rigid bucket in free fall in a uniform gravitational field with the force arrow at the center of gravity. Consider a body in free fall in a uniform gravitational field. The body may be a particle. It is enough to show a single vertically downward pointing arrow attached to a blob. rigid extended. A single arrow suffices to represent the weight W even though gravitational attraction acts on every particle of the body. non-rigid extended. In non-rigid analysis, it would be an error to associate a single point of application with the gravitational force. What is included [ edit] An FBD represents the body of interest and the external forces on it. The body: This is usually sketched in a schematic way depending on the body—particle/extended, rigid/non-rigid—and on what questions are to be answered. Thus if rotation of the body and torque is in consideration, an indication of size and shape of the body is needed. For example, the brake dive of a motorcycle cannot be found from a single point, and a sketch with finite dimensions is required. The external forces: These are indicated by labelled arrows. In a fully solved problem, a force arrow is capable of indicating the direction and the line of action [notes 1] the magnitude the point of application a reaction as opposed to an applied load if a hash is present through the arrow Typically, however, a provisional free body sketch is drawn before all these things are known. After all, the whole point of the diagram is to help to determine magnitude, direction, and point of application of the external loads. Thus when a force arrow is originally drawn its length may not be meant to indicate the unknown magnitude. Its line may not correspond to the exact line of action. Even its direction may turn out to be wrong. Very often the original direction of the arrow may be directly opposite to the true direction. External forces known to be small that are known to have negligible effect on the result of the analysis are sometimes omitted, but only after careful consideration or after other analysis proving it (e. g. buoyancy forces of the air in the analysis of a chair, or atmospheric pressure on the analysis of a frying pan. The external forces acting on the object include friction, gravity, normal force, drag, tension, or a human force due to pushing or pulling. When in a non-inertial reference frame (see coordinate system, below) fictitious forces, such as centrifugal pseudoforce are appropriate. A coordinate system is sometimes included, and is chosen according to convenience (or advantage. Savvy selection of coordinate frame may make defining the vectors simpler when writing the equations of motion. The x direction might be chosen to point down the ramp in an inclined plane problem, for example. In that case the friction force only has an x component, and the normal force only has a y component. The force of gravity will still have components in both the x and y direction: mg sin( θ) in the x and mg cos( θ) in the y, where θ is the angle between the ramp and the horizontal. Exclusions [ edit] There are some things that a free body diagram explicitly excludes. Although other sketches that include these things may be helpful in visualizing a problem, a proper free body diagram should not show: Bodies other than the free body. Constraints. (The body is not free from constraints; the constraints have just been replaced by the forces and moments that they exert on the body. ) Forces exerted by the free body. (A diagram showing the forces exerted both on and by a body is likely to be confusing since all the forces will cancel out. By Newton's 3rd law if body A exerts a force on body B then B exerts an equal and opposite force on A. This should not be confused with the equal and opposite forces that are necessary to hold a body in equilibrium. ) Internal forces. (For example, if an entire truss is being analyzed, the forces between the individual truss members are not included. ) Velocity or acceleration vectors. Analysis [ edit] A free body diagram is analyzed by summing all of the forces, often accomplished by summing the forces in each of the axis directions. When the net force is zero, the body must be at rest or must be moving at a constant velocity (constant speed and direction) by Newton's first law. If the net force is not zero, then the body is accelerating in that direction according to Newton's second law. Angled forces [ edit] Angled force ( F) broken down into horizontal ( F x) and vertical ( F y) components Determining the sum of the forces is straightforward if all they are aligned with the coordinate frame's axes, but it is somewhat more complex if some forces are not aligned. It is often convenient to analyze the components of the forces, in which case the symbols ΣF x and ΣF y are used instead of ΣF. Forces that point at an angle to the diagram's coordinate axis can be broken down into two parts (or three, for three dimensional problems)—each part being directed along one of the axes—horizontally ( F x) and vertically ( F y. Example: A block on an inclined plane [ edit] A simple free body diagram, shown above, of a block on a ramp illustrates this. All external supports and structures have been replaced by the forces they generate. These include: mg: the product of the mass of the block and the constant of gravitation acceleration: its weight. N: the normal force of the ramp. F f: the friction force of the ramp. The force vectors show direction and point of application and are labeled with their magnitude. It contains a coordinate system that can be used when describing the vectors. Some care is needed in interpreting the diagram. The normal force has been shown to act at the midpoint of the base, but if the block is in static equilibrium its true location is directly below the center of mass, where the weight acts, because that is necessary to compensate for the moment of the friction. Unlike the weight and normal force, which are expected to act at the tip of the arrow, the friction force is a sliding vector and thus the point of application is not relevant, and the friction acts along the whole base. Kinetic diagram [ edit] Free body and kinetic diagrams of an inclined block In dynamics a kinetic diagram is a pictorial device used in analyzing mechanics problems when there is determined to be a net force and/or moment acting on a body. They are related to and often used with free body diagrams, but depict only the net force and moment rather than all of the forces being considered. Kinetic diagrams are not required to solve dynamics problems; their use in teaching dynamics is argued against by some [5] in favor of other methods that they view as simpler. They appear in some dynamics texts [6] but are absent in others. [7] See also [ edit] Classical Mechanics Force field analysis – applications of force diagram in social science Kinematic diagram Physics Shear and moment diagrams References [ edit] "Force Diagrams (Free-body Diagrams. Western Kentucky University. Retrieved 2011-03-17. ^ Ruina, Andy; Pratap, Rudra (2002. Introduction to Statics and Dynamics (PDF. Oxford University Press. pp. 79–105. Retrieved 2006-08-04. ^ Hibbeler, R. C. (2007. Engineering Mechanics: Statics & Dynamics (11th ed. Pearson Prentice Hall. pp. 83–86. ISBN   0-13-221509-8. ^ Puri, Avinash (1996. The Art of Free-body Diagrams. Physics Education. 31 (3) 155. Bibcode: 1996PhyEd... 31... 155P. doi: 10. 1088/0031-9120/31/3/015. ^ Kraige, L. Glenn (16 June 2002. The Role Of The Kinetic Diagram In The Teaching Of Introductory Rigid Body Dynamics Past, Present, And Future" 7. 1182. 1–7. 11. ^ Stress and Dynamics" PDF. Retrieved August 5, 2015. ^ Ruina, Andy; Pratap, Rudra (2002. Introduction to Statics and Dynamics. Retrieved September 4, 2019. Notes [ edit] The line of action is important where moment matters.

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THE BODY movie download for mobile… Watch'The'Body'Online'Vidbull The full movie vimeo…. Learning Objectives By the end of the section, you will be able to: Explain the rules for drawing a free-body diagram Construct free-body diagrams for different situations The first step in describing and analyzing most phenomena in physics involves the careful drawing of a free-body diagram. Free-body diagrams have been used in examples throughout this chapter. Remember that a free-body diagram must only include the external forces acting on the body of interest. Once we have drawn an accurate free-body diagram, we can apply Newtons first law if the body is in equilibrium (balanced forces; that is, latex] F. text{net} 0 [ latex] or Newtons second law if the body is accelerating (unbalanced force; that is, latex] F. text{net} ne 0 [ latex. In Forces, we gave a brief problem-solving strategy to help you understand free-body diagrams. Here, we add some details to the strategy that will help you in constructing these diagrams. Problem-Solving Strategy: Constructing Free-Body Diagrams Observe the following rules when constructing a free-body diagram: Draw the object under consideration; it does not have to be artistic. At first, you may want to draw a circle around the object of interest to be sure you focus on labeling the forces acting on the object. If you are treating the object as a particle (no size or shape and no rotation) represent the object as a point. We often place this point at the origin of an xy -coordinate system. Include all forces that act on the object, representing these forces as vectors. Consider the types of forces described in Common Forces —normal force, friction, tension, and spring force—as well as weight and applied force. Do not include the net force on the object. With the exception of gravity, all of the forces we have discussed require direct contact with the object. However, forces that the object exerts on its environment must not be included. We never include both forces of an action-reaction pair. Convert the free-body diagram into a more detailed diagram showing the x – and y -components of a given force (this is often helpful when solving a problem using Newtons first or second law. In this case, place a squiggly line through the original vector to show that it is no longer in play—it has been replaced by its x – and y -components. If there are two or more objects, or bodies, in the problem, draw a separate free-body diagram for each object. Note: If there is acceleration, we do not directly include it in the free-body diagram; however, it may help to indicate acceleration outside the free-body diagram. You can label it in a different color to indicate that it is separate from the free-body diagram. Lets apply the problem-solving strategy in drawing a free-body diagram for a sled. In (Figure) a) a sled is pulled by force P at an angle of [latex] 30text. latex. In part (b) we show a free-body diagram for this situation, as described by steps 1 and 2 of the problem-solving strategy. In part (c) we show all forces in terms of their x – and y -components, in keeping with step 3. Figure 5. 31 (a) A moving sled is shown as (b) a free-body diagram and (c) a free-body diagram with force components. Example Two Blocks on an Inclined Plane Construct the free-body diagram for object A and object B in (Figure. Strategy We follow the four steps listed in the problem-solving strategy. Solution We start by creating a diagram for the first object of interest. In (Figure) a) object A is isolated (circled) and represented by a dot. Figure 5. 32 (a) The free-body diagram for isolated object A. (b) The free-body diagram for isolated object B. Comparing the two drawings, we see that friction acts in the opposite direction in the two figures. Because object A experiences a force that tends to pull it to the right, friction must act to the left. Because object B experiences a component of its weight that pulls it to the left, down the incline, the friction force must oppose it and act up the ramp. Friction always acts opposite the intended direction of motion. We now include any force that acts on the body. Here, no applied force is present. The weight of the object acts as a force pointing vertically downward, and the presence of the cord indicates a force of tension pointing away from the object. Object A has one interface and hence experiences a normal force, directed away from the interface. The source of this force is object B, and this normal force is labeled accordingly. Since object B has a tendency to slide down, object A has a tendency to slide up with respect to the interface, so the friction [latex] f. text{BA. latex] is directed downward parallel to the inclined plane. As noted in step 4 of the problem-solving strategy, we then construct the free-body diagram in (Figure) b) using the same approach. Object B experiences two normal forces and two friction forces due to the presence of two contact surfaces. The interface with the inclined plane exerts external forces of [latex] N. text{B. latex] and [latex] f. text{B. latex] and the interface with object B exerts the normal force [latex] N. text{AB. latex] and friction [latex] f. text{AB. latex. latex] N. text{AB. latex] is directed away from object B, and [latex] f. text{AB. latex] is opposing the tendency of the relative motion of object B with respect to object A. Significance The object under consideration in each part of this problem was circled in gray. When you are first learning how to draw free-body diagrams, you will find it helpful to circle the object before deciding what forces are acting on that particular object. This focuses your attention, preventing you from considering forces that are not acting on the body. Two Blocks in Contact A force is applied to two blocks in contact, as shown. Draw a free-body diagram for each block. Be sure to consider Newtons third law at the interface where the two blocks touch. Significance[latex. overset{ to} A. 21. latex] is the action force of block 2 on block 1. [latex. overset{ to} A. 12. latex] is the reaction force of block 1 on block 2. We use these free-body diagrams in Applications of Newtons Laws. Block on the Table (Coupled Blocks) A block rests on the table, as shown. A light rope is attached to it and runs over a pulley. The other end of the rope is attached to a second block. The two blocks are said to be coupled. Block [latex] m} 2. latex] exerts a force due to its weight, which causes the system (two blocks and a string) to accelerate. We assume that the string has no mass so that we do not have to consider it as a separate object. Draw a free-body diagram for each block. Each block accelerates (notice the labels shown for [latex. overset{ to} a. 1. latex] and [latex. overset{ to} a. 2. latex. however, assuming the string remains taut, they accelerate at the same rate. Thus, we have [latex. overset{ to} a. 1. overset{ to} a. 2. latex. If we were to continue solving the problem, we could simply call the acceleration [latex] overset{ to} a. latex. Also, we use two free-body diagrams because we are usually finding tension T, which may require us to use a system of two equations in this type of problem. The tension is the same on both [latex] m} 1. text{and. m} 2. latex. Check Your Understanding (a) Draw the free-body diagram for the situation shown. (b) Redraw it showing components; use x -axes parallel to the two ramps. View this simulation to predict, qualitatively, how an external force will affect the speed and direction of an objects motion. Explain the effects with the help of a free-body diagram. Use free-body diagrams to draw position, velocity, acceleration, and force graphs, and vice versa. Explain how the graphs relate to one another. Given a scenario or a graph, sketch all four graphs. Summary To draw a free-body diagram, we draw the object of interest, draw all forces acting on that object, and resolve all force vectors into x – and y -components. We must draw a separate free-body diagram for each object in the problem. A free-body diagram is a useful means of describing and analyzing all the forces that act on a body to determine equilibrium according to Newtons first law or acceleration according to Newtons second law. Key Equations Net external force [latex. overset{ to} F. text{net. sum overset{ to} F. overset{ to} F. 1. overset{ to} F. 2} text{⋯. latex] Newtons first law [latex] overset{ to} v. text{constant when. overset{ to} F. text{net. overset{ to} 0. text{N. latex] Newtons second law, vector form [latex. overset{ to} F. text{net. sum overset{ to} F} moverset{ to} a. latex] Newtons second law, scalar form [latex] F. text{net} ma [ latex] Newtons second law, component form [latex] sum { overset{ to} F. x} m{ overset{ to} a. x} text. sum { overset{ to} F. y} m{ overset{ to} a. y. text{and. sum { overset{ to} F. z} m{ overset{ to} a. z. latex] Newtons second law, momentum form [latex. overset{ to} F. text{net. frac{doverset{ to} p} dt. latex] Definition of weight, vector form [latex] overset{ to} w} moverset{ to} g. latex] Definition of weight, scalar form [latex] w=mg [ latex] Newtons third law [latex. overset{ to} F. text{AB. text{−} overset{ to} F. text{BA. latex] Normal force on an object resting on a horizontal surface, vector form [latex] overset{ to} N} text{−}moverset{ to} g. latex] horizontal surface, scalar form [latex] N=mg [ latex] Normal force on an object resting on an inclined plane, scalar form [latex] N=mgtext{cos. theta [ latex] Tension in a cable supporting an object of mass m at rest, scalar form [latex] T=w=mg [ latex] Conceptual Questions In completing the solution for a problem involving forces, what do we do after constructing the free-body diagram? That is, what do we apply? If a book is located on a table, how many forces should be shown in a free-body diagram of the book? Describe them. If the book in the previous question is in free fall, how many forces should be shown in a free-body diagram of the book? Describe them. Problems A ball of mass m hangs at rest, suspended by a string. (a) Sketch all forces. (b) Draw the free-body diagram for the ball. A car moves along a horizontal road. Draw a free-body diagram; be sure to include the friction of the road that opposes the forward motion of the car. A runner pushes against the track, as shown. (a) Provide a free-body diagram showing all the forces on the runner. Hint: Place all forces at the center of his body, and include his weight. b) Give a revised diagram showing the xy -component form. The traffic light hangs from the cables as shown. Draw a free-body diagram on a coordinate plane for this situation. Additional Problems Two small forces, latex. overset{ to} F. 1} 2. 40hat{i} 6. 10that{j. latex] N and [latex. overset{ to} F. 2} 8. 50hat{i} 9. 70hat{j. latex] N, are exerted on a rogue asteroid by a pair of space tractors. (a) Find the net force. (b) What are the magnitude and direction of the net force? c) If the mass of the asteroid is 125 kg, what acceleration does it experience (in vector form. d) What are the magnitude and direction of the acceleration? Two forces of 25 and 45 N act on an object. Their directions differ by [latex] 70text. latex. The resulting acceleration has magnitude of [latex] 10. 0. text{m/s. 2. latex] What is the mass of the body? A force of 1600 N acts parallel to a ramp to push a 300-kg piano into a moving van. The ramp is inclined at [latex] 20text. latex. a) What is the acceleration of the piano up the ramp? b) What is the velocity of the piano when it reaches the top if the ramp is 4. 0 m long and the piano starts from rest? Draw a free-body diagram of a diver who has entered the water, moved downward, and is acted on by an upward force due to the water which balances the weight (that is, the diver is suspended. For a swimmer who has just jumped off a diving board, assume air resistance is negligible. The swimmer has a mass of 80. 0 kg and jumps off a board 10. 0 m above the water. Three seconds after entering the water, her downward motion is stopped. What average upward force did the water exert on her? a) Find an equation to determine the magnitude of the net force required to stop a car of mass m, given that the initial speed of the car is [latex] v} 0. latex] and the stopping distance is x. (b) Find the magnitude of the net force if the mass of the car is 1050 kg, the initial speed is 40. 0 km/h, and the stopping distance is 25. 0 m. A sailboat has a mass of [latex] 1. 50 ×. 10} 3. latex] kg and is acted on by a force of [latex] 2. 00 ×. 10} 3. latex] N toward the east, while the wind acts behind the sails with a force of [latex] 3. 00 ×. 10} 3. latex] N in a direction [latex] 45text. latex] north of east. Find the magnitude and direction of the resulting acceleration. Find the acceleration of the body of mass 10. 0 kg shown below. A body of mass 2. 0 kg is moving along the x -axis with a speed of 3. 0 m/s at the instant represented below. (a) What is the acceleration of the body? b) What is the bodys velocity 10. 0 s later? c) What is its displacement after 10. 0 s? Force [latex. overset{ to} F. text{B. latex] has twice the magnitude of force [latex. overset{ to} F. text{A. latex] Find the direction in which the particle accelerates in this figure. Shown below is a body of mass 1. 0 kg under the influence of the forces [latex. overset{ to} F. A. latex. latex. overset{ to} F. B. latex] and [latex] moverset{ to} g. latex. If the body accelerates to the left at [latex] 20. text{m/s. 2. latex] what are [latex. overset{ to} F. A. latex] and [latex. overset{ to} F. B. latex] A force acts on a car of mass m so that the speed v of the car increases with position x as [latex] v=k{x} 2. latex] where k is constant and all quantities are in SI units. Find the force acting on the car as a function of position. A 7. 0-N force parallel to an incline is applied to a 1. 0-kg crate. The ramp is tilted at [latex] 20text. latex] and is frictionless. (a) What is the acceleration of the crate? b) If all other conditions are the same but the ramp has a friction force of 1. 9 N, what is the acceleration? Two boxes, A and B, are at rest. Box A is on level ground, while box B rests on an inclined plane tilted at angle [latex] theta [ latex] with the horizontal. (a) Write expressions for the normal force acting on each block. (b) Compare the two forces; that is, tell which one is larger or whether they are equal in magnitude. (c) If the angle of incline is [latex] 10text. latex] which force is greater? A mass of 250. 0 g is suspended from a spring hanging vertically. The spring stretches 6. 00 cm. How much will the spring stretch if the suspended mass is 530. 0 g? As shown below, two identical springs, each with the spring constant 20 N/m, support a 15. 0-N weight. (a) What is the tension in spring A? b) What is the amount of stretch of spring A from the rest position? Shown below is a 30. 0-kg block resting on a frictionless ramp inclined at [latex] 60text. latex] to the horizontal. The block is held by a spring that is stretched 5. 0 cm. What is the force constant of the spring? In building a house, carpenters use nails from a large box. The box is suspended from a spring twice during the day to measure the usage of nails. At the beginning of the day, the spring stretches 50 cm. At the end of the day, the spring stretches 30 cm. What fraction or percentage of the nails have been used? A force is applied to a block to move it up a [latex] 30text. latex] incline. The incline is frictionless. If [latex] F=65. 0. text{N. latex] and [latex] M=5. 00. text{kg. latex] what is the magnitude of the acceleration of the block? Two forces are applied to a 5. 0-kg object, and it accelerates at a rate of [latex] 2. 0. text{m/s. 2. latex] in the positive y -direction. If one of the forces acts in the positive x -direction with magnitude 12. 0 N, find the magnitude of the other force. The block on the right shown below has more mass than the block on the left ( latex] m} 2}>{m} 1. latex. Draw free-body diagrams for each block. Challenge Problems If two tugboats pull on a disabled vessel, as shown here in an overhead view, the disabled vessel will be pulled along the direction indicated by the result of the exerted forces. (a) Draw a free-body diagram for the vessel. Assume no friction or drag forces affect the vessel. (b) Did you include all forces in the overhead view in your free-body diagram? Why or why not? A 10. 0-kg object is initially moving east at 15. 0 m/s. Then a force acts on it for 2. 00 s, after which it moves northwest, also at 15. What are the magnitude and direction of the average force that acted on the object over the 2. 00-s interval? On June 25, 1983, shot-putter Udo Beyer of East Germany threw the 7. 26-kg shot 22. 22 m, which at that time was a world record. (a) If the shot was released at a height of 2. 20 m with a projection angle of [latex] 45. 0text. latex] what was its initial velocity? b) If while in Beyers hand the shot was accelerated uniformly over a distance of 1. 20 m, what was the net force on it? A body of mass m moves in a horizontal direction such that at time t its position is given by [latex] x(t) a{t} 4} b{t} 3} ct. latex] where a, b, and c are constants. (a) What is the acceleration of the body? b) What is the time-dependent force acting on the body? A body of mass m has initial velocity [latex] v} 0. latex] in the positive x -direction. It is acted on by a constant force F for time t until the velocity becomes zero; the force continues to act on the body until its velocity becomes [latex] text{−} v} 0. latex] in the same amount of time. Write an expression for the total distance the body travels in terms of the variables indicated. The velocities of a 3. 0-kg object at [latex] t=6. 0. text{s. latex] and [latex] t=8. 0. text{s. latex] are [latex] 3. 0hat{i} 6. 0hat{j} 4. 0hat{k. text{m/s. latex] and [latex. 2. 0hat{i} 4. 0hat{k. text{m/s. latex] respectively. If the object is moving at constant acceleration, what is the force acting on it? A 120-kg astronaut is riding in a rocket sled that is sliding along an inclined plane. The sled has a horizontal component of acceleration of [latex] 5. 0. text{m} text. text{s. 2. latex] and a downward component of [latex] 3. 8. text{m} text. text{s. 2. latex. Calculate the magnitude of the force on the rider by the sled. Hint: Remember that gravitational acceleration must be considered. ) Two forces are acting on a 5. 0-kg object that moves with acceleration [latex] 2. If one of the forces acts in the positive x -direction and has magnitude of 12 N, what is the magnitude of the other force? Suppose that you are viewing a soccer game from a helicopter above the playing field. Two soccer players simultaneously kick a stationary soccer ball on the flat field; the soccer ball has mass 0. 420 kg. The first player kicks with force 162 N at [latex] 9. 0text. latex] north of west. At the same instant, the second player kicks with force 215 N at [latex] 15text. latex] east of south. Find the acceleration of the ball in [latex] hat{i. latex] and [latex] hat{j. latex] form. A 10. 0-kg mass hangs from a spring that has the spring constant 535 N/m. Find the position of the end of the spring away from its rest position. (Use [latex] g=9. 80. text{m/s. 2. latex. A 0. 0502-kg pair of fuzzy dice is attached to the rearview mirror of a car by a short string. The car accelerates at constant rate, and the dice hang at an angle of [latex] 3. 20text. latex] from the vertical because of the cars acceleration. What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the car? At a circus, a donkey pulls on a sled carrying a small clown with a force given by [latex] 2. 48hat{i} 4. 33hat{j. text{N. latex. A horse pulls on the same sled, aiding the hapless donkey, with a force of [latex] 6. 56hat{i} 5. The mass of the sled is 575 kg. Using [latex] hat{i. latex] and [latex] hat{j. latex] form for the answer to each problem, find (a) the net force on the sled when the two animals act together, b) the acceleration of the sled, and (c) the velocity after 6. 50 s. Hanging from the ceiling over a baby bed, well out of babys reach, is a string with plastic shapes, as shown here. The string is taut (there is no slack) as shown by the straight segments. Each plastic shape has the same mass m, and they are equally spaced by a distance d, as shown. The angles labeled [latex] theta [ latex] describe the angle formed by the end of the string and the ceiling at each end. The center length of sting is horizontal. The remaining two segments each form an angle with the horizontal, labeled [latex] varphi [ latex. Let [latex] T} 1. latex] be the tension in the leftmost section of the string, latex] T} 2. latex] be the tension in the section adjacent to it, and [latex] T} 3. latex] be the tension in the horizontal segment. (a) Find an equation for the tension in each section of the string in terms of the variables m, g, and [latex] theta [ latex. b) Find the angle [latex] varphi [ latex] in terms of the angle [latex] theta [ latex. c) If [latex] theta =5. 10text. latex] what is the value of [latex] varphi [ latex. d) Find the distance x between the endpoints in terms of d and [latex] theta [ latex. A bullet shot from a rifle has mass of 10. 0 g and travels to the right at 350 m/s. It strikes a target, a large bag of sand, penetrating it a distance of 34. Find the magnitude and direction of the retarding force that slows and stops the bullet. An object is acted on by three simultaneous forces: latex. overset{ to} F. 1. 3. 00hat{i} 2. 00hat{j. text{N. latex. latex. overset{ to} F. 2} 6. 00hat{i} 4. 00hat{j. text{N. latex] and [latex. overset{ to} F. 3} 2. 00hat{i} 5. 00hat{j. text{N. latex. The object experiences acceleration of [latex] 4. 23. text{m/s. 2. latex. a) Find the acceleration vector in terms of m. (b) Find the mass of the object. (c) If the object begins from rest, find its speed after 5. 00 s. (d) Find the components of the velocity of the object after 5. 00 s. In a particle accelerator, a proton has mass [latex] 1. 67 ×. 10. 27. text{kg. latex] and an initial speed of [latex] 2. 00 ×. 10} 5. text{m} text. text{s. latex] It moves in a straight line, and its speed increases to [latex] 9. 00 ×. 10} 5. text{m} text. text{s. latex] in a distance of 10. Assume that the acceleration is constant. Find the magnitude of the force exerted on the proton. A drone is being directed across a frictionless ice-covered lake. The mass of the drone is 1. 50 kg, and its velocity is [latex] 3. 00hat{i} text{m} text. text{s. latex. After 10. 0 s, the velocity is [latex] 9. 00hat{i} 4. 00hat{j} text{m} text. text{s. latex. If a constant force in the horizontal direction is causing this change in motion, find (a) the components of the force and (b) the magnitude of the force.

Free silicone in the body. Me n my friends use to play the song in R mode specifically in occasion. Hello Brasil. Just go and laugh out loud💛.


Constantly fixated on my brain feeling foggy and detatched (just not right. How do I break this. Love his presence. Abbas ~ here Rizvi 😄.


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